NXT UK: November 7th, 2018

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Today was the day, I was making my debut on NXT UK. Jordan debuted a couple weeks back, and they wanted to build to my debut. So for a couple weeks, they've been showing promos for me and my debut. The name they gave me? Starfire. The only thing they discussed with about what I would be doing for the brand, was that they were not only letting me do my own thing, but I was also being paired with Jordan. They also knew we were in a relationship and we actually didn't mind if they showed that for everyone to see. Say hello to NXT UK's only soon to be power couple.
So here I was, comfortable in bed next to Jordan, not wanting to get up. I was actually so excited about today that I couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided to lay there while I waited for Jordan to wake up, at least until I had to go to the bathroom. I carefully moved out of his grip so I could get out of bed. When I moved his arm, he stirred briefly but settled back down. I did my business before carefully climbing into bed, putting his arm back where he had it. I reach over and decide to grab my phone, scrolling through my social media accounts. Jordan soon stirs, and how to I know? He starts pressing his lips to my neck in light kisses.
"Morning to you too." I remark, putting my phone down to snuggle into him more.
"Today's the day. Excited?"
"Very. Even more excited that I get to work alongside you."
"Me too. We've done it so much on the independent circuit."
"Exactly. We do have to think about getting up and starting the day. Breakfast and the gym?"
"Do we have to? I'm comfortable like this." He mumbles against my skin.
That's when I turn around to face him. "Looks like you're the one who needs the motivation this time." I laugh.
I lean down and press my lips to his, and he makes sure to hold me there for a bit longer. Soon he pulls away.
"I think I'm motivated now."
"Good. Now get up." I laugh, before moving to get dressed.
He too moves from the bed and goes to the bathroom before getting dressed himself. We first head to breakfast and then head right to the gym after that. Once there, we did separate workouts, of course we would glance over from time to time. Then we switched to working out together for a while. When we felt we got a good workout in, we headed back home.
"Shower?" He asks.
"Together?" I question.
"Saves water."
"Why not." I laugh a bit because he had the look in eyes.
The shower ends up how it always does when we share it, and he comes out of it when we were done, smirking.
"We can't ever take a normal shower together, can we?"
"Not when we get back from the gym and have to go to work."
He just chuckles before exiting the bathroom to go get dressed. I do the same, heading back into the bathroom to dry and style my hair as well as get my makeup done, etc. I see him in the mirror as he's leaning against the doorframe, watching me.
"You know, you're just as beautiful without that on." He remarks.
"Yes, I know. But it's a workday, so I need a little at least." I point out as I finish.
I put everything away before we head back into the bedroom to get our things ready. I pack my ring gear just in case they have me getting physical at all, and etc.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Ready." I nod, before we grab everything and head out to the car and make the drive to the arena.
When we get to the arena, we head in and drop our things off at the respective locker rooms. Now I didn't really know a lot of people yet. I mean when Jordan debuted a couple weeks back, I was there and met some people but other than that I don't know anyone else really well. When I walked into the locker room, there was a few of the girls...Toni, Cheree (Dakota), and Jinny.
"Leilani, right?" Cheree asks.
"Yeah." I nod.
"Don't think we were properly introduced. This is Toni, Jinny, and I'm Cheree...you may know me as Dakota Kai."
"Nice to meet you girls." I grin.
"So, making your debut tonight? Excited?"
"Well, couldn't sleep last night, if that says it." I laugh. "I don't know what exactly I'm doing tonight, except for being paired up with Jordan tonight."
"Jordan Devlin? Oh yeah, you two are dating right?"
"A couple years now." I nod.
"As, that's sweet. You have to tell us how you met."
"Really? Sure. Well growing up in the United States, my family were big fans of wrestling so I guess you can say I was born around it. I fell in love with it. So much so, I wanted to train for it. And once I was old enough, I looked around for schools and spent a good chunk of time learning. I did a few shows here and there, until I really wanted to broaden my horizons and skill, so I decided to come overseas. I came here to the UK, and started putting myself out there to the promotions out here. I got a few gigs and that's where I met Jordan. We actually got along great and formed the best friendship. From there, a soon to be relationship formed. He was just the sweetest and still is.
"Since then, we've been part of the same promotions, worked side by side and I'm actually glad I can do that here."
"It's always easier when you can work alongside your man, isn't it?"
"Hoping I won't be as nervous though. Hopefully being alongside Jordan will ease the nerves."
"Right. But don't worry, once you go through that curtain, it'll be like a rush. Just be your character, get into it and most importantly have fun with it. And don't worry about reactions. Good or bad, getting any reaction is good."
"Very true. I just don't want to screw up, you know?"
"As long as you stick to what you gotta do, you'll be fine."
"Speaking of...we should probably go rehearse that now. All of us."
"You mean...."
"Yep, you too. We got word of what is happening, you'll be making a big statement tonight and taking me out." Toni points out.
"Oh really? Already making a statement on my first night? I should probably change out of this right? Or put stuff over it." I refer to my dress.
They nod and I quickly go through my bags and pull on a pair of leggings to go underneath and then a track jacket over the top. I change out of my heels and into sneakers before we all head out of the locker room and to where the ring is.
"Wow." I remark looking around. "In just hours, there will be fans everywhere." I add as we stop on the stage.
I follow the girls down to the ring and we go over what we would be doing for the show later.
"And after you attack me, you'll be cutting a promo." Toni explains.
"Got it." I nod.
We go through the routine a few times so that I would get it, and I happen to look over and see Jordan in the crowd seats with a few of the other guys and he waves. I wave back and keep going over the plan with the girls. After going over it a few more times, we all just hang out in the ring for a bit, basically just them getting to know me more and me getting to know them more. That was until Jordan comes over.
"I'm gonna have to steal my girl for a few." He points out.
"That's fine, go ahead Jordan." They all smile at each other at him calling me his girl.
I roll out under the bottom rope and follow him up onto the stage.
"Making friends? That's good."
"Yeah, they're all pretty great. So what's up?"
"Gotta rehearse for when you come out with me. But since it's a surprise for the Universe, you'll be coming out after me." He explains as we walk through the curtain. "Now when I'm out there, I'll give you a signal and look over, that way you know when to walk out."
"Okay, sounds good."
"Now, get into character...Starfire." He grins before giving me a quick kiss.
I breathe deeply and relax, getting into character. "Got it." I nod.
They play his music, and he goes out when he does. He waits as if they're introducing him, and then he stops in the middle of the stage. He holds a finger up, his music still playing and looks over at me through the curtain, signaling me to come out. I do so, standing next to him.
"Now, you're going to lead me down the ramp."
I nod and do so, stopping at the bottom of the ramp, and he soon stands by my side. His music fades and explains what goes on from there.
"Simple enough. This'll be fun. I can't wait."
"Especially when you get to cause chaos earlier in the night."
"Oh yeah, what a way to make a debut huh?"
"Exactly. Now, still wanna hang out with the girls and I'll see you before the show?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah. They're really cool. I'll come find you?"
"Of course." He grins, kissing me briefly, which caused all the girls to stare and grin.
"Love you." I smile.
"Love you to Lani."
"Awwwwwww!" The girls gush and it causes me to go red just a bit.
"That is the cutest thing."
"She's blushing." Cheree says as I get back into the ring.
I spend the rest of the time with the girls until it's getting close to the time for the fans to be let in. I change out of everything and into my ring gear because of what I would be doing with Toni later. Once changed, I say bye to the girls and go find Jordan. I text him to see where he was and head there when he gets back to me.
"New gear?" He questions.
"I love it."
"Of course you do." I laugh lightly before hopping up onto a crate to watch the show with him.
To kick off the show, they show Joe & Mark Coffey & Wolfgang from earlier today arriving at the arena. The intro then goes off with the intro video, before the show officially kicks off.
"A score will be settled tonight in what will be a chaotic main event. Welcome in to NXT UK. And, Nigel, are you ready for tonight?"
"The question shouldn't be am I ready. The question is Mark Andrews, Flash Morgan Webster and Ashton Smith, are they ready?"
"Well we will get the answer to that tonight because in our main event, it has been a rivalry that has been brewing for months."
"Thus far the triumvirate of the Coffey boys and Wolfgang have laid waste to everything in their way. Tonight, three men stand up. Andrews, Webster and Smith get the chance for retribution tonight in six-man action on NXT UK."
"And on a history making night, NXT UK's very own conquered 31 others in a career altering moment. Congratulations for winning the 2018 Mae Young Classic. Let's take you back as Toni enters the next phase of her own evolution."
"Definitely a big statement being made going after the Mae Young Classic winner." Jordan remarks.
"Surprised they trust me to do something like this."
"They must believe in you, I do."
"I know you do. It's appreciated." I nod, leaning over for a kiss.
"See you out there after the match, Lani."
"See you out there." I repeat, as she heads to gorilla.
They show a short video package on her before she's introduced.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Gold Coast, Australia, Toni Storm!"
She does her entrance, before Dakota gets introduced.
"And her opponent, from Auckland, New Zealand, Dakota Kai!"
"I was definitely paying close attention to the match, so that I knew what I would be up against in future matches. It wasn't long before Toni had won the match. That was my cue as they were replaying key points in the match. Jordan pats my leg in reassurance and I smile in response before heading towards gorilla. While waiting there, I focus on getting in character, and flipping my hood up to disguise myself to be a surprise. She gets to celebrate for a while and show sportsmanship with Dakota, and allowing Dakota to leave before I rush out, disguised in the hoodie and I attack Toni from behind. I'm met with boos. I then pick her up and deliver my finisher. I stand over her, looking down before removing the hood to reveal myself.
"It's Starfire! The woman we've been seeing promos about! And she just took out the winner of the 2018 Mae Young Classic!"
I stand over Toni with an evil grin. I walk over and demand a mic.
"That's right. Starfire has arrived in NXT UK! And what better way to make a statement than to take our your 2018 Mae Young Classic winner, Toni Storm. I'm putting everyone on notice today, and I just picked out my first target. The NXT UK's Women's Division just got better, and you can either accept it or don't. But stay tuned to what I do next, you'll never expect it." I smirk, keeping Jordan in mind.
My music that was all picked out for me plays and I exit the ring, taking in the hatred I've received for the attack on Toni. Dakota was still on the stage watching in awe, and I casually strolled by giving her a look. That left her distracted enough where Jinny attacked her.
"THIS is MY NXT UK!" She exclaims.
As I head back through the curtain, I get applause. I thank everyone and then head back to Jordan.
"Well?" I question.
"Brutal, and statement making. Now the only question everyone will have is what do you have up your sleeve next."
"Exactly." I remark before I take my spot back next to him so we can watch the show up until we're both needed for his match.
Up next was Zack Gibson vs. Amir Jordan. The winner was Gibson picking up the win via submission. After the match, he demands a mic. "I am Liverpool's number 1! Zack Gibson! Soon to be recognized as the world's number 1! But more importantly, soon to be recognized as NXT UK's number 1. I stand here once again victorious! I entered the WWE UK Championship tournament and I won! I challenged Superstar of 205 Live, Noam Dar! And I won! Every single day that I step in this ring, is another step closer to becoming your NXT UK Champion! This brand, this movement, NXT UK is already the benchmark in British Wrestling! The very..." He trails off when the crowd calls him a wanker.
I can't help but snicker.
"...the very best talent from up and down this country flocked to NXT UK because they wanted to be part of something special. But they, just like them—ignore them. The locker room, the punters are having a laugh if they think I'm going to share the top spot. I'm the guy that you build this brand around! Your NXT UK locker room is full of talent so ready to ride my coattails! I am Liverpool's number 1, Zack Gibson. I am the man that is gonna elevate this brand, not the Bruiserweight Pete Dunne. Not Danny Birch. Not Mark Andrews. Not..." He gets cut off by Trent Seven coming out.
"Are you completely delusional?"
"Pretty much." I mutter.
The crowd then starts the 'Yes!' Chants.
"Oh look, they agree with me. By the way, having fun?" I ask as he was playing with my hair absentmindedly.
"So much."
"Seriously though, I have no idea what goes on in that shiny, sweaty head of yours. Because, some of things—I remember not too long ago in the Empress Ballroom in Blackpool, it was those names and me that kicked this whole thing off in the start. Wait, wait, wait. Good point though. Good point, good point. Where were you? I didn't see you on any of the promotional material. I didn't see you on any of the social media. You weren't at the back. Ah, did you buy a ticket to watch? Oh, no, no, no. No, no, of course you didn't, obviously. You were sat right up in bed with a nice cup of tea, your mom's laptop, watching us make history on the WWE Network! Now, fair play, fair play. I've got to give you your dues. You were the 2018 WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament winner. But you couldn't get the job done on night two, could ya? Oh look. However, however, however, you know what you did do that was pretty cool? You made every single person in the Royal Albert Hall take off their shoes."
The fans start chanting something about shoes as Trent enters the ring.
"Now you mentioned some very, very talented men earlier. You mentioned some very, very talented wrestlers at the back. But you failed to mention me. So how's about you and me right now in Cambridge? Gibson, let's go!"
Of course Gibson chickens out, the trading words as Gibson heads to the back. After that, they go back to Jordan's debut two weeks ago for hyping his match up next. Out first was Kenny Williams.
"Ready for this?" He asks as he has hopped down to do some stretching before the match.
"Of course. I'm out there with you so I should be just fine." I nod.
Kenny passes by and we wave as his music goes off. We follow shortly after and wait in the gorilla as he's going out.
"Remember, just like we rehearsed."
"Got it." I nod.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Glasgow, Scotland, the Lucky Yin Kenny Williams!"
As we're standing there, Jordan and I focus on getting into character. Once Kenny's music fades, they cue Jordan's. He steps out onto the stage. After he's introduced, he holds a finger up to wait and stands there with a grin, looking over at me standing behind the curtain, giving me the signal to come out. I come out still to his music and stand next to him on stage. He lets me walk ahead of him to lead him down to the ring, and we stop at the end of the ramp as he goes to my side. He goes to the ring and he does his poses on the ring and turnbuckles before entering. Once ready, he removes the jacket he was wearing and hands it to me to hold onto.
The bell rings and they circle before locking up, Jordan grabbing the arm of Kenny. Kenny looks for the Grapevine and wrist lock, but Jordan takes him down in the middle of the ring, grinding the knee into the cheekbone of Kenny. He however kips up to release the pressure to hopefully get out of the hold, but Jordan counters into a headlock. Kenny rolls out of it, leapfrogs over Jordan and Then Jordan jumps over him. Kenny tries for a takedown using the ropes, but Jordan jumps out of it, landing on his feet and Kenny kips up again, both men staring at each other. Jordan avoids a kick before grabbing Kenny and slamming him down to the mat and then hits a standing moonsault, covering and gets the two count.
"Come on ref, count faster!" I exclaim.
Jordan grabs him by the hair before elbowing him on the top of the head. He follows him to the corner before chopping him hard in the chest. It was so loud, even I cringe. Jordan follows him as he grins at him in pain. Kenny then turns around and throws him into the corner and chops him but it really wasn't as bad. He goes for a second one but Jordan gets him in the eyes, the ref having to tell him to watch the face/eyes.
"Come on! Knock it off!" The red exclaims.
"He knows the rules!" I shout. "Come on, Jordan!"
Jordan goes around behind Kenny and grabs the face and stretches his head.
"Ask him, referee."
With the crowd's encouragement, Kenny gets to his feet and manages to get out of the hold, stumbling back into the corner. Jordan runs at him, only to get kicked in the face and Kenny goes to the outside of the ropes. Jordan ends up through the ropes and Kenny goes to kick him but Jordan moves and hits a viscous forearm the back of the head. I walk over as Jordan keeps the ref distracted and I attack him, but keep it brief. I step away and watch as Jordan is on the outside and is beckoning Kenny to stand. He does and turns around, only to stop Jordan from kicking him by grabbing the leg. He then drops Jordan face first onto the side of the ring. As I go over to check on Jordan, Kenny goes for a wrecking ball drop kick. Jordan saw this coming and quickly got me out of the way, before he was hit. Kenny follows it up with a suicide dive, sending Jordan onto the ramp.
Kenny grabs him and throws him back into the ring. He then runs around and quickly goes to the top rope, hitting a back elbow drop. He goes for the cover, Jordan kicking out.
"Come on, Jordan. You got this." I encourage, hitting the mat.
Kenny then helps him up and tries bringing him to the corner, but Jordan slaps the hand/arm away. Kenny goes towards him, Jordan lifting him up, but counters and lands behind him. He pushes Jordan into the ropes, and rolls him up, getting a two count. When Jordan kicked out, he pushed him away. There's a lot of reversals until Kenny face plants Jordan. He rolls him over and covers still getting the two count. Kenny starts with the forearms to the head before heading for the ropes. Jordan grabs him by the waist of his pants, but gets elbowed in the side of the head. There's a few reversals before Jordan drops him with Island's Call and covers him for the win.
"Your winner, Jordan Devlin!"
"Yes!" I enter the ring and raise his hand in victory with the ref. They replay the closing moments of the match as Jordan heads to the corner to celebrate the win. We meet in the middle of the ring, eyes locked. We exchange some words before I head over to grab a mic.
"WWE Universe, you are looking at the one and only power couple of NXT UK. We are going to be the most dominant force on this brand. Oh and Jinny? This is your NXT UK? Yeah...I may be from the United States...but honey, this is MY NXT UK. I'm sorry...OUR NXT UK. When I'm finished with Toni, your next on my list. We're taking over this brand, and you can that men's locker room and women's locker room can either accept that or get dealt with how we see fit." I remark before dropping the mic, turning to see a smirking Jordan. We exchange words again, only we could hear before we share a kiss. Once we pull away, his music goes off again and we soon leave the ring.
"That was actually fun. Definitely better than cheering you on from backstage." I remark.
"Right? And it gives me a bit more confidence having you doing so out there."
"Not gonna go overboard with the victory kisses, are you?"
He pretends to think about it, smirks and then walks away.
"You are, aren't you?"
"My lips are sealed."
"Yeah, especially when they're against mine..." I tease.
As we're heading to the locker rooms to change, we're stopped because they want not only myself to do a photo shoot but wanted us to do one together. We follow and go to where a white background was set up. They have me do my pictures first, Jordan's eyes glued to me. Then we do some shots together. We get a look at all of them and we were told the pictures would be out on the website soon.
"Can you send me some of these? I definitely want to share these before they go up."
We head on our way to our respective locker rooms, while the main event was going on. Of course we couldn't leave yet so, we just hung around and waited for the night to be over.
"It's been a fun show, but I can't wait to go back to the hotel."
"So you can have me all to yourself?"
"Exactly. As much as I love working with you, I love it more when we have time to ourselves."
Soon the main event was over and it was time to go back. Surely enough, I wasn't even tired either. I was still reeling off of the excitement of tonight. We packed the car with our bags before setting off towards the hotel. It took a while but we soon arrived, heading inside and up to our room. I had casual clothes on so I just changed out of those and into the clothes I wore to bed last night. Since Jordan did compete, he headed in to take another shower. I grabbed a book I had been reading and crawled under the blankets to get comfortable. Eventually I hear the water shut off, and he soon steps out in just shorts. I glance up from my book, grinning slightly before looking back down at the page I was on. "No just a towel this time?"
"Figured you got enough of that this morning, gave you a break." He chuckles, climbing onto the bed next to me.
"Thanks for the consideration." I laugh lightly.
As I'm finishing up the chapter I was on, all I feel is lips against my neck.
"Why don't you....put the book away....and sleep."
"I'm almost done...though you are being distracting right now."
"That's the point." He remarks, still doing it, and it was actually working as I couldn't concentrate on the book.
"Okay, I give in." I give up, putting the book down after saving my spot.
"Always works." He chuckles, before pulling me back down into a kiss and the night ended up like last night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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