Chapter 1

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I was woken out of my slumber by my alarm. "Ugh... can't I just sleep a little bit more?!"


I look down to see my dog crying to leave my room. I let out an overdrawn sigh, "okay, okay. I'll get up." I stretched and put my slides on. I looked at my phone to see that it's June 2nd.

"Why did my alarm go off? Aren't I on summer break?" I look to see my best friend, Rachel, texted me. I skimmed her message and saw the word 'graduation'.

I tapped my head, "hello Kory! Today is our graduation! How could I forget that!?" I put down my phone and grabbed my glasses.

"Now that I'm not legally blind, I need to let you and Sunni do your business outside." I said, looking at my dog, Duchess.


"And I'm dying for ya, crying for ya, I adore ya~" I sing along to Mariah Carey's Honey as I make my face for graduation. I'm wearing a nicely fitted black dress that comes down to my thighs with black chunky heels.

*Ding* It's Kory. She probably said okay to my text. I continue my makeup, putting on my lashes as a final touch. I observed myself in the mirror. I have a slick ponytail hanging down my back. I look good. I smile and grab my phone before exiting the bathroom.

"It's time to go!" My mom says as she rushes out the door. I put on my cap and gown, grab my bag, and run out the door.


Makeup? Check. Hair? I brushed out my wig and observed it one last time making sure it wasn't lifting. Okay, um.. outfit? I threw on my pink floral dress.

"So cute!"

"Kory let's go! We don't want to be late!" My dad yelled before leaving out the house.

"Damn!" I put on my cap and gown, grabbed my handbag and my pink Chanel stilettos and ran downstairs out the door. I got into the car and put my seatbelt on.

"Alright, let's go."


"Hey Rachel!" I turn around and see some of my classmates. "Hey! Y'all excited?" "Heck yeah girl we GRADUATING!" They say before running off. I chuckle at them slowly walking behind.

I eventually get to the stadium and find my seat. I sit down to rest my feet while I patiently wait for it to start. My best friend, Floyd, texts me congratulating my accomplishment. He graduated last year, that's why he's not here. I text him back hearts and lots of love. I'm just chilling here for the time being. It's quite boring-




I yelled spotting my best friend sitting down. "Hey girl! You excited for today?" Rachel asked while looking at my heels in my hands.

"Mhm!" I replied trying to catch my breath. I noticed she was staring at my heels. "Ah, I was running over here so I had to take them off so I won't fall and break my ankle."

"Okay, okay." She said as she looked at her phone.

"Do we have to go to our seats now?" I asked looking around making sure no one was about to come claim their seat next to Rachel.

"It's not starting yet so I don't think so." I flopped down on the seat next to Rachel when she answered my question.

"Good because my feet are killing me." I sighed looking at my notifications.


I'm getting tired of waiting so let's time skip to the graduation.

"Kory Kyle."

"AYE GO BEST FRIEND THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND, AYE." I screamed as Kory's name was called to get her diploma from the principal. The audience laughs at my reaction. I get a notification.

Kory: Bye I'm so embarrassed I appreciate it tho 😭🥰

Rachel: Just doing my job :)

A man comes to my row and leads us to the field. I patiently wait for my name to be called.

"Rachel Quinzel."

"YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH GIRL GONE HEAD RACHELLLLLL." That was Kory getting me back. I twirled and blew kisses at the audience, then took my diploma and made my way back to my seat.



I look up from my phone to see my friend Natalia. "Hey, you look cute."

"Thanks. Have you seen Kyra?" She asked looking around.""Nope, I tried texting her but you know she never texts back." I chuckled.

"Right, she did that on prom day and ended up being late. I hope she won't be late today." I looked at the time. "Right, I hope she won't but I have a strong feeling she is."

Natalia sighed, "oh, have you seen skittles?"

"Skittles? Oh! Skittles... nah, don't really care much about him." I said. Natalie studied me and then smiled. "You say that every time. Remember at prom you said that but once you saw him your eyes wouldn't leave him all night?"

I gasped, "hey, it's not my fault he was looking good that day! Plus, finding someone attractive doesn't mean you like them." Natalia laughed. "Yeah, okay. I'll see you later." She said walking away trying to find her seat.

"What was that about?" Rachel asked.

"Nothing interesting." I replied.


I shrug off my question to Kory and get a text message from my other best friend, Jack.


Rae: Thank you puddin. 🤗 I wish you were here you're literally missing our graduation.

Jackie: I know but I don't wanna deal with that bs.

Rae: You said the same thing about prom then GOT UPSET I AIN'T ASK YOU BYE 😭🏃🏾‍♀️


Rae: You shoulda asked me 🤡

Jackie: Bye Ik DON'T REMIND ME

I laughed at his response and sent him hearts. We wait for the last few people then do the cap thing. Yay! We're done. let's go home!


Finally it's over. I was heading towards my family when I heard someone call my name. "Kory wait up!" I turn around to see Chris.

"Chris what the hell do you want?" I asked watching him catch his breath.

"Kyra wanted to know if you want to take a group picture." I looked passed him to see Krya, Jalen, and Natalia waiting for my response.

"Why not? At least this time the whole gang is here." I said walking over to them. "Yeah, about that. Sorry for getting arrested for possession of weed on prom day." He apologized catching up to me.

I giggled, "yeah, yeah whatever."


"Rachel! Where are you going?!"

"Home chile it's hot I'll see y'all later. Y'all be easy!" I say jumping into the car with my parents.

"Let's get smoothies!" I exclaim. "Okay, baby girl." My dad says in response. I smile before turning on Mariah Carey and looking out the window.


And that's it for the first chapter!

It's been so long since we've been on this account so it's kinda nostalgic... Anyways hoped y'all enjoyed see you in chapter 2 !!

- Teme

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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