Stealing Suits You; 2.

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It's the next day after you told Mobius, and wanted to kill Loki.
You're walking around the TVA, exploring things since Mobius let you, you stop as a guard stands in front of you, you look at them, they look at you angrily, "what do you think you're doing?!" They say, "exploring?" You say, they walk closer towards you, you back up, they pull out a knife, you look at them, they stab you, you look at them as you drag yourself away quickly, you hold your stomach as you bash into walls, barely able to continue, you take a sharp breath and lean against the wall, Mobius walks past the hall you're in, "MOBIUS-" You say, barely able to shout, he walks backwards and sees you, he rushes towards you as you collapse on the floor, he looks at you as the guard stands there, "what happened?!" Mobius says, "they stabbed me." You say, barely able to breathe and point, you pass out, the last thing you see is Mobius.
You wake up, you look around, you sit up as you grab your stomach in pain, you slowly stand up and groan as you attempt to walk across the room, you sigh, Loki rushes in, he looks at you, "oh, thank God." He says, Loki rushes up to you, "Mobius thinks you're dead." Loki says, "alright, alright, where is he?" You say, "you can't walk.." Loki says, "where is he?" You say again, "having lunch, you know, the place where you gave him those documents." Loki sighs, you nod and stumble off.
While you passed out, Mobius helped you.
You sigh and see Mobius sat on a table alone, he looks upset, you walk towards him and stand in front of him, "what do you want?" He says, he doesn't realise it's you, you sit down on the chair, "Mobius." You say, he looks up, he looks at you, he grabs you violently and hugs you, you chuckle, "are you alright?!" He says, "yes, I'm fine now." You say, "we pruned the guard who stabbed you." Mobius says, "thank you." You say, "why did they stab you?.." Mobius asks, "I actually don't know." You say.
"I'm looking!" Miss Minutes says, "LOOK FASTER!" A person shouts, it's the guard who stabbed you, "here you go, y'all!" Miss Minutes says, she shows them a document, in another timeline, you steal again, which makes them dislike you.
//Back to present time//
You and Mobius are walking together, "I'm really sorry about what happened earlier." Mobius says, "it wasn't your fault, she stabbed me so randomly." You say.
A few hours later, you, Mobius and Loki are all sat on a desk discussing some things. You're asleep on the desk again as Loki and Mobius are talking, "she never gets enough sleep." Loki says, "she's too scared to, she nearly got killed when she last slept properly." Loki continues, "but she trusts us because she manages to sleep around us." Loki says, "I never thought about it like that." Mobius says. A few minutes later, you wake up, "sorry." You groan, sitting up, "we don't mind." Loki says, you smile.
Another hour later, you're sat having lunch alone, you saw something you wanted to grab earlier, it wouldn't hurt to steal one more thing, right? You chuck the remaining lunch in the bin and walk out, you go back to the area you were stabbed in, you open the door and there's loads of things in there, you grab one of them, it's a small box, you put it in your pocket and walk backwards, shutting the door, as you turn around, Mobius is standing there with his arms crossed, his foot tapping on the floor, you look at each other in the eyes, he walks towards you and sticks his hand out, "give it here." He says, you groan, "you should always be expecting this if you steal something." Mobius says, you slowly pull the box at your pocket, as Mobius goes to take it, you swerve around the side of him and run off, he chases after you, "Y/N!" He shouts, Loki sees Mobius chasing after you and he follows him, "WHAT HAPPENED?" Loki shouts, "SHE STOLE SOMETHING AGAIN." Mobius shouts back.
You're hiding, you hold your stomach where you were stabbed, you jump as someone comes around the corner, "hello there." They say, they place a knife up to your throat, you glare at them, "not again." You murmur, they grab you, holding your arms, you roll your eyes as they drag you off, covering your mouth, "MOBIUS." You manage to shout, they hold your mouth tighter, Mobius and Loki see you from the other side of the office area, they run towards you, the person jumps off the edge and you scream as they take you somewhere, "pathetic." They say, "pardon me?" You say, they let you go and you stand there, "where are we..?" You ask, "your worst nightmare." They say, you pause, they grab you again and force you down on a chair, they violently grab your hands and legs and tie them to the chair, you roll your eyes.
"They just- they disappeared, I don't understand, where did they take her?" Loki says, "I don't know." Mobius says, "ANY RESULTS YET?" Mobius shouts, "no not yet." Most of the people say, "I DO." Someone shouts, Mobius and Loki run towards them, "she's here." They point to the timeline, Loki and Mobius smirk at each other.
The person pulls their hood down and you look at them, "you- you killed my parents?" You say, stuttering on your words, "they were horrible, they betrayed me." They say, "YOU BETRAYED THEM!" You scream at them, they glare at you, they play back horrible memories in front of you, you have to sit there and watch.
Loki and Mobius quietly come through a portal and to where you are, they walk down a long black tunnel and see you around the corner, they duck down.
They approach you as you look at them, they roll their eyes and turn around, walking towards the side, while they're not looking at you, you untie your legs and hands  they walk back over to you, "enjoying the show?" They ask, smiling, "oh, yes, but my real question is, are you?" You say, they look confused, you stand up and kick them, they slide across the floor to the other side, they hold their chest, you walk up to them and hold your foot against their throat, they stop breathing and pass out, you magic a knife into your hand. You don't know that Mobius and Loki are watching you, you've never told anyone you can use forms of magic. You look at the knife and stab them, they collapse onto the floor, you look at them as you magic the knife away, you look at them, you off, towards the direction where Loki and Mobius are. Loki and Mobius come out around the corner and you scream, covering your mouth, "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" They both whisper loudly, "YES, I'M FINE." You whisper loudly back, "YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU COULD USE THE SAME MAGIC AS LOKI." Mobius whispers, "oh-" You say, "apologies." You say, "I don't really tell anyone that." You continue, "it's alright." Mobius and Loki say, "who was that?" Mobius asks, "the person who killed my parents." You sigh, Mobius hugs you, "I'm sorry, I wish we could've helped you sooner." He says, "it's fine." You say, you all walk back to the portal and leave.
"Don't think I forgot about what you stole." Mobius says, you sigh, "come on." He says, nudging you, you take it out your pocket and give it back to him, "if I'm being honest." Mobius says, "this is what the box is." He says, he opens it, there's loads of folded up jet ski magazines inside of it, "oh my god." You say, rolling your eyes, Mobius and Llki both laugh, "you and your jet ski obsession." You say, "hey, how do you know?" Mobius says, "I walk past your desk a lot." You say, Mobius, Loki and you all laugh.
You're all at the food area, having another bite to eat.
"Why did they take you earlier?" Mobius asks, "they took a video of themselves killing my parents, so they decided to play it to me." You say, "oh, I didn't realise, I'm sorry." Mobius says, "don't be." You say, Mobius looks at you and then your hand, he places his hand onto yours, you and Mobius look at each other and smile as Loki chuckles, "shut up, Loki." You and Mobius both say, a woman walks in, her name tag says 'Ravonna', she looks at all of you sat together, "Mobius." She says, Mobius turns and looks at her, "come with me, please." She says, Mobius looks at you and Loki, you both nod and Mobius goes off with her.
"You're not seriously dating the variant." Ravonna says, "she's not a variant anymore, she's close to me." Mobius says, "it's not any of our faults then if she tries to kill you." Ravonna says, "you're just saying that for me to leave her." Mobius says, "maybe I am." Ravonna says, "I know her more than you, and Loki knows her more than me, he knows how nice she is, they practically grew up together as friends." Mobius says, "and I know how nice she is as well." Mobius says, Ravonna sighs and looks at Mobius, "sorry." Mobius says, "but I love her." He says, he gets up, "Mobius, wait." She says, "it's fine, you can be with her, just be careful." Ravonna says, Mobius sighs and nods, he walks out.
You and Loki are talking, you see Mobius leaving the office and walking off somewhere else, "hang on, Loki." You say, getting up and following Mobius.
Mobius is sat down on his chair in his desk, you lean against the door frame to his office, he sighs and scribbles some stuff down, he looks up at you, "are you alright?" You ask him, "yeah." He says, "don't lie, I can tell you're upset." You say, Mobius sighs, "shut the door and I'll talk to you." He says, you shut the door and lock it, you walk over to Mobius.
You and Mobius are sat together, "Ravonna said that I should be careful around you, that I shouldn't be close to one of the variants, I mean, in the end, she accepted it, so she's alright now, but it's just on my mind." He says, "if she accepted it, nothing else she said matters." You say, "so don't stress about it." You continue, he smiles.
A few minutes later, you have your head against Mobius' shoulder, you look at the door as it swings open, Loki stands there, you and Mobius look at him, "I locked the door?" You say, "I unlocked it." Loki says, you roll your eyes, "you alright, Loki?" Mobius asks, "yes, I was just making sure you were both okay." Loki says, "Loki, what's wrong?" You ask, standing up and looking at him, "Ravonna is trying to prune you." Loki says, you groan and look at Mobius, "I'll deal with this, Loki, ask her to come here." Mobius says, Loki nods, you look at Mobius, "hide." He says, you hide behind the wall of one of his desks.
A few minutes later, Ravonna comes in, "where is she?!" Ravonna asks, "who?" Mobius asks, "don't play dumb, or I'll prune you instead." She says, aiming at Mobius, you hold your breath, "no answer? Alright, have it your way." She says, you hear her walk towards Mobius, you stand up and she sees you, you look at her and she looks at you, you snatch the weapon off of her and she looks at you with horror, "you want me gone?" You say, she looks at you and backs up, Loki rushes in and sees you all, Ravonna, Mobius and Loki all look at you, you sigh, "maybe you're right, I'm just a variant." You say, you aim the weapon towards you and prune yourself, you disappear, the weapon falling on the floor, Mobius and Loki look at each other and grab the weapon, a tear drips down Mobius' face, "this is all your fault." Mobius says to Ravonna, Loki hides a knife behind his back, Mobius looks and Loki and shakes his head to gesture, 'no', Loki stabs Ravonna and she collapses, dead.
"LOKI!" Mobius shouts, "SHE MADE Y/N PRACTICALLY KILL HERSELF." Loki says, Mobius and Loki sigh, "when you get pruned, you go to the end of a timeline, so she's not dead." Mobius says, Loki grabs the weapon, "see you there then, if she's not dead." He says, he prunes himself, Mobius groans, he grabs the weapon and prunes himself, too.
You wake up, your lying down on some grass, you groan and sit up, the sky is dark and purple, you stand up and look around, you limp up the hill you were on, you have blood all down you, you sit on the top of the hill and bury your head in your hands.
Loki and Mobius both land together at the same place, they look at each other, they both stand up, looking around, "I hope she didn't die." Loki says, Mobius glares at him, "oh, thanks a bunch for the help." Mobius says, Loki rolls his eyes, they both walk off together, searching for you.
You magic yourself a knife and look at it, you sigh.
Mobius and Loki both find a pizza car, Mobius hops in the driver's seat and Loki gets in the back, the keys are already in the car, Mobius starts it, it works, they drive off to find you.
You turn around and see a car with a huge pizza sign on the top driving towards you, the headlights on, it drives around the front, so you can see it, you slide down the hill, the knife gripped tightly in your hand, you look up as rain pours down on you, you magic yourself a jacket, you walk towards the car as it drives around, the passenger seat at the front flings open, you run towards the speeding car and jump into the drivers seat, you aim your knife as you turn and look at the driver, it's Mobius, "oh, thank God." You say, you shut the passenger door, "hah, my hope worked." Loki says, "shut up, Loki." Mobius says, "are you alright?!" Mobius asks you, "you've asked me that a lot in the space of a day." You say, "you just pruned yourself, you got kidnapped and you got stabbed, I'm obviously going to ask you that." Mobius says, you chuckld, "yes, I'm alright." You say, you magic your hair into a bun as it carries on annoying you, "you're rather wet." Mobius says, looking at you, "I mean, I was just out in the pouring rain." You say, you magic yourself dry and lean your feet up on the dashboard, "so, how will we get out of here?" You ask, "driving through that." Mobius says, pointing to a large puff of smoke, "alright." You say, you look at Mobius and Loki, "are we going to go then..?" You say, "yeah.." Mobius and Loki says, "oh my God, are you both scared?! It's our only way out!" You say, "no?" Mobius and Loki says, you chuckle, "I'll drive." You say, "alright." Mobius says, you both swap seats.
"I have no drivers license." You smile as you start the car and drive it, "STOP THEN!" Mobius shouts, "NO." You say, Loki laughs and Mobius holds onto the door as you speed towards the cloud of smoke, at the end, there's a huge hill, you smirk, "NO." Mobius shouts, you attempt to drive the car towards the hill, it flies off of the side, you're all in the air, the car lands and Mobius and Loki look at you, you drive towards the smoke, them still looking at you.
You get close to the smoke, you drive into it, you all pause and disappear.
Back at the TVA, you all land in Mobius' office, Mobius, Loki and you all land on the floor next to each other, you and Loki both do your dramatic hair flips as you sit up, "I told you that you were like Loki." Mobius says, you roll your eyes and Loki chuckles, "alright, we're alive." You say, looking at your hands, "you're pretty impressive at driving." Mobius says, "I threw us and our car off of a hill, I wouldn't say that's impressive." You say, laughing, you stand up, "well, you didn't kill us." Loki says, you roll your eyes and Mobius chuckles, Mobius and Loki stand up, you pause as Ravonna lies on the floor, her dead body, at least, you look at Loki, "good job." You say, you jump over her body, Mobius politely stands over it, Loki jumps over her, too.
You all yawn, you're all sat on a desk together, again, you fall asleep, and so does Mobius and Loki.
In the morning, you all wake up.
You look at Mobius and Loki, "right, I'm hungry." You say, Mobius and Loki laugh as you all go to get some breakfast.
You're all sat together on a table, eating, other people are sat on other tables around you, you yawn, "sorry about yesterday." You say, "it's not your fault." Mobius says, "yeah." Loki says, his mouth full with food, you laugh, nearly spitting your drink out.
You're all sat on the top floor at the offices, Loki and Mobius are working, you're walking around, you look over the edge, seeing right down to the bottom of the TVA, you chuckld, Mobius turns and looks at you, "don't you dare." He says, standing up, you smirk and jump off, you chuckle as you fly in the air, landing on a sofa at the bottom, you raise your eyebrows, looking surprised.
Mobius groans and Loki chuckles.
A few minutes later, you come back up fron the elevator, "stop jumping off the edge." Mobius says, you nudge him, he looks at you, he rolls his eyes and chuckles, "Y/N." Loki says, "come here." He says, you go over to Loki, Mobius going back to his work.
"You've never kissed him." Loki says, "LOKI-" You say, "OH, COME ON!" He says, you groan, "MAYBE, IF SOMETHING HAPOENS." You say, walking off.
A few minutes later, you're all sat around a desk, marking documents, Mobius and you get up to look for a document, Loki chuckles, he pushes you towards Mobius, "LOKI-" You shout, you and Mobius look at each other, you feel embarrassed, "sorry-" You say, Mobius kisses you, you raise your eyebrows as you and Loki look at each other, you look back at Mobius, "I don't mind." He says, Loki grabs you and drags you off, Mobius chuckling as you groan. Loki looks at you, he smiles, "YOU DID IT!?" He says, "I KNOW!" You say, "BUT YOU PUSHED ME!" You shout, Loki pushes you again and chuckles, you groan, you slide towards the edge, you magic a knife, Mobius looks at you and Loki, Mobius rushes up to you, you magic away the knife as he tries to snatch it off of you, "I thought magic didn't work here?" Loki says, "she's an exception, since she's not a variant." Mobius says, you chuckle, Loki rolls his eyes, Mobius smiles.
You, Loki and Mobius are all having dinner, yet again, you look at Loki and Mobius, "I don't give you both enough appreciation for the stuff you've done for me." You say, "you don't need to." Loki says, you chuckle, "thank you." You smile, "you're so cheesy." Loki says, you groan, Loki and Mobius chuckle, they look at you and you start laughing, they laugh with you as you finish off your food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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Stealing Suits You-Mobius; Part 2Where stories live. Discover now