Brick x reader

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You trasfered from a different school about 3 years ago. You are at school right now and have english.You aren't exactly paying attention to what your classmates are doing, you are just focused on the lesson when suddenly:

Brick:" Psssst, hey y/n ?"

Ugh, BRICK of all people is trying to talk to you right now!?!?... Ok so Brick isn't exactly known for being nice, HECK he and his brothers are supervillans made from a satanic ritual, of course he isn't known for being nice! Hes rude, mean, self-observed, bossy, likes to insult people,does all sorts of crimes outside school, ... AND DID I MENTION THAT HE HAS SUPERPOWERS!?!?!?
Sooooo yeah Brick is VERY intimidating. Until now you managed to stay un-noticed by him. You just talked to your small group of introverted friends and avoided drama like the plague. Sure you got into fights at school before,it was inevitabile, but you never got his attention, luckly(or so you thought)... and honestly you wanted things to stay that way ...
... so you just turned your back to him trying to avoid him. You thought
It worked untill he started to throw papers at you trying to get your attention. Honestly you didn't even think for one second that he accsually had ANYTHING to tell you at all. You were used to this from your old school, somebody woud keep saying your name or throwing papers at you just to annoy or get you in trouble, and contine even after you answered them, luckaly nobody has done this in this "new" school, but the memmorys still stuck so you still didn't want to answer him

Brick:"Come on Y/n i know you just heard me!" he whisper-yelled before throwing another pice of paper at you.

Your friend,Alex was sitting right next to you and starting to get concerned he said:

Alex:"Hey Y/n, i think Brick wants to talk to you..."

Y/n:"Wow, I didn't notice" you said sarcasticlly but also with a lot of annoyance in your voice.

Alex:"Aren't you going to answer him?"

Y/n:"If it's so important then he can just wait untill break and tell me"

Alex:"Wow, somebody is in a bad mood today!" Your friend said

Y/n:"Am not!"

Alex:"Are too!"

Now you two were whispering so you didn't think that anybody heard you, but Brick did, useing his supersonic hearing ability, so he stoped throwing papers at you and just waited for the break instead.

Imidietly after the bell rang Brick FLEW AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT right in front of you and gave you a folded pice of paper.

Brick:"Read it!" He screamed in a excided tone of voice and then slowly walked away with his hands behind his back and a cute smile on his face.

"Oh joy" you thought as anxiety started to build up inside you "it's probably just a bunch of s-stupid i-i-insults" you stuttered as you slowly unfolded the pice of paper. You read the paper in a shakey voice.

"Hey Y/N, i have something very important to tell you, could you wait for me in the park today after school is over?♡"

"Wow thats way nicer than i expected" said Alex who was looking over your shoulder

"Ew, what's with the heart tho?" Said another one of your friends

"W-wait a second i've seen this handwriting before..." You said sweating

Ok so a few months ago you started getting flowers, chocolates and even parfumes in your locker along with a bunch of love letters.Your friends would always say that "Wow Y/n, i wish i had a secred admirer like yours"anyway you just noticed that Bricks handwriting looks exactly the same as the handwriting from those love letters. After school when going back home you would also get the feeling of being wached or folowed, but everytime you would look behind you nobody would be there. Very rarely you coud hear footsteps, but moust of the time it was silent... too silent .This never made sence to you. I mean what kind of normal stalker could avoid being seen by you for so long? Sometimes you saw his shodow on the ground, so you woud turn around and nobody would be there, the shodow disapearing, other times you coud feel that he was very close behind you, turn your head and nobody accsually being there. A normal person coud never get away that fast ... but somebody with superpowers... somebody like Brick ... coud do it without a sweat..... but why woud somebody like Brick fall in love with somebody like you? You barely talk and there are so many other prettyer girls in this school.

Y/n:"Hey guys... do you think i should go?"

"Don't ask us ... just do what you want" your friends all said.

After school was over you got your things and decided to head to the park to meet up with Brick, after all what's the worst that coud happen? You didn't even exit the school grounds and Brick flew in your face, you got so startled that he almost made you fall on your butt, luckaly he caught you.

Y/n:"Aw fuck! Way to give me a hart-attack Brick."

Brick:"I'm sorry Y/n im just so happy that you are here!♡"

Y/n:"So you said you wanted us to go to the park?"

Brick:"Oh! Yeah! I can fly us there if you want!"

Y/n:"Wait fl-" but before i coud finish he grabbed me bridal style and in less then a second we were already in the park "wow" was all i coud say.

Brick:"I know right? Im awesome!"he said after he set me down on the bench

Brick:"So i wanted to tell you something very important for a very long time ... i know you might not feel the same since we don't talk that much wich eachother but... I HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON YOU Y/N !!!!!!!!

Y/N:".......But why me out of all the other girls?"

Brick started to fidget with his fingers and looked down"Well ... i have been ... kind of stalking you ... not just when you where going back home-

Y/n:"So that was you!?"

Brick:"Y-yeah i just wanted to make sure you got home safetly .... anyway i also stalked you at school ... a lot ... and idk why i did it ... i just-i just have this worm fuzzy feeling in my heart everytime i look at you ... i-i love you Y/n, i realy do,please be my girlfriend♡" he said holding my hands.

I on the other hand,with all of my self esteem isuess, was still in disbelief.

Y/N:"So you are being serious right now ... like you aren't pranking me or something?You sure you like me???"

Brick:"Wha- ill show you how serious my love for you is!!!" Brick then wraped His right arm around my waist and pulled me wayyyy closer to him. Our faces were sooo close to one-anothers, and i became a blushing mess. He smirked down at me before pressing his lips against mine(and closeing his eyes) his lips were very worm, maybe beacose of his firebreath ability? he then started to bite my lower lip and i let out a small moan, i felt him smirk against my lips, before he continued to kiss me passionetly. I soon had to pull away to breathe.

Brick:"So, you belive me now, toots?" He said smirking

Y/n,a blushing mess, just noded her head, unable to speak

Brick:"You are adorable Y/n♡, so this means that we are together, right?♡"

Y/n:"Y-Yes ..."

Brick:"What was that? Iiii can't hear you! Ha ha just kidding, come here our makeout session isn't over yet♡"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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