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02 :  Old Face And Old Friends

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02 :  Old Face And Old Friends


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I'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND TEENAGE ROMANCES.❞ Logan mumbled into the phone as he sat on the peer at La Push beach. "It's painful watching her. I want to help, but I don't know how."

"Because you don't have one romantic bone in your body, Swan." Kyle's scoff sounded static through the device.

Logan rolled his eyes and watched as the waves crashed along the shores of the beach. "Because I don't see the need for it."

"Even though you're supposed to be looking for your mate?"

The ravenette snorted and tapped his foot. "You're beginning to sound like mother."

"Hey, who are you?" Logan froze and mumbled a bye into the phone. He stuffed the device in his pants and looked over his shoulder at the owner of the voice.

He had changed, Logan noted. Once a lanky kid, now he had muscles for days. His once long black ebony hair was cropped and a tattoo adorned his left shoulder. The face that was always playful was gone and replaced with a serious frown.

But, he was still able to see his best friend.

"I can recognize you and yet, you can't recognize me? That's a little unfair, Sammy." The blue-eyed man smiled and fully turned to face the Quileute.

"Logan?" Sam Uley breathed out and a smile appeared on his face. He held his hand out and shook the Fae's hand and pulled him into a quick hug. "Damn, it's been a while."

"Yes, it has." Logan tilted his head and let his gaze glide over his friend. "I can see you finally shifted."

Sam froze, eyes wide and shoulders tense, but Logan merely chuckled and clapped him twice on the shoulder.

"How did you find out?" The shifter asked and the other ravenette shrugged and looked back out to the ocean.

"I have sources, besides your not the only one who isn't a human." His eyes flashed a brilliant bright blue before they returned to their normal Azure. "I'll tell you when the time is right."

Sam nodded and clicked his tongue. "Would you like to meet the rest of the pack?"

"Do you even have to ask?"


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THE TWO MEN WALKED ALONG A PATH IN THE WOODS, CHATTING AWAY AS THEY CAUGHT UP WITH EACH OTHER. Sam had told the Fae that he was taking him to his house, and Logan nodded, ducking under a low-hanging branch.

"So, you and Leah aren't together anymore?" Logan frowned at the look of guilt that passed over the shifter's face. "Wow, and you imprinted on her cousin?"

"Yes, and not a day goes by that I regret hurting Leah. But, Emily-" Sam's face was no a breathless smile, and Logan could see how much Sam truly loved the woman. "She's the one."

"My mother told me that imprinting was the best way to find your mate. She was there when your grandfather imprinted on your mother." Sam had to hold in his gasp. He had met Astrid many times, always hugging her when he came over to play with Logan. "My kind has something similar, but we call our mates Kindreds."

"When are you going to tell me what you are?" Sam was curious and Logan smirked and winked at his old friend.

"Soon, Sam, soon." The Fae smiled and paused when they came upon a small, but cute little house. "You live in a shack in the woods. My best friend is a hermit."

"Oh, haha." The shifter rolled his eyes and walked up the steps with Logan in tow. "And please don't stare too long at Em."

Logan patted his friend's shoulder and nodded. Sam had told him what had happened and decided to wait and tell him of his surprise.

"Sam!" A soft voice laughed as the shifter wrapped his arms around a petite woman.

Logan took in the female. Copper skin, and beautiful brown eyes. She had pin-straight black hair and then his eyes fell to the scars running along her face. But even with the wounds, Emily Young was beautiful, inside and out.

"Emily, this is Logan Swan - my best friend from my smaller days. And Sam this is Emily Young, my fiancee."

Logan smiled and brought Emily's hand to kiss it with a grin. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sam has not shut up about you the whole way home."

"Okay, Swan. Hands off my woman." Sam laughed and the Fae smirked and held his hands up in surrender.

"You know I swing for the other team, Sam."

The shifter rolled his eyes and paused when Logan titled his head, eyes tracing over the scars and as much as he wanted to snap at his friend. Though when he saw Logan's soft eyes he knew he couldn't.

"Sam, do you remember what I said when I wasn't human?" Logan met his gaze and a sad smile worked its way onto his lips.

Sam only nodded and watched as Logan's eyes glowed blue. But, he didn't stop the sharp gasp that left him when Logan held up his hand, they too glowing a gentle blue.

"May I?" Logan gestured towards Emily's scars and the female looked up at Sam, slight fear in her eyes. But Sam nodded, he trusted Logan with his life. "This won't hurt Emily."

Emily went still as Logan trailed his fingers over the scars, his touch a soft as silk before he completely covered the cheek. The human breathed in a sigh of relief as a tension she had not known she had left her body.

And then he pulled away, his hand going to his shoulder as a hiss left his lips. He pulled the sweater over his head and let his gaze fall to the limb that now stung. Four longs claw marks traveled from his collar bone to his shoulder blade.

"I wasn't able to take it all away, but it's more faded now." Logan muttered as he rubbed his now aching shoulder. "And may I ask, how does someone like Sam end up with someone as pretty as you?"

Sam had tears in his eyes as he ran his hand over Emily's cheek. Logan was right, the scar was still there, but it wasn't as noticeable. "Logan- I-"

"It's fine Sam." Logan shut down his friend's thanks and gestured to the couple. "Think of it as a wedding present. I thought the scars were a part of your strength Emily. They showed your bravery. And they didn't make you less beautiful. But I could tell they made you uncomfortable."

"Thank you, Logan." Emily smiled and wrapped her arms around the blue-eyed man. "Are you there is nothing I could do?"

"Well, Sam said you make the best spaghetti."

That earned chuckles from the natives and Logan laughed along.

'It is good to be home.'

✗ | 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, alec volturiWhere stories live. Discover now