True colours

370 11 0

Springtrap's P.O.V

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

Ugh, what's that annoying sound? And where is it coming from? I really wasn't planning on waking up this early. And I was having a fairly descent dream for once. I open my eyes and frown trying to find where the sound was coming from. I still feel like I'm asleep so I can't see very clearly. Everything is blurry. I finally find where the sound is coming from and regain my vision. It's an alarm set for 5:20, but now it's 5:25.

"How do I turn this off?" I say to myself trying to find out how to use this thing. Then I remember Drake telling me to wake him up when his alarm hoe off. This must be that alarm.

"Hey Drake, its time to wake up buddy." I say. No response. Hold on, he's not in here. I swear I was holding him a second ago.

"Drake? Are you a magician or something? Where did you disappear off to?" I say navigating myself around the dark room.


I stop dead in my tracks. That sounded like Drake, and it sounded like he was in danger! It wasn't that clear at first but it sounded like he was choking.


I sprint put the door and find him, in one of the worst situations I can think of, Freddy got him. And he is being choked. I run up to him as fast as my legs can take me and tackle Freddy to the ground, making him let go of Drake's neck. He drops to the ground with a hard thud. I pin Freddy to the ground and stare into his eyes with anger. He looks back with fear and regret.

"You bastard, how dare you even lay a finger on him, let alone choke the poor kid!" I say angrily. "Touch him again and I'll rip your head off your animatronic body!" His eyes turns black and red and looks at me with an angry expression.

You don't deserve to have him as a friend Springtrap

His expression then changes to a scared one. I notice a purple light coming from my right eye socket. His eyes go back to normall.

Okay, okay! I promise, I won't touch him!

"Good." I say getting off of him. He goes back on stage between Bonnie and Chica in his normall position and his eyes go completely black. I then turn to Drake, staring at Freddy, tears dripping from his eyes. I go to him, go down on my knees and wrap my arms around his body and act as calm as I possibly can.

"Shhhhh, its okay buddy, I'm here. You're safe. You're safe." I say softly, trying my best to calm him down. Soon after I do he cries uncontrollably. He buries his head in my chest and holds on to me tightly. I feel my heart crumble. I feel so sorry for the kid. He didn't deserve to go through that. He has such a frail and scared and traumatized expression on his face. And for a second it looks like his tears are black. I stroke his hair and keep him close until the sobbing dies down. We sit there, holding onto each other for about five minutes. The sobbing stopped, but I still feel a few tears leaking from Drake's eyes.

"Drake, its okay. You're safe now. I won't let him hurt you again." I say. He slowly pulls away and wipes the tears off his face before looking up at me. I give him a small smile. After a few seconds, he smiles too. But then he looks away. I put a hand on his shoulder and look at him with a concerned expression.

"Drake, I don't like seeing you like this. It concerns me. I know you almost died but you're okay now." I say calmly. He turns to me with a nervous expression.

"But, what if you couldn't hear me? I would've died. You have no idea how scary that is." He says.

"Oh believe me kid, I know exactly how you feel. Except...Nobody was there to save me." I say to him scratching the back of my head.

" didn't have anyone to help you out of trouble when you were on the verge of dying?" He asks.

"Yeah, but that's a story for another time. Your alarm rang." I say.

"It did!?" He says with a shocked expression. "What time is it!?" He asks quickly getting up and running to the back room. I follow him and find him looking for his phone. He finds it and turns it on, and let's out a gasp.

"Well, what time is it?" I ask.

"5:35!? Crap, I'm supposed to be in bed right now!" He screams. He then scrambles around trying to look for his bag. I can't help but smile.

"What's the rush? You can stay here for a little while longer can't you?" I ask. He looks at me and scratches the back of his head with a hand on his chin with a thinking expression on his face.

"Heh, I guess you're right Spring. I mean, as long as I get out of here before the manager arrives, then I guess I can stay longer." He says I smile and sit down against the wall. He joins me and snuggles up next to me. I feel myself blush a little bit.

"Let's watch a video on my phone." He says taking out his phone. He then taps on one of the apps and a bunch of videos show up.

"Hmmm, how about this one?" I say pointing to an interesting looking video.

"Sure." He says. The video then starts to play. And its by far the funniest I've ever seen! It left me and Drake lying on the floor and holding our stomachs while laughing like maniacs. We only noticed how fast the time went when the video was over.

"Huh? It's 5:55? Damn, time really does fly." He says.

"You have to go now, don't you?" I ask. He nods sadly, but looks at me with a smile.

"I'll be back soon though. Really soon. That's a promise." He says putting a hand on my shoulder. He then gets up and puts on his bag. Then he starts to walk out the door, but before he gets the chance, I stand up and pull him in for a hug. He was surprised, but hugged back.

"Bye." I say.

"See you soon you big bunny." He says jokingly. He pull away and walks through the doorway into the parts and service. He goes towards the door and puts his hand on the handle but stops.

"Oh, and one more thing..." He says turning back towards me. "Thank you Springtrap, for everything." I smile and wave him goodbye. He waves back and opens the door before walking out and closing the door behind him. I close the door to the back room and retire to my spot with Golden Bonnie in my arms. I hope Drake comes back soon, because after what happened earlier in the night, I wanna have him with me as long as possible. Who knows if I'll see him again?

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