Chapter Two "Boat Trip"

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[20th June 2020,Sunday]
{10:00 a.m.}

"We will arrive at the island around evening so you guys can feel free to explore the boat." Laff said. "Make sure to come to the dining room at 12:00 p.m. so we could have lunch together too." Everyone nodded and separated to their own ways expect for Socks who stood there nervously and Laff which was preparing their schedule for the trip on the island.

Socks was panicking. He failed to stop everyone for boarding the boat but he somehow managed to make them boarded the boat late (which didn't help at all-). Socks also realised that he knew what happened next but his memories can't seems to let him know the person who involved in the situation. "Someone gonna get sea sick and lost on the boat- but why can't I remember who are the ones involved in it!?" Socks thought, thinking someone was messing his memories.

"Hey,Socks. Are you okay?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Laff in front of him. "Y-Ya... I'm good..." Socks said nervously, still can't get used to see all of his "dead" friends in front of him still alive. "You've been acting strange lately... Is there something wrong?" Laff asked. "N-No... I guess I am a little too nervous for this trip.." Socks answered.

"Ok then. You should go explore the boat so you might won't get loss for the next few hours" Laff suggested. Socks just nodded his head and slowly walked away. He didn't need to explore the boat, he already knew the boat have a kitchen with a dining room together,two bedrooms,a bathroom and a living room. The others places were more like open area.

(I hope you guys know what I meant- I don't even think it's called a boat though-)

Socks walked straight towards the living room and saw Nadwe and Muffin sitting on the chairs staring at a window. "Hey there,Socks" Nadwe said as he turned away from the window. "Hi, aren't you both supposed to get to know this place a bit?" Socks asked. "Nope. It's kinda boring to do that besides this is just a medium sized boat so we won't get lost that easily" Nadwe exclaimed. (No offence by the way-) "I thought staring at a window is even boring than exploring the boat..." Socks thought. "But on the bright side, I knew who was the one is going to get lost on the boat"

" too the same,Muffin?" Socks asked in curious. Muffin nodded. Nadwe and Muffin were like best buddies since both of them were the youngest in the gang so they probably will know each other a lot that the others. "I still can't believe that their parents agreed them to come with us- it was really a surprise for me when this whole thing started." Socks thought.

Socks just shrugged and walked away to a open area and saw Joocie, Wloof and Dino were watching the view in front of them. (There are like at a balcony some sort of place- get it? I hope so) Dino must have heard his footsteps since he turned around and saw him. "Hi there, Socks!" Wloof and Joocie heard him and turned around too. "Hi" Socks said.

"Hi, do you wanna join us for a while?" Wloof asked. "Sure" 

[20th June 2020,Sunday]
{12:40 p.m.}

"Where is Tbh and Meme?" Laff said,kinda annoyed. Somehow Socks was right about Nadwe and Muffin getting lost on the boat and it took them 40 minutes to find them. "Maybe they get lost too?" Blaza suggested.

"I don't think so though. They were at the dining room when we realised the two 'kids' weren't there" Laff said, glared at Nadwe and Muffin. Then all of sudden,Meme burst into the room.

" sea sick...." Meme said slowly,like he was out of breath. "Oh- so Tbh was the one that got sea sick..." Socks thought.

"He is literally a crab,how can he get sea sick?!" Blaza exclaimed. "Maybe that's the reason why he didn't stay in the ocean?" Nadwe said it more like a question.

"Is he okay now?" Socks asked,thinking this subject will be a problem if it kept going on. "Well- he's in the bathroom now so I'm not sure" Meme answered.

"Should we wait for him or we should eat first?" Wloof asked. Everyone went silent after that.

"Wait..." Socks thought for a second. "Isn't Tbh the one who volunteered to cook lunch for us?" Dino suddenly said.

Everyone was still silent and processing the words . "Oh...I know what happened next now..." Socks thought. "In...3....2....1...."

"Did you guys smell that?" Dino asked. "FIRE!!" Blaza shouted.

"Oh sh*t- I have to eat that again?!" Socks thought about a current memory.

[20th June 2020,Sunday]
{1:55 p.m.}

"I can't believe I had to eat this again..." Socks thought, looking at a plate of spaghetti which was cooked by Blaza.

"This is the only thing we can eat right now from the leftover ingredients in the kitchen" Blaza said. "Wait-what about dinner?" Nadwe asked. "We'll eat our dinner at the island since we'll reach there around evening" Laff said.

"This is actually the first time I saw Blaza cooking and this food looks good" Meme exclaimed since it was either Socks or himself cooked in their apartment.

"It looks good- but it didn't taste good at all..." Socks thought,referring to his memories. He remembered that Blaza did cooked spaghetti but turns out he put too much salt in it.

"I'm going to go check on Tbh... He has been in the bathroom for quite a long time...." Socks said as an excuse to avoid eating the salt spaghetti again.

"Ok but you better hurry or else your food might be gone or became cold already" Laff said. Socks nodded and quickly rushed out the dining room. As he was about to walked away, screams suddenly exploded in the dining room.





"This might take a while..." Socks thought as he slowly walked away from the dining room.

But Socks also knew this will be their last happy moment before the whole real chaos started...

Chapter Two!!! Done UwU

Summary: Socks failed to let his friends not board the boat to the island. On the boat, many things happened and that was when Socks realised he knows about the future but doesn't know who was the person involving it.

Hope you enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1148

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