Life's Hardships...

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A single laugh echoed throughout the small house. This laugh however, didnt come from a single person alone. It came from two sisters who had yet to learn of the darkness closing in on them. The youngest, Azula, had eyes full of hope and looked up at the eldest, Alex. Alex was thought to be the girl who could give anyone the happiness they deserved, yet, could sense the darkness extending its boney fingers trying to grasp at her soul. Why was the darkness trying to consume them? Well, I guess I could take you back to the point where their life changed. For good or for worse? I can not make that decision. However, they were going to either live a peaceful life or suffer the hardships of life from the moment they took their first breath in this world full of hatred.

Their story starts when an angel fell from his grace. This angel only wanted to be free to rome the skies. This angel went by the name Lucifer. Lucifer wanted an adventure. As he fell he spread out his once pure white wings and laughed. He could feel the wind blowing past every single black feather. "Htij ij ftah ih'j ho xe wkee!" ("This is what it's like to be free!") He shouted aloud, not caring who heard him. However, his happiness didn't last long because he finally realised that he was coming closer and closer to the ground. Lucifer pushed his hands in front of him in an attempt to slow his decent down but it was all in vain. A crash could be sounded a mile away and the fallen angel laid in the mist of a large crator. Whilst Lucifer was recovering from his fall a wave of negitive energy passed over him. Lucifer looked up at where the negitive energy came from to see a figure standing there smiling down at him. Satan Jacob, the Demon Lord. Lucifer then realised where he was. It was the place where demons lurked causing chaos and humans hide in fear - Ente Isla. The demon Lord was standing on the edge of the crator. He was the one who one day wishes to take over Ente Isla and obliverate the human race. Even though this place has two moons which are said to be the Gods, Satan wont stop until he is at power.

In a panic, Lucifer scrambled to the opporsite side of the crator only to see Satan's right-hand demon general, Aciel, smiling silently to himself. With panic still evident on his face, Lucifer turned his head towards the other edges of the crator to see the two other demon generals, Malacoda and adramelech. In one final attempt to escape ,Lucifer extended his wings and took off into the sky. Unfortunatly, he wasnt able to get away from the laughing Demon Lord as he was shot down to the ground by one of Aciels energy projectiles. Lucifer, now sat on his hands and knees, held his wings tightly againt his back in an attempt to prevent them from further harm. The Devil and his demon generals made their way towards the frightened fallen angel.

In the distance, two young, innocent eyes looked upon the scene unfolding before them. The owners of the eyes were, indeed, those of Alex and Azula. They only heard part of what the devil spoke however they didnt understand it as he was speaking in what humans called, Ignorian. Although they couldnt fully understand Satan they knew what e wanted from the fallen angel. "Tof Mahtehly, an anvel fto yanh wlc" ("How pathetic, an angel who cant fly") Satan mocked the fallen angel. Furious, Lucifer stood and turned towards the Demon Lord. "Ftah xo cou Fanh Satan?" ("What do you want Satan?"). Angels have always had the ability to hide negitive emotions well, so, Although Lucifer was furious, it was not evident on his face. Just then someone was infront of Lucifer holding him by the shirt, "Xonh jmear ho Lokx Satan lire htah!" ("Dont speak to Lord Satan like that"). It was Aciel, Satan's most loyal general. Lucifer made no change in his emotions towards the situation. Just then, Azula, not knowing the danger she was in, ran out towards the demons.

Azula grabbed hold of Aciel's arm with pleading eyes. "Please, Mister, don't hurt him" Aciel looked down at the child holding onto his arm and back to the, now, shocked Lucifer. "Fto iJ Htij tupan" ("Who is this human") Aciel said more to himself than the others around him. "Aciel," the Demon Lords harsh voice inturrupted his thoughts, "Muh tip xofn...ot anx Adramelech foulx cou veh kix ow htij annocinv tupan" ("Aciel, put him down...oh and Adramelech could you get rid of this annoying human.") Adramelech noded at the Demon Lord's reqest and grabbed Azula, swiftly, by the wrist yanking her off Aciel. "AZULA!" shouted Alex in panic, running towards her sister. Aciel was still holding onto Lucifer's shirt as he looked over at the running human. "Tupan's ake juyt jhkanv yreahukej" ("Humans are such strange creactures") Satan muttered quietly. The young girl, Alex, stopped infront of Adramelech, tugging at his arm trying, with all her strength to set her sister free from his grip. Lucifer, whilst the demons were distracted by the two young humans, pushed himself away from Aciel and, once again, took off wincing at the pain. He flew from the demons not taking even a moment to look back at the humans.

Malacoda watched as the black winged angel dissapeared from his sight. Still, not uttering a single word, he looked at Satan wondering what they were going to do now. The young girls were still trying desperatly to run away from the demons as Satan let out an annoyed sigh. His plan had been ruined by the very creatures he seeked to destroy. Satan turned his head towards the humans making them jump at the unbelieveable speed he did it in. From a far, a lone archangel watched the girls, feeling pity for them. Her white hair blowing gracefully in the wind as she looked at the two moons - who were concidered to be the Gods on Ente Isla - wishing for them to help the children. Her prays were soon answered.

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