Chapter 04 : Choi Beomgyu

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The two young men sat facing each other. The one with raven hair was dressed in a simple white shirt and snug black jeans, his hair pulled back into a half ponytail. He scrutinized Taehyun from head to toe, while Taehyun averted his gaze, focusing on anything else in the room. The earlier incident replayed in his mind like a broken record.

"What's your name?" the raven-haired guy inquired.

Taehyun stole a quick glance at him before looking away again, his cheeks burning as he nervously fiddled with his shirt. The raven-haired male rolled his eyes in irritation.

How rude.

Seeing that Taehyun wouldn't meet his gaze, he smirked, an idea forming in his mind. He leaned back casually on the sofa, spreading his legs. Taehyun caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye and felt a wave of panic wash over him. Something was protruding in that direction.

It's just the zipper, it's just the zipper, it's just the—

The raven-haired male crossed one leg over the other, draping his arms along the back of the sofa and reclining even further. Taehyun screamed silently in his mind. The guy in front of him was undeniably attractive. He touched his cheeks, feeling the heat radiating from them. Mortified, he wished he could just sink into the ground.

"You like my position?" the raven-haired male teased.


The guy with raven-black hair flashed a grin as he caught sight of Taehyun fidgeting uncomfortably. His plan had worked; he could see Taehyun stealing glances at a specific spot.

"You said it was huge," the raven-haired guy suddenly commented. Taehyun's eyes widened in shock as he turned to him, gasping.

"Do you want it?"

"Excuse me?!" Taehyun exclaimed, mentally berating himself. He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, trying to diffuse the tension. He snapped back to reality when he heard the raven-haired guy clear his throat.

"I'm Choi Beomgyu," he introduced himself.

Taehyun tilted his head in confusion. "You're the transfer student who didn't show up today."

"Yeah, I just got here," Beomgyu replied.

"Kang Taehyun, a year younger than you," Taehyun introduced himself in return.

Beomgyu chuckled. "So, I'm the older one?"

Taehyun scoffed, and Beomgyu giggled. For a fleeting moment, Taehyun felt his heart race. The sound of Beomgyu's laughter was like music, sending butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"It's noon. Have you eaten?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun shook his head slowly, his gaze fixed on the floor. Beomgyu's expression softened at the sight.

"You know, your fridge is empty," Beomgyu pointed out.

Taehyun sighed, fully aware of that fact. "I know. I hardly eat at home anyway."

"Why not? Home-cooked meals are the best," Beomgyu said, sounding genuinely surprised by Taehyun's admission.

"I can't cook," Taehyun confessed. Beomgyu looked taken aback but quickly regained his composure.

"Oh, that's okay. Want to go get some groceries?" Beomgyu suggested, standing up. Taehyun looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes, his lips forming a slight pout. Beomgyu couldn't help but coo at the sight.

"But I can't coo—"

"I'll cook for you, alright? For both of us," Beomgyu interrupted before Taehyun could finish.

Beomgyu wasn't typically this chatty, especially with someone he had just met. Yet, there was something about Taehyun that made him speak without a second thought. Taehyun's eyes sparkled at Beomgyu's suggestion.


Taehyun exclaimed, leaping from his seat and wrapping his arms around Beomgyu's. The older boy was taken aback by the sudden affection, quickly averting his gaze to conceal the blush rising to his cheeks. Realizing his actions, Taehyun quickly released Beomgyu's arm, leaving the older boy to softly whine at the sudden loss of warmth.

"Let's go," Beomgyu said, gesturing for him to follow.

"Hold on, I need to change really quick," Taehyun replied, dashing back to his room and nearly tripping over his own feet. Beomgyu chuckled softly.

"Clumsy kid," he murmured with a smile.


Inside the convenience store across the street, Taehyun was transfixed by a vending machine. Meanwhile, Beomgyu busied himself picking out vegetables for their meal. Once he was done, he glanced over at Taehyun, who was still engrossed in the machine. Beomgyu walked over and lightly tapped Taehyun on the back, prompting him to turn and meet his gaze.

"What's up?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun hesitated, stealing another glance at the vending machine. He bit his cheek, feeling a mix of embarrassment and longing. Beomgyu looked at the machine, oblivious to any problem.

"Is something wrong? Do you want something?" Beomgyu inquired.

"Iwantthepororodrinkplease," Taehyun blurted out in a rush.

"Wha—what? Slow down, I'm not a rapper," Beomgyu joked, chuckling. But he quickly fell silent when he noticed Taehyun staring down at his feet, unresponsive. "Okay, okay, what's up?" Beomgyu crouched down to Taehyun's eye level and gently caressed his cheek.

"I... I want the Pororo drink..." Taehyun whispered the last part. Beomgyu leaned in closer, straining to hear, which made Taehyun's cheeks flush with warmth from the closeness.

Seriously? First, it's his dick, now it's his face? Taehyun mentally scolded himself.

"What?" Beomgyu asked again.

"I want the Pororo drink," Taehyun repeated, this time more distinctly. Beomgyu chuckled, and Taehyun felt a rush of embarrassment wash over him.

"Alright, I'll get it for you," Beomgyu said, reaching for the Pororo drink. But Taehyun quickly stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"It's okay... You don't have to..." Taehyun murmured.

"But you want it," Beomgyu replied, concern etched on his face as he looked at the silver-haired boy. He gently ruffled Taehyun's hair, smiling as the soft strands slipped through his fingers. Suddenly, Taehyun wrapped his arms around him. Beomgyu blinked in surprise, feeling Taehyun sniffle against his shirt.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Did I upset you?" Beomgyu asked, guilt flooding his eyes. Had he said something hurtful?

"It's just... it's embarrassing," Taehyun confessed. Beomgyu's heart sank at his words, and he pulled the younger boy closer, tracing gentle circles on his back to comfort him.

"Don't be embarrassed. What's wrong with a grown man enjoying childish things?" Beomgyu reassured him.

Taehyun tightened his grip on Beomgyu. People in the store glanced over, whispering among themselves.

"It's okay. If you're feeling shy, you can wait outside, alright? I'll handle the payment," Beomgyu suggested.

Taehyun pulled back from the embrace, looking up at Beomgyu. Although their height difference was slight, Taehyun had to tiptoe to hug Beomgyu since the older boy was just a bit taller. It was an endearing sight for anyone watching in the store.

"Really?" Taehyun asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Beomgyu's heart raced at the sound of Taehyun's playful baby talk. A soft smile blossomed on his face as he tenderly tucked a strand of Taehyun's hair behind his ear and nodded.


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