Chapter 1:There's something wrong

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This song can be pretty triggering:
                   Mentions of suicide
                   Self hatred
                   Flashing images

(And just a song for a little bit of sadness for the my sad munchkins out there😔😌)

3rd person point of view:

It was a normal day in snowdin Sans slouching at his post per usual as a cold breeze swiffed by, Papyrus on duty to catch a human,Grillby serving for the hungry customers and Asgore watering and taking care of his plants/flowers.But Something was off,something felt...felt peculiar...just...something made Sans feel  uncomfortable. The kid was late, they usually arrive in the early morning(not sure if they do I just made that up😐...anyway)she was abruptly late the kid was supposed to arrive an hour and forty five min ago,but she was no where in sight. Something wasn't right and Sans knew that.

Sans pov:

Where the hell is that kiddo she was supposed to be here already.This feeling was odd and I hated it.I desided to go look for the kid before I heard papyrus screaming.SANS OUR LOOK OUT TIME IS OVER CMON DONT TELL ME YOUR SLEEPING AT YOUR POST AGAIN!!!!he said.Nah I was just about to stand up...have you seen a human.i asked trying to look unfazed.No why do ask?DID YOU SEE A HUMAN IS THAT WHY, DIDTHEYRUNAWAY...I'LLHELPYOUFINDTHEM-No papyrus I didn't see anyone pass by these few  hours I just wanted to ask.

Papyrus:Oh..okay but we will find a human tomorrow I know it.I have to go to undyne's you wouldn't mind being alone in the house for a few hours right?Sans:No I wont mind at all go have fun with undyne I'll probably just sleep when I get home.OK BROTHER I'll SEE YOU LATER,JUST DONT SLACK OFF TO MUCH..OK.Yeah yeah see ya later.

When I got home I took off my slippers and socks before throwing them in the corner before  jumping on the  kind of uncomfortable couch.Maybe the player decided they dont want to play today...maybe there was a glitch that has a thing or two to do with error.Maybe there stuck...yeah ...stuck...maybe in a wall or under a tree branch...(you guys better of not thought about what I think you thought of... you nastys😗...what are you doing step sans😏)

Eh who cares I'll be more than happy having that brat somewhere else other than here for atleast a day or two.It wont be able to take any more days off my life because of the stress of her deciding to kill them before she're probably wondering what route this is...its neutral so she can kill some and spare some if she wants to.Im just glad I'll have an off day for once.I comfied myself on the couch turned on the tv and watched mettatons cooking show for who knows how long until.I sat up and desided to go to Grillbys since I was pretty hungry.On my way over I felt like someone was staring at me it felt as if whoever it was was staring at me with this intansity I just couldn't describe, I turned around as fast as possible but I didn't see anyone.

I might be hallucinating since I'm not used to walking alone to Grillbys, the kid follows me almost everywhere when she has nothing to do.Just stop thinking about that jeez sans.I finnaly arrived at grillbys, sat at my regular spot and ordered the regular meal I always order.When my meal came I ate it,talked to grillby and the other monsters until I decide it was time to pay and go home.Ayo Grillbz I think I have to go,I'll see you tomorrow. Grillby:Ok sans enjoy the rest of your day.I say goodbye to the other monsters then I leave.

I'm finally home now I can rest my eyelids.I fell asleep pretty easily since I haven't slept in about a few hours still a little hesitant to fall asleep but here i am.The rest was nice and peaceful until I heard footsteps, believing that it was papyrus I didn't dare to open my eyes to look.a Few min pasted and the footsteps stopped,no one was talking,no sounds of pots, no watersizzling,no sweeping nothing but hot breathing.I finnaly hear something... a door opening.Then I heard someone running away from a spot, that spot was right infront of me as if someone was just staring at me at such a close distance.I cant believe i didn't know since they say humans can sense if someone was staring at them even if they were asleep...the reason why i didn't  notice is probably because I'm not a human hehe... I quickly open my eyes to papyrus opening the door fully before walking towards me and hugging me tightly......Who was staring at me...............

(Sorry for the creepy photo it just sets the mood)

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(Sorry for the creepy photo it just sets the mood)

846 words

Have a wonderful day munchkins🤗😘👋

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