Bad Breath

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One afternoon total drama teens were watching tv they were watching Big Brother.

"When you win big brother you get $500,000 i am right." Lindsay asked.

"Yes the runner up gets $50,000." said Tyler.

"We would love to be on that show." said Owen.

"We'll see." said Noah.

Then the kids came to watch with them.

Jerry sighs heavily which made everyone exclaim in disgust.

"Oh my chaos, Jerry!"

"What is that smell!"

"It smells like dirty diaper."

Julia checked his diaper.

"It looks dry."

"I know what smells like?" Tails explained.

"It must be his breath."

Everyone was holding their nose from the bad breath smell.

"It smells like Sugar's fart." said Sydney.

"Jerry you have bad breath." said Sonic.

Jerry started to exhales and sniffs it.

"I don't smell it."

"Maybe that explains what happened to total drama kids at the park today."


"So guys have you watch anime on Netflix."

They didn't answer his breath smells so bad it made them throw up.

"These amination is so beautiful japan does do a good job making a tv shows and movies."

"Sonic and friends have saved you from being mind control by a squirrel."

"Julia had told me her cat killed a squirrel by breaking his neck man he sure was a good hunter."

[Flashback end]

His bad breath did affects his relationship with his friends and caretakers.

Julia has had enough of his bad breath.

"All right, that's it, Jerry, we've got to do something about that awful breath. I'm making an appointment, and you are going to the dentist."

"Geez, you are not gonna let this go, are you?"

At the dentist did found what causes him to have bad breath.

"Oh, boy. All right, I think I found the culprit. This shrimp was lodged under one of your gums."

"Wow, that must've been in there a while. It's been weeks since I ordered from Hurry Up, Shrimp." said Jerry.

 To celebrate, everyone goes out to eat they went to restaurant where they cook in front of you.

"Well, I'm very proud of you, Jerry. And since you were so well behaved at the dentist, you can order anything you want."


"Whoa someone is making flambé that's so cool." said Manic.

"Glad that's over."

"Me too."

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