Chapter Three "Drowned"

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Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains death

[20th June 2020,Sunday]
{7:15 p.m.}

"We're finally here!!!" Nadwe shouted. Everyone was amazed at the mansion in front of them expect for Socks who already seen the mansion before. "I am going to choose my room first!!" Blaza screamed happily as he ran in the mansion. "Hey! You got a head start first!!" Meme complained as he ran after him.

"Feeling better now?" Laff asked to the crab man. "Better than the last few hours...." Tbh mumbled. "Today schedule is just staying in the mansion so you should probably get some rest before dinner is ready." Laff replied. He just nodded and walked towards the door.

"I think I'm going to go cook dinner" Joocie suggested. "Sure, just don't repeat what Blaza does" Laff joked. Luckily on the boat, there were some fruits in the fridge to make them not starve for a few hours. "Why don't you guys go explore the mansion while waiting for dinner?" Laff asked as Joocie walked into the mansion.

"Can I help Joocie with dinner too?" Socks asked since he doesn't really need to explore the mansion. Laff nodded and walked towards the mansion door. "Guys! I think I just saw a swimming pool!!!" Nadwe shouted as he dragged Muffin and ran towards the direction of the pool.

"Well.. guess we'll see you at dinner,Socks" Wloof waved goodbye as he went in the mansion with Dino. Socks waved his hand nervously and started slowly walking towards the kitchen. "The murderer will start at tonight...." Socks thought.

* When you saw (Name) <— this thing in flashback, it means Socks can't heard that name so that's why he doesn't know who is going to get sea sick or got kill tonight.* (He doesn't have bad memory,it was just a side effect for the time travel) Flashbacks are only voices...

"Guys!!! Guys!!! Guys!!!" "Why are you panicking,(Name)?" " (Name) is dead!!!" "WHAT!?" "This better not be a prank, (Name)!" "No! He literally drowned in the pool!" "How did he drowned!? I thought (Name) can swim!" "That's not the point now! Let's just go check on (Name) first,we might still can save him!"

Socks can only confirm that the victim died by drowned and Meme was not the victim since he knows that Meme died last before he got stabbed in the chest. "Umm-Socks?" A voice snapped out of his thoughts. Socks turned his head and saw Joocie looking at him. "Y-Ya..?" He mumbled out. "You've been washing the vegetables for 20 minutes.... Is everything ok?" Joocie asked.

"I-I'm okay! Let's just get back to what are we doing..." Socks said. "They might think I'm crazy if I said that I'm from the future and telling them they are going to die..." Socks thought as he went back washing the vegetables.

[20th June 2020,Sunday]
{9:00 p.m.}

"Now that is a delicious meal!" Nadwe said. "Better than the spaghetti" Muffin chuckled. "Hey!" Blaza playful yelled.

"Do you guys wanna hang out in the living room for awhile before we hit the hay?"Meme suggested. "Sure but let me go unpack my stuff in my room first" Nadwe said as the others either went into the kitchen to clean the dishes or went into the living room.

As Nadwe was about to walked away, Socks grabbed his hand which made him turned around. "Nadwe... try not go near the pool tonight,ok?" Socks whispered to him before Nadwe could speak.

"Ok? But why would you only tell me and not the others?" Nadwe asked. "Because... I felt like you would simply ran off to the pool tonight..... and it's not safe!" Socks said a little louder at the last part.

"Huh-? Don't worry,Socks. I think I'm a little too lazy to run off like that tonight" Nadwe replied with a chuckle. "Besides- since when do you care about our safety when you and Meme literally let me and Muffin play with fire during Chinese New Year"

"D-Doesn't matter! Just come to the living room after your done!"

[20th June 2020,Sunday]
{9:30 p.m.}

Socks was nervous. He guessed that Nadwe was going to be the victim tonight so he tried to tell him not to go near the pool. Now 30 minutes had passed and the only ones who weren't in the room were Wloof and Dino who were in the kitchen ,Laff who was in his room planning for tomorrow schedule and Nadwe who was still unpacking his stuff.

"What's taking them so long-" Socks mumbled out nervously. "Hey guys!" A voice called out. "Took you long enough,Nadwe" Blaza said. "Sorry- kinda have too much things to unpack" Nadwe replied.

Socks was about to sigh in relief when Wloof came in the living room panicking and dripping wet.

"Guys!!! Guys!!! Guys!!!" Wloof suddenly shouted.

"Why are you panicking,Wloof?" Joocie asked.

"Wait- that the same line. Don't tell me..." Socks thought.

"Dino is dead!!!" Woolf shouted which immediately made colours drained from everyone's face especially Socks.


"Now I remember- the only trash can that was outside is near the pool..." Socks thought. (Pls no bad thoughts)

"This better not be a prank, Wloof !" Nadwe said.

"No! He literally drowned in the pool! Wloof yelled.

"How did he drowned!? I thought Dino can swim!" Meme exclaimed.

"That's not the point now! Let's just go check on Dino first, we might still can save him!" Tbh argued.

"I'm going to go get Laff!" Socks somehow managed to say out the words.

"No! No! No..... I let Dino died...." Socks mumbled.

[20th June 2020, Sunday]
{9:40 p.m.}

"He too far gone... I'm sorry...." Meme said slowly. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE TOO FAR GONE?!" Blaza yelled in panic.

(I'm not good at medic things so whatever medic things happen in this story is all false)

"He had too much water in his lungs and we don't really have any suitable medic things here to help him.... He's gone..." Meme explained, tears started rolling down his cheeks.

Everyone went silent for a minute before Tbh spoke up. " Wloof,do you know what happened?"

"I-I just told Dino to help me take out the trash and when he didn't came back after 10 minutes, I went outside to find him...." Wloof paused. "A-And then I saw his body in the pool lifeless...."

"From what Wloof said, I think someone pushed Dino into the pool and make sure him stays underwater until he can't breath since we all know how to swim" Laff said, rather calm.

"W-What are we going to do now....?" Muffin spoke up. "I will clean up the body. You guys should go to bed especially you two" Laff said as he pointed at Nadwe and Muffin.

"Tomorrow morning,we will discuss this situation"

Chapter Three💥!!! ;-;

Summary: Socks thought he saved Nadwe from drowning by guessing he was the victim but turns out the dinosaur was the one who drowned.

I felt bad now 🥲
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1182

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