(1) ♠︎Reincarnated?♦︎

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"Kusuo's Thoughts"
"Other people's thoughts"
'Kusuo speaking with telepathy'
"Kusuo speaking"
[Kusuo not hearing other people's thoughts]
"Other people speaking"
"ALL MIGHT'S thoughts"
||♠︎In this book I got inspiration from a certain disorder called DID so it will be involved in this story. Although Kusuo won't actually have it. You can search it on google if you want to, but to summarize this disorder it's when the current person has one or multiple personalities that is called a system. If anyone wants to point something out or ask a question I'm always open to listen (I don't bite:) that's all, enjoy the prologue♦︎||

-☕︎Your Lazy Ass Author☕︎

-☕︎Your Lazy Ass Author☕︎~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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My name is Kusuo Aizawa formerly known as Kusuo Saiki. Apparently, I've been reincarnated into a world where people have some kind of power called a quirk. My birthday is still August 16 and I am currently 15 years old. And of course, I still love Coffee Jelly (Coffee jelly supremacy.)

In my past life I was cursed with psychic powers. I was also surrounded by nuisances, that I later on finally accepted as my friends. From time to time I would reminisce the times we spent together, since I kind of miss them.

I remember the times me and Nendou went out to eat ramen almost every day causing me to go bankrupt at times. I also remember Kaidou constantly talking about the 'Dark Reunion' and talking about having powers. I remember Pervistuka *cough* I mean Toritsuka trying to get girls all the time but failing miserably. Kuboyasu trying to start a new life even though he was a delinquent, Saiko calling us 'plebes' but still hanging out with us, Hairo who was constantly working out and encouraging people to do their best no matter what the situation was, and Teruhashi and Aiura always trying to get my attention.

I would also think about the times my parents in my last life Kurumi and Kuniharu Saiki would always act lovey-dovey towards each other. And last but not Least Kusuke, who was my psychopath of a brother who would try to beat me with all kinds of crazy games, that even though we're annoying I still loved him, my friends, and my parents. I guess I really did love my past life *sigh* but sadly that life is over now...And it's time to start a new one.

Unfortunately, I still have my psychic powers.

But fortunately, some things have changed. For example, I can finally turn off my telepathy, x- ray vision, psychometry, super strength, and petrification.

Super strength can be an absolute pain in the ass but let's just ignore that for now.

I still have to wear limiters so I made my own in a form of helix hoops meaning there are two on each ear. Each one conserves 25% of my power meaning if one breaks 25% of my power is released.

And thank God, I finally won't destroy the house in my sleep.

Based on how much I use my quirk the color of my hair changes around the end of my hairstyle. Mainly lime green or purple, these 'side effects' are a drawback of my quirk. I can't say I dislike it nor like it, mainly since it's just a part of me.

I can also adjust how long a person would turn into stone for my petrification. The maximum time is a day with my limiters on, and a week without them.

I can stay invisible for an hour maximum with my limiters on, and a day long without them.

And lastly, I can shape-shift for as long as I want.

Anyways, I was thrown away by my biological parents for some reason, and I was homeless when I was 5 years old. That is, until someone found me and took me in when I was 8 years old.

His name is Shota Aizawa. I call him "Dadzawa" though since I thought it was a cute nickname.

I know it sounds pretty out of character of me to do so, but I've been through a lot okay?!

He took me in and adopted me at the age of 8. He then let me start elementary school when I was 9.

Him and Midnight are also the only people in this world that knows about my psychic powers.

He doesn't know about my past life though, because let's be real...

No one needs to know about that.

He also tells me to do my best in anything I try to do, which I do thank him. I also get lots of attention because of my looks anyways so doing my best won't make much of a difference.

I also took a liking to music, since in my past life, I couldn't listen to them without my head being bombarded by thoughts of other people.

I worked with the League of Villains for a month or two when I was 8-years-old, but was saved by none other than Dadzawa, Midnight and All Might. Their the only ones that knows about my history with the league though.

I'm also friends with Izuku since he kind of looked like he needed a friend. He also helped me get used to elementary school. Plus, he reminds me of Kaidou. They're both idiots, but they both have courage, and they both get flustered really easily.

I pierced my ears with my limiters when I was 13 since that's when my powers started to grow stronger. My powers are still as powerful as before but now I can control them better.

Anyways. This is my life now. I'll make sure to be ready when trouble comes. What I mean by that is:

My old disastrous life and my new disastrous life are still a catastrophe...Good grief.

|| The Destructive Hero: Kusuo Aizawa||Where stories live. Discover now