Chapter one: Free Time

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   "Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you" sings all of Kennedy's family as she blows out the candles on her cake, for her 16th birthday.
Kennedy wasn't so happy about having to spend her birthday with her family, she wanted to go out with her friends.
"Mom why can't I go out with my friends? this is so boring." Kennedy questioned
Kennedy's mom said,"I already told you the reasons, why don't we take a picture with everyone then you can open your present?"
"How does that sound Kennedy?" Her mom asked.
"Whatever mom, I just want to go to sleep." Kennedy said with an attitude. She wasn't that upset about the picture, after-all Kennedy did get to wear her favorite outfit. She wore a cropped white t-shirt textured tank top, with low-rise black  jeans. Her shoes were one of her favorite things about the outfit, she wore her new Air Jordan 1's they were mid ankle and her favorite pair she owned. After she finished taking pictures she was a little nervous about the gift that her mother bought. Kennedy's mom still acts like she's a little girl, last year she gave her an arts and crafts bracelet made for girls between the ages 6-12. What was she going to do with that? As people started to settle down after having cake, Kennedy's mom bothered Kennedy so much about the present she couldn't take it anymore and gave in. Everyone gathered around Kennedy making her the center of attention, all the spotlight was on her as she tore the colorful wrapping paper off slowly. Some of the little kids were mad that she took long, Kennedy was so anxious but when she took off the last piece of wrapping paper her nerves were relaxed. It wasn't as bad as she expected.
"It's a new computer, I haven't had one of these since I broke ours 2 years ago." said Kennedy 
"I know, and since you're growing up I think your more responsible now! I hope you enjoy darling." her mom said excitedly
Her computer set up was amazing Kennedy always had good taste when decorating, It lit up and everything. Her mom made her wait to go on it, she wanted Kennedy to spend time with her family. After a couple of hours that felt like forever, everyone had left. Kennedy ran straight for the computer she surprisingly excited  actually, she has waited for one for 2 years. She remembered the online site she used to go on all the time when she was younger, she wondered if she could get into her old account. Kennedy tried getting in by guessing her password but she forgot it, on the site it gives you an option to sign in with an email. Maybe Kennedy used her moms email? She grabbed her phone and signed into her moms email, while she tried to get in the account on the website. The email got a notification asking to change the password for kkcutiegirl. Kennedy cringed at the sight of the username, she changes it as soon as she signed in. Her new user was kennedy.white It was just her name what could happen? On the website you could add people and talk with them, Kennedy had a close friend who she used to message. She looked at the inbox and saw messages from them, they were online why not talk to them?
"I have some free time, why not catch up with them?" Said Kennedy as she clicked into her inbox.

                     (Kennedy's setup idea)

                                         (Kennedy's setup idea)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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