❝Your My Mama Wight..?❞- Hinata Shoyo🌥🧸

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Streets By Doja Cat

Doja Cat 'Streets'
02:45 ━━━━●─────03:47
⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

You give me energy, make me feel lightweight
Like the birds of a feather, baby
We real life made for each other
And it's hard to keep my cool
When other bitches tryna get with my dude and
When other chickens tryna get in my coop
'Cause you're a one in a million
There ain't no man like you

——Doja Cat


Just a baby getting his wisdom tooth out 🥺
it's just overall full of fluff
      Bye bye enjoy~!


"Come on baby your just going get your wisdom tooth out nothing different." You said dragging your scared little baby boy with you. Hinata had been complaining about his wisdoms tooth hurting so you took the alternative and booked an appointment for him.

To which you knew that he was afraid of dentists, and anything with needles and pointy things scared him. You got into the car with him cuffed to your right hand so he didn't run away from you. He whines and pouted tears in the corners of his pretty eyes. He held the cheek that hurt causing him to whimper a bit.

You pouted your baby's feeling pain. "Prince you know your tooth hurts right I'll be with you when your done okay?" Your right hand squeezed his slightly larger hands giving him comfort he squeezed back. You thought for a minute before replying. "I'll give you a reward after you recover from your wisdom tooth getting out okay?"

He looked at you with tear filled eyes. Oh how you felt so awful doing this to him but if he wanted to get better this was the only option. "I'm sorry baby just bare with it for now okay?" He nodded tears already dropping. You sighed and kissed his slight puffed up cheeks careful to not hurt him more as you wiped his tears with you left hand.

He held your right hand as you drove to the dentist office. Sometimes whimpering quietly because of his tooth. Which you felt bad about. When the two of you reached you had to uncuff the both of your hands to get out. When you did you grabbed onto his hand pulling him out with you.

The two of you reached the receptionist telling her that you had an appointment for your boyfriend. She smiled and told you "Down the hall." You thanked her as you held your boyfriends now shaking hand.

You rubbed his knuckles with your thumb comforting him. The two of you sat down and waited for the doctor to come out as you occasionally kissed his temple for comfort.

The doctor soon came out of the room calling out to your number. You sighed as you realized your boyfriend hold became tighter on you. "Baby come on don't you want to get better?" He nodded shakily "I-I do.." he replies quietly. You kissed his temple again and his cheeks to comfort him. "Don't be scared your my big boy right? You can face your fears today!" You whispered quietly he nodded letting go of your hand and standing up.

"That's my baby boy."

The doctor smiled taking him into the room when he turned around to look at you, you smiled and waved which he nervously waved back. He went to the room as you sat down on your phone waiting for your baby to come out.


2 hours later he came out feeling woozy almost like he was drunk. You got up and held your baby before he fell. "My little baby you did so well today!" He blabbered some cute non sense which you laughed about. "I weel my wooth is wonna fall wut." The two of you reached home to which you dragged your dizzy boyfriend with you to the couch.

He kept whining about how he wanted to watch some cartoons in a baby like manner. Which you found so cute. You helped him get out of his shoes and take off his jacket after a while he'd cling onto you cuddling onto your chest he sat on your lap playing with your shirt the cottons in his mouth made him look so adorable like a little chipmunk when he pouted, he would keeping saying cute things like

"Mama you won't weave wight?"

"My mommy is so pwettyyy!"

"Am I pwetty mommy?"

"Mommmyyy wookkkk at me pwease."

"I wove you mama!"

"Your my Mama wight..?"

He pouted that sentence at the end puckering his lips cutely.

Which you smiled pecking his pretty lips. "Of course I am! Ack! Your so cute!" He giggled cutely like a child when you pressed kisses all over his face being careful with his cheeks. He laid back down on you and continued watching the cartoons laughing cutely at the parts the characters that fought funnily.

After a few minutes his body became heavy and you looked down to see his eyes fluttering shut then opening again the laughing gas and the hyper energy working. "Is my baby boy sleepy?" He nodded his head snuggling his head into your neck. "Come on let's get to bed okay?"

He nodded again standing up with you. You turned off the tv going into your room as you laid down your boyfriend laid on top of you snuggling into your neck. "You were a brave boy today, I was so proud of you! Tomorrow I'll give you a reward when you recover from this laughing gas and your little pain reaction okay?" You kissed his forehead seeing him this vulnerable made your heart swell by his cuteness.

He nodded not saying anything but falling asleep his hair messy and his lips parted as he was clutching onto you like you would disappear from him. You smiled and pecked his red tinted lips he smiled by your actions while you fell asleep yourself occasionally playing with his fluffy hair.


Hii! 🥺

I know this was short I just thought of this because of the book I was writing. One of my characters got their wisdom tooth out so I just wanted to make a a little short story for this little baby boy.

Anyways bye bye baby girls/boys ~!

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