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Wendy Testaburger and Bebe Stevens leave the stage of their high school auditorium, finishing their debate club meaning. Wendy had lead the club, and Bebe had followed close behind. Bebe has aspirations of being a lawyer, even though her mother insists on her doing something more looks based, such as a model. Bebe had refused to use her looks to get far in life. She preferred to be working towards acheivements.

"God," Wendy started, "Kyle's talking point was certainly interesting. I'm surpised he didn't start fighting Kevin, he sure looked like he was." Bebe snorted at Wendy's remark. Bebe had dated Kyle for a week or so back in seventh grade, now that they're in tenth she hardly remembered.

"You know," Bebe smiled, "He was a sweetie when I was with him. I'm surprised someone so angry could treat a girl so kindly." Wendy giggled, and started to think about Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflowski's best friend and her boyfriend. She thought about the date they would have tomorrow night, and she frowned. Recently she started to think about the relationship she and Stan have. She wondered if they had the same thing they did.

"Wendy, are you ok?" Bebe said, slightly worried. She knows that Wendy zones out a lot, so she wasn't so concerned, however she still hates seeing her looking blank and somewhat confused like that. Bebe wants to make sure Wendy is happy. 

"Yeah, yeah," Wendy starts, shocked out of her thoughts. "Just thinking, you know?" She sighed. Bebe slung her arm around Wendy's neck and they stumbled out of the school, giggling. They always leaned on eachother like that to cheer eachother up. They left the doors of the school, giggling about some stupid thing they saw on a classmate's Snapchat story. Soon enough, Stan had texted Wendy. She picked up her phone.

Stan: hey wends, wanna meet up tonight

Wendy looked at the message on her screen. She had already opened it so she couldn't ignore it, so she was forced to respond. She slowly thought about whether or not she wanted to hang out with him or not, or go with Bebe.

"Bebe, do you wanna come over tonight?" Wendy asked, hoping she did so she wouldn't have to be with Stan. She knows you're supposed to want to hang out with her partner. She wanted to be happy with this relationship, but she just didn't want to at the moment.

"Oh of course!" Bebe replied, and Wendy smiled. She had her excuse to hang out with someone other than a smelly, sweaty, baseball player. 

Wendy: sorry!! im going to be w bebe! we still have our date tomorrow tho, ill see u then!! <3

Stan: oh ok wen, ill see u later

Wendy sighed and closed her phone. Bebe was typing amazingly fast on her phone, which was way more expensive than Wendy's. She couldn't believe the sheer speed her thumbs were moving at. Bebe has her fancy iPhone 12, meanwhile Wendy was stuck with her XR. It wasn't that old, but Apple had already started downgrading her phone. Capitalism for you.

"Jeez, Bebe," Wendy started, "you type so fast." Bebe smiled and looked over at Wendy. 

"Yeah, practice." Wendy giggled and realized they were at her house. She walked to the door and unlocked it, realizing nobody was home. She let Bebe in first, then followed her in. Bebe put her phone in her pocket and immediatley laid down on Wendy's couch. She had been over so many times she knew everything.

"Ugh, today was so long." Bebe complained. Wendy nodded her head with a smile, agreeing. There was a giant fight in her class, Stan versus Kevin, and it was all over her. It sucked. But fights were a usual thing in South Park High.

"Tell me about it," Wendy replied. "Do you want anything to drink or something?" She asked, hoping she'd say no. But knowing Bebe, she'd ask for something.

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