Thank you...

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"Would you be sad if I died?" The sudden question from their captain made the crew freeze what they were doing and stare at him. It wasn't like Luffy to be so serious.

"Are you speaking to anyone in general?" Nami asked.

He shook his head, but did not say anything else. Everyone in the crew had known about the nightmares of his brother, and the saddness that stayed in him, even now. He was most likely asking because he knew a lot of people were pained by his brother's death.

Chopper was the first to answer his question. "I'd miss you," he said. Luffy made him smile. He played with him and was kind to him. "You're my friend."

"I'd miss you!" Usopp agreed. He had held his hand out to Usopp, instantly becoming friends. "To honor your name, I'd let the flag stay on the ship, even though I'd be the captain."

"I think I'd miss you," Nami said now. She rolled her eyes. Luffy did trust her and seek revenge for her even when she betrayed him. No one is a true friend if they wouldn't do that. "Although I'd enjoy the quiet."

"Of course I'd miss you, bro," Franky said. Luffy had a way of drawing people in.

"Yohohoho, Luffy-san, I would also be saddened by your death," Brook told him. He had restored Brook's lost hope.

"I believe I would miss you," Robin told the boy. Luffy was very interesting and had a way if keeping her on her toes.

"I might miss you," Sanji said. He'd been willing to step into a fight that wasn't his, over and over. "Who else would compliment my cooking like you?"

Everyone looked to Zoro, since he wasn't speaking. He had been staring at the sky, but noticing everyone's attention on him, he turned and looked at the crew. Looks like he had to reply, if it was so important to his captain.

He sighed and looked to Luffy. He was his first mate, been with him through much more than the others. He's been with Luffy since the beginning, in cool times, and in sad times. They'd fought along side one another and aided one another. There was no one else he could think of that had ever been a closer friend to him. But they didn't know that he also love luffy.

"I wouldn't miss you," he told Luffy. "I'd follow you."

Silence was filled around them, no one make a sound and if you listen closely you can only hear the waves coming from the sea, no one dared to say anything.

Until they heard a sniff that sounded like their captain, so they all look at luffy. They gasp, luffy's head was down his hat was covering his eyes, but they can see there's tears coming down from his cheeks.

Franky then started crying, tears on his eyes while pulling out a white handkerchief.

"O-o-oi o-i L-luff-y?" Usopp stutter shock to see his captain was now crying.

"Luffy-san?" Brook said trying to get the attention of his captain but it didn't work.

"Luffy, luffy are you okay...?" Chopper asked with a frown expression on his face. Luffy only give him a nod.

Sanji didn't say anything tho his mouth is gaping like a fish and freezes in his place. Until he regained from his shock.

"Wow.. Marim-" Sanji can't finish his word because nami's fist connected on his head.

"THIS IS NOT TIME FOR INSULT YOU IDIOT!" Nami shouted to Sanji still not knowing what to said to luffy, she knows that Zoro has a special place in luffy's heart.

"h-ha-i nami-swan," Sanji reply nervously rubbing his head. While Nami only sigh.

Robin just give them a soft smile while staring in amusement as the scene play Infront of her but she is also concern of her captain. She then narrowed his eyes to the swordman who is standing next to her. Looking concern at luffy wanting to hug him, but Zoro can't tell anyone about his feelings not now, but he sure is that Nami and Robin already knows.

"L-luffy did I say s-something wr- oof " Zoro can't finish his word as Luffy jump and tackle him finally bursting into tears.


Zoro sighed and hug him back while rubbing his back trying to calm him down. He look up to see his whole crew was staring at them with awe, and got embarrassed.

After luffy calm down Luffy look back to his crew and laugh.

"Shishishi" his crew smile at him, Luffy then look back to Zoro straight in the eyes with full of love, his crew at the back anticipated still smiling not breaking the moment and waiting for their captain to finally said the words that will change Zoro's life forever.

"Neh Zoro..." not taking his eyes off at Zoro like he was his whole world, 'yeah he was' Luffy thought, while Zoro was blushing furiously already.

Luffy hold his face and finally said "I love you.. Shishishi" giving him the biggest bright smile brighter that the sun.

Zoro was about to explode his face was red as a tomato, but he smiled and trying not to stutter and replied

"B-baka! I love you too..."

They then kiss not just A KISS but a heated kiss their crewmates was like watching a movie, but they were also happy for their captain and their first mate.

"UWAHHH LUFFY-BRO ZORO-BRO" Franky was now crying loud.

"Fufufu" Robin

"shy marimo" Sanji

"wow..." Usopp

"yohohoho" Brook

"finally!" Nami

"Aweeeeee" Chopper

one by one they leave to give them a privacy, Zoro and Luffy's foreheads were now touching each other.

"Zoro thank you..."

Zoro smiled at luffy there were tears at the corner of his eyes, Yeah... he was now the happiest man alive.


Thank you!!
This was my first fanfiction :>>

'Actually this was adopted, but half of the story I'm the one who write it cause I'm not contented to the one I read hehe~'

\\1017 words//

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