Chapter one

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Amie p.o.v

I sat lonely looking at my phone ,yep lonely because my last boyfriend named Cameron dumped me an I don't know why ? ,I been in u.k for a while I live in the capital London.I miss cam loads but yep I don't understand why he dumped me but I am going back to Florida soon. Yep that where cam is but my family are there to .3 months I haven't been there.I am going in two days Bleep Bleep my phone.

From mum ,

To you,

Hi hunni ,when r u coming home we all miss you me,your sister (Allie ) ,your brother (Ethan the best brother in the world) and your dad .Please come home.

Have you guessed my family don't know about me coming Home.

2days later

(I have skipped the airport and plane bit she is in the taxi know).

I whistle for a taxi and one comes ,I put my luggage in the back and get in  " 13 borstal street please(a/n sorry if it is a real address and I have skipped the taxi ride bit )" .

I knock on the door 3 times and soon it opens and my mum opens it she screams and huggs me "hunni ,I have miss you so much " I look behind her to see my dad making food.

" Daddy " I scream and run up to him and high him.

" how are you boo-bear" i smile and pull back ."I am fine dad how are you where is Ethan and Allie "

"Well hunni Ethan moved put and Allie is sleeping like always?" .I luagh she j not a morning person jut like Cameron ,should I go over and speak to Nash nope ,yep ,nope,yep,yep,yep.

"Amie world to Amie" I walk out of the front door to see Cameron walking to his house holding a girls hand you. You run and run until you bump into a hard chest.

"Amie" I look up to see Nash ,I stand up and high him and cry in his shoulder "you saw him and the Chelsea didn't you " I nodd in his shoulder while he rubbs my back.He picks me up bridle style and take me to I don't know or care.I look up to see he is heading to his house.

why Cameron why did he on I can't wait till I see him he is such a liar.I get out of Nash arms and walk to the door and open it " CAMERON,YOUR SUCH A LIAR ,AFTER FOUR MONTHS WE PROMISED EACH OTHER THAT YOU WOULDN'T GET WITH ANY ONE IT HAS BEEN 3 MONTHS.I HATE YOU YOUR SUCH A LIAR,YOU KNOW WHERE LIARs AND PEOPLE WHO BRAKE PROMISES THAY GO TO HELL" I scream the house down and brake down on the floor .

Cameron's p.o.v

I walk down the street holding Chelsea hand ywp my new girlfriend.I walk onto my yards and open the door and go in and sit on the couch in each others arm and I hear the front door open " CAMERON,YOUR SUCH A LIAR ,AFTER FOUR MONTHS WE PROMISED EACH OTHER THAT YOU WOULDN'T GET WITH ANY ONE IT HAS BEEN 3 MONTHS.I HATE YOU YOUR SUCH A LIAR,YOU KNOW WHERE LIARs AND PEOPLE WHO BRAKE PROMISES THAY GO TO HELL" its Amie.

"Who is she ?" Chelsea asked "An ex " I say and cuddle Chelsea but she pushes away " no I can't do it Cameron the way you look me compered to her you clearly love her admit it that picture what is under your be you look at it in the middle of the night go get her an don't lose her " I let her walk away I wonder if what is right .

Amie p.o.v

I stand up a I go I look in the living room and see Cameron sat there on his own ,Nash left when Chelsea left " Cameron Why did you leave me ?" I say and her turns around.

"I don't know " I sit down on the end of the couch "I left you because you at too good for me way to good and why can I date someone who is too got for me ".

" what so your saying we shouldn't have dated in the first place I hate you some much but .......I love you too much " I stand up and walk out . I run to my house across the road.

"Darling your back your dinner I in the kitchen" ipmy my says .

" I an't hungry" I say and walk upstairs and lock my door.


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Heart broken when he left (Cameron dallas ) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now