Key to My Heart- Key of SHINee fan fic

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Opening his eyes, Jonghyun rubbed the sleep from them and waited for them to focus before he sat up. He was normally the first one up, so the fact that the dorm room was silent didn't bother him. Slipping out of bed, he walked out of the bedroom as quiet as he could so as not to wake the others yet. Jong Hyun slipped into the bathroom, shutting the door before turning the light on. His eyes instantly shut, having not been use to any type of light yet. The young male blinked a few times until his pupils dilated and adjusted to the light. He walked over to the tub and turned the water on, letting it get hot before turning the shower on and waiting for it to get hot before discarding his clothes and stepping into the hot stream of running water.

After cleaning up and drying off, he pulled on his boxers and red jeans before walking back into their room to wake Kibum, his usual morning ritual. Sitting on the other males bed, Jong Hyun reached out and touched his friends shoulder. A few shakes later, Kibum turned over and rubbed his eyes. He looked at Jong Hyun, who was wearing simply his jeans and a towel over his head. Kibum smiled. "Morning already?" he questioned, leaning up and propping himself up on his elbows. Jong Hyun laughed softly.

"Yes, now get up and get dressed. We have rehearsal in an hour." Kibum waited for Jong Hyun to stand before tossing of the blankets and standing up. He did his morning rituals, taking a quick shower before waking Onew up. Eventually all the SHINee boys were awake, sitting on the couch in their dorm with the TV on and bowls of cereal in their hands. They ate watching TV, all of them excited about the day ahead. None of them knew what waited for them when they arrived at their rehearsal room, but all of them felt that today would be something special.

As the SHINee boys walked into their rehearsal room that morning, they were confused to find a tv and vcr in the middle of the room with a piece of paper taped to it with the words "Watch Me" in bold black letters. "What's this?" Jong Hyun asked as they all laughed softly out of nervousness. Kibum walked over and took the paper off the VCR and pressed play. They all crowded around the tv as it started playing. A young girl with long brown hair with a few pink streaks, bright blue eyes, and a soft oval face appeared on screen, smiling softly. The guys oohed and kind of elbowed each other like guys did. Then she started to speak.

"Hello. My name is Kyoung-mi Park. I guess you could say I like a guy who can lead me with confidence, but also someone who isn't afraid to be a little childish as well. Someone who is sure of himself and doesn't really second guess himself much." She smiled, blushing, and pushed hair behind her ear, revealing more of her face. Meanwhile, down the hall, my heels clicked softly on the tile floor, my long hair bouncing with each step I took. My long legs were hidden yet accentuated by the tight black hip hugger I wore, flaring out slightly over my black leather ankle boots. My top was flirty with a slightly deep v-neck cut fitting my upper body snugly. It was off the shoulders and accentuated the bust line nicely without looking slutty but sophisticated. Reaching the room where my voice was coming from, I stepped into the door way and found five young boys standing around the tv, mumbling amongst themselves. "My current boyfriend is lazy and selfish, and five years older than me. I must say, I am curious as to what it would be like to date a younger male. If you would all just turn around, we can get started. I hope you picked something fun for us to do." They looked at each other and one by one they all turned their heads. To my surprise they were all just as handsome as I pictured if not more. Their eyes seemed to take a glance over at my body from head to toe, as I did for each of them. They were dressed in their colorful skinny jeans and t-shirts, looking like idols should. Or more or less how they thought they should dress. Not fancy but not like they got out of bed and left. They were all very attractive.

Each othem bowed at the same time along with a choir of "Hello". A smile formed on my face, something I couldn't hold back.

"Hello." I bowed, the hair I had tucked behind my ear slipping free and settling around my face. Seeing as I was told that they were to chose the way we spent our day together, I wondered what it was they had planned for us.

Key to My Heart- Key of SHINee fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now