The massacre

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[This is my first story I have ever actually fully committed to writing so I hope it's not to bad and feel free to give me feedback and advice for what I can do better as I am yet still a novice in area]
House party massacre.

Hello? My name is Mark, I don't know how long I have to do this before they come back...I'm pretty sure they don't know I still have my phone(or maybe they didn't think it necessary to take it from me...). But still I feel obligated to tell people of the events that took place tonight, as a warning to other so the same fate doesn't befall them as it has to me....
Right now I'm in a room, almost like a cellar. It's cold and damp and I can't feel my extremities and oh god...everything hurts but I need to tell people...
All of this happened whilst I was over at my friend kacey's house. She and a couple of our mutual friends were having a party over a her place. Nothing major just a couple people hanging out, catching up on how things have been over the years we haven't seen each other. I would like to point out that I am 24 and have a somewhat stable life, working my ass of in a desk job that I had only been working because it paid well and I was planning to move to Hawaii and get a job there, where I could just relax and live until the end of my days in the comfort of a deckchair in front of warm sands and cool seas. Yet for some reason an old child hood friend (Kacey) who never left the small town where we grew up decided she would invite all of our old group of friends to her house for a little party but that's not so strange. It does seem like theory of thing Kacey would do,she was never a rational person always doing thing others deemed over the top and strange but that's why we loved her she was right at home in our little group of misfits...that's why this invitation was unexpected but not surprising.
We were all sat on the floor, surrounding a large, open pizza box with the contents half eaten already. Sat outline the box was our little group of friends, Michael , Gwen , Sarah and John as well as of course, Kacey. "Man!" I said, stretching " It sure is good to see the old gang back together. " which was true. I was genuinely glad to see that everyone was here it brought back a flood of old memories from our time in school, which was perfectly expressed by John: "fucking hell! I'm having a flashback sequence just sitting here. It's like I'm in a bloody movie" he said in his sing song jordy accent. To this we all laughed heartily. It really was like that, almost unreal in some sense. Only Kacey didn't laugh. She just sat there a huge almost unsettling grin on her face. Strangely as well , she hasn't touched any of the pizza even though she was the one who ordered it. But I just shrugged it of people change over years I told myself. After I had finished up on my pizza I took my plate into the kitchen and began washing it in the sink and as I looked up I saw a figure pass by the end of the back yard. It was enveloped in shadow almost as though it was hooded in a sort of robe. I quickly rubbed my eyes and looked again. Nothing. I just blamed it on my exhaustion from the long ride over here but I was about to go check when Kacey came into the kitchen. "Hey Mark! We're going to play some drinking games. Why don't you come join us?" The question itself was perfectly fine but for some reason I just felt that it was aggressive, almost assertive in some sense, like she was commanding me to go with them. I just stupidly nodded, the movement accompanied by a sound that sounded like a "uh huh" coming out of my throat.                                                                                                                  "Great!" She said her usual childish grin coming back to her face and the aggressive energy disappeared, almost as if it never existed in the first place.
I joined them in the living room. They had a game of beer long set out on a table. "Hey Mark wanna game?" Asked Michael
" Sure" I responded. Getting an brunt of acknowledgement from him. He began to throw the ball and as it bounced of the rim of the cup about five cloaked, hooded figures emerged out of the room. As if they were part of the house itself. One of them stood at the top of the stairs and in his hand was something so gruesome it made me want to throw up. He held the limp body of Sarah by its hair dragging behind him, she had headed upstairs to use the bathroom. Blood dripped from the large gaping slash in her neck where her throat was slit. There was silence. The ping pong ball still bouncing softly on the floor. The stalemate seemed to last forever, however it was only a moment and was soon broken by Kacey. She stabbed Michael in the back his scream of pain almost piercing my eardrums. My eyes widened in shock as she turned and stabbed john in the stomach with the long kitchen knife she held in her hand. Already stained by Michael's blood. "The fuck are you doing you psychotic, crazy bitch!" John shouted inbetween choking on his own blood. He was quickly silenced by Kacey slowly running her knife along his throat. Blood spurted from his neck all over Kacey's face. Her grin didn't appear childish anymore. It was just purely evil. Gwen quickly snapped out of shock and began to run to the door only to be decapitated completely by one of the cloaked figures carrying a large knife almost getting on being a sword Kacey slowly began to approach me . I stumbled backwards walking into one of the hooded people stopping me completely "your going to come with us." Kacey said calmly and I felt a sharp pain in my head as if I had been hit. I fell to the floor darkness slowly consuming my vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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