Be Warned this is 18+

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Both boys are 25 during this.

Adam and Lucas just got back from a very nice dinner. They are both in suits and are ready to change and watch a movie. They get changed into comfortable clothing and sit on the couch. They pick the movie IT. Adam doesn't like horror movies. When he gets scared he tends to jump onto Lucas and whine. This arouses Lucas... They get to a not too scary part and Adam goes and sits back on his piece of the couch. He tries to be strong for Lucas. The clown starts eating George's arm. Adam covers his head with the blanket this time. Only to reveal that Lucas is touching himself. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DUDE" Adam screams standing up from the couch. He turns the T.V off and stomps away. "You're such a fucking brat" Lucas screams after him. Adam knew what he was doing. He didn't mind that Lucas was touching himself. Lucas stormed into the room and slammed the door. Causing the whole room to shake. Adam was scared now. Not turned on. Scared. Lucas walked over to him and slapped him across the face. "If you even shed one tear you won't be able to walk for a year" Adam didn't know what to do. The slap hurt. A lot. He started softly crying in hopes Lucas wouldn't hear him. He did. "Oh you wanna play that way. Fine" Lucas again slapped Adam in the face this time playfully but still rough. "What are you gonna do?" Adam questioned. "You'll see- feel" he corrected himself. He tied a blindfold around Adam's head. "I- Why this?" Adam questioned again. "Shut up" Lucas barked. "Say another word and I'll slap you again" Lucas said with a tone Adam couldn't recognize. "another word" Adam said confidently. "Oh" Lucas said turning to face the door. He walked out of the room, and into his own. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and slowly walked back into the other room. Adam could hear Lucas enter the room. "Back so soon?" Adam said tauntingly. Lucas slammed the door again and pushed Adam onto the bed. He then tied him to the bed. Now Adam couldn't move or see. Lucas went to the fridge and grabbed three cold water bottles. He laid them on Adam's bare chest. Sending shivers down Adam's spin. "Lucas that's too cold-" He was cut off by Lucas tying a bandanna around his mouth. Adam could no longer see, move or talk. "That's better" Lucas said spitting on Adam. He left the room and went to finish the movie. Went he got up to check on Adam he wasn't there. He called out to him. No response. Adam tackled Lucas. Adam was now on top of Lucas. With one quick motion Lucas was on top. "Stupid boy. You know that's not your place" Lucas laughed. "but I-" Adam was cut off again but Lucas' hand over his mouth. "Nope. You nothing. One more word and i'll leave you here with your hands tied behind you" Lucas said angrily pushing Adam's shoulders deeper into the mattress.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Lucas said shaking Adam slightly. "Dude you passed out three hours ago. Was the movie really that scary?" Lucas asked. "H- Huh" Adam stuttered. "I thought-" Adam sighed with relief. "What happened?" Lucas questioned. "I don't want to tell you" Adam said in a childish tone. "Your acting like a child" Lucas said clearly annoyed. "That's because..." Adam trailed off. "Tell me now" Lucas defended. "No" Adam said crossing his arms. "Tell me or else" Lucas said in a stern tone. "I- I-" Adam hesitated. "SPIT IT OUT" Lucas finally yelled. "I MAY HAVE A DEGRADING KINK..." Adam shouted before covering his head with the blanket. "oh" Lucas said VERY concerned. "I just had a dream about us..." Adam said very muffled from the blanket. "Oh really?" Lucas said intrigued. "BUT I'M NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT IT SO DON'T ASK" Adam shouted. "Oh well then i'll just have to believe that you were terrible in bed" Lucas said in a mocking tone. "I WAS NOT!" Adam protested. "mhm you were the bottom weren't you?" Lucas questioned. "I- yes" Adam sighed.
"I knew it. You little bitch" Lucas doubled over from laughter. "Did you just call me a bitch?" Adam questioned. "Mhm what are you gonna do about it. Cry?" Lucas said tauntingly. "No!" Adam said confidently as he walked into his room and locked the door. Lucas waited a little then walked to Adam's door.

He carefully pressed his ear up against the door only to hear the tv. Adam was watching pørn. Lucas couldn't believe it. Lucas sat down right outside the door and started touching himself to the sounds of the tv. After a awhile he had finished. He accidentally feel asleep. When Adam went to leave the room Lucas fell backwards. Adam started laughing hysterically at the sight. Lucas had finally had enough. He stood up and tackled Adam to the bed. "Move and I'm breaking up with you" Lucas said with a very dominating tone. Adam liked Lucas a lot so he did as he was told. This kind of relationship was what Adam always craved. When Lucas said jump Adam would say how high. Lucas went out to his room to grab a belt. He then tied Adam's hands behind his back "Lucas no it's too tight" Adam said. "Shut up you little bitch" Lucas said pulling the belt tighter. "Because i'm not a complete monster our safe word is can. k" Lucas said quickly so he didn't seem too kind. "Mhm" Adam could manage. "No use your words pretty boy" Lucas said.

955 words
oops I have to make a new chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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