Chapter 03 : Roommate!

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Taehyun slouched in his history class, fighting to keep his eyelids from closing. History had always been a subject he despised; he couldn't see how events from the distant past were relevant to his daily life. Yet, despite his distaste, he somehow managed to perform well on his history exams.

"And now for the paired project," Mr. Min announced.

Oh, fantastic.

A chorus of groans filled the room, Taehyun included.

"I'll be pairing each of you with a senior," Mr. Min continued.

Taehyun's hand shot up. "Mr. Min, can I work alone? Partnering with someone I don't know is just a hassle."

Mr. Min sighed, adjusting his glasses. "This is a paired project, Kang. You need to work with a partner, even if you're not excited about it."

Taehyun huffed and lowered his hand, feeling thoroughly irritated. First, he had to team up with a senior he didn't even recognize. Second, why a senior? Mr. Min could have easily paired him with someone from his own year. He slumped in his seat, crossing his arms and gazing out the window.

"The topic for this history project is the history of vampires—"

The class groaned in unison.

"Can we choose a different topic? Vampires? For a history project? Seriously?" protested a boy with brown hair.

"Yeah, we're not five-year-olds," added the blond sitting next to Taehyun.

"Sim Jaeyoon and Jung Kai, do you want me to give you both a zero?" Mr. Min asked calmly. The boys gulped and quickly fell silent.

"No, sir," they replied in unison.

Mr. Min began announcing the assigned pairs. Hueningkai, of course, was thrilled to be paired with his boyfriend, Choi Soobin.

"...and finally, Kang Taehyun and Choi Beomgyu."

Taehyun frowned. Choi Beomgyu? Who was that?

He raised his hand again. "Excuse me, Mr. Min, but who is Beomgyu?"

"Ah, he's a transfer student from Daegu in class B-2. He was supposed to start today, but he's absent," Mr. Min explained.

Taehyun nodded slowly, leaning back in his chair with a sigh. What kind of person skips their first day at a new school? He plugged in his earphones and closed his eyes, tuning out the rest of Mr. Min's lecture.


Beomgyu stood in the middle of the living room, absorbing the unfamiliar surroundings. It felt strange yet somehow cozier and warmer than his room back in Weolhwa. He tossed his backpack onto the sofa and began to explore.

"Everything's so... chaotic," he muttered, surveying the empty ramen cups, scattered dirty clothes, and bottles of alcohol littering the space.

The kitchen was no better—spiderwebs clung to the corners, and thick layers of dust covered every surface. He sneezed as he ran his fingers along the grimy countertop.

What does my roommate eat? Rocks? he wondered, discovering the fridge completely empty. 

Disheartened, he closed the door and returned to the living room. He had brought two suitcases—one filled with bottles of animal blood and a single bottle of human blood from Weolhwa, the other packed with his clothes. He carefully placed the blood bottles in the kitchen cabinet before tackling the mess his roommate had left behind.

Tying his hair back into a ponytail and rolling up his sleeves, Beomgyu grumbled to himself, "I didn't sign up to be a maid." Yet, despite his complaints, he began sweeping the floor, throwing out trash, doing laundry, and cleaning the kitchen. Once he finished, he checked the bedrooms. One was completely bare, just a bed and plain white walls. The other, however, was decorated with LED lights and polaroid photos.

Intrigued, Beomgyu examined the photos. A silver-haired boy appeared in several of them, sometimes with a tall blond companion, sometimes alone. One photo particularly caught his eye—a shot of the silver-haired boy grinning, his dimples and small fangs visible. Unconsciously, Beomgyu found himself smiling back.

"He's adorable," he murmured.

As he looked around, he noticed that while his roommate kept their room tidy, the rest of the place was a complete disaster. Shaking his head with a soft chuckle, he left the room and stretched.

"Time for a shower, then some grocery shopping," he decided, grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom.


Class had wrapped up, and Taehyun found himself at the bus stop with Hueningkai and Soobin, yawning and stretching his arms.

"Tae?" Hueningkai called out.

"Yeah?" Taehyun replied.

"Did you catch what Mr. Min said about the paired project?"

"Nope," Taehyun answered flatly.

Hueningkai chuckled. "That's so typical of you, Taehyun."

Soobin laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Want to hang out tomorrow?" Hueningkai asked.

"I have to work overtime at Jin hyung's café. Sorry," Taehyun said, still engrossed in his phone.

"Aww, that's okay. I can come visit you there," Hueningkai said with a giggle. Soobin couldn't help but ruffle the younger boy's blond hair.

"You're too cute," Soobin said, pinching Hueningkai's nose, which only made him giggle even more. When they turned to Taehyun, they found him watching them with a look of mild disgust.

"I'm Taehyun, and I'm perfectly fine," he deadpanned.

Both Hueningkai and Soobin burst into laughter. Despite his usual seriousness, Taehyun had a talent for being unintentionally funny. As they laughed, Taehyun allowed himself a small smile, pleased to see his friends having a good time.

When the bus arrived, the three of them boarded. Although they usually walked to their dorms together since it was close by, today they decided to take the bus.

Once they reached his dorm, Taehyun pulled out his key, only to discover the door was already unlocked. He froze.

Is someone inside?

Trying to stay calm, he slowly opened the door and peeked in. The living room was spotless, which only added to his confusion.

What kind of burglar cleans up after themselves?

Then he heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, and panic surged through him.

Someone's here!

Grabbing a cushion for protection, Taehyun rushed to the bathroom door, ready to confront whoever was inside. As footsteps approached, he braced himself, but when the door swung open, he stumbled, grabbing onto something for balance and crashing to the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow..." he groaned, looking up.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked.

Taehyun's eyes widened in shock. The person standing before him was completely naked, with his towel dangling from Taehyun's hand. Horrified, Taehyun screamed and backed away, his gaze fixed on the unexpected sight.

"Did you... take my towel? Can I have it back?" the raven-haired guy asked, his tone calm yet bemused.

Shaking with emotion, Taehyun threw the towel at him, and the guy quickly wrapped it around himself. Still, Taehyun couldn't tear his gaze away, his mind racing with thoughts.

"Um... are, uh, dicks meant to be... you know... that size?"


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