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it was a few months after stella had joined the band. she had fit in perfectly, everything was going perfectly in fact; up in till this moment. rogers van had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. and the worst part about it was they had some gigs down in glasgow.

while, john was knelt on the floor trying to fix the tire, brian looking around, roger silently complaining and then freddie and  stella writing a song between the two of them, they knew it was going to be called 'seven seas of rhye' that was for sure. but they needed to work out a few last finishing touches before actually performing the song or releasing it.

"this is bollocks!" roger complained, walking towards the group. "we sold out every pub and uni south of glasgow... and i'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, eating a ham sandwich!" brian had now appeared next to john who had given up on the tire for now.

"you're not the only one stuck in the middle of nowhere rog," stella sighed, eyeing the boy irately. his complaints were funny at first but after a while they just got boring and tiring.

"trouble is, we're just not thinking big enough," fred said, looking up from his notepad, where him and stella had been writing lyrics and annotations to seven seas of rhye.

"what have you got in mind, fred?" brian asked.

"an album," he shrugged simply, like the group had all the money in the world; which to clarify they didn't. they could barely afford the train tickets down to glasgow, but then they decided against it so they could save some money for the future.

"we can't afford an album," stella sighed.

"oh, we'll find a way... how much do you think we can get for this van?" freddie smirked, looking over at roger, who had the most priceless face ever.

"i hope you're joking," he said with a mouthful of food, his eyes wide in horror, shock, anger, sadness? who knew?

"he wasn't joking," stella laughed, as freddie handed a wad of cash to the recording studio. roger looked at the money, saddened but the fact he lost his van; which he didn't stop complaining about either. he even tried bribing them with drinks and everything he could think of, but it obviously didn't work.

"and a perfectly good van," roger groaned, carrying on from whatever john had said, that stella completely missed. freddie walked away clapping his hands.

"don't be so dramatic darling! you're recording an album tonight!" he announced, causing everyone except roger to laugh loudly following quickly after freddie who seemed to somehow know where he was going.

freddie and stella stood up behind john listening to their singing once again. "don't you think we sound like shit?" freddie and stella said at the same time. brian looked up at the two his eyebrows furrowed, 'that was weird as fuck' he mouthed to stella who just shook her head and laughed.

𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, roger taylor Where stories live. Discover now