CHAPTER 1......Birthday

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CRYSTAL celebrates her 18th birthday with her rich dad. She grew up with her single parent.
Considering that she is the only child, Crystal received all the love and support she has ever needed.To her, money, fame, popularity and living a luxurious life was all that mattered to her.

Crystal rolled out of her bed with a smile on her face, knowing that it's her big day. She instantly grabs her phone, dials in her password and notifications start popping in.

Crystal :So many notifications, oh my gloss.

From all the Facebook, tik tok,twitter, telegram, Snap chat,Instagram inbox notifications she was aiming to see one name appear on her screen.

Crystal :Ofcause he didn't text me.

She ignores the rest and throws her phone on the bed. She makes her way to the bathroom as she receives an incoming call. She instantly turns back and rushes back to her phone.

Crystal :Plz be him, plz be him, plz plz....

It was a group video call, from her 3 friends Natalie, Christine and Emma.
She accepts the call.

Girls:Happy birthday Crystyyyyyyyyy!!!
Crystal :Oh my gosh, you are so loud. But thanks girls.
Christine :We are so sorry for calling you this early.
Emma:We just wanted to make sure we are the first ones to wish our best friend happy birthday.
Crystal :And you did. (rolling her eyes)
Natalie :Uuuuuuuh, looks like someone was expecting it from someone else. Wats up girl, you look down.
Crystal :Nothing
Christine:Apparently Liam asked for your number yesterday and i gave it to him. So he was supposed to text you by now.
Crystal :I've been waiting for his text.
Emma :Maybe he's just a little busy, or he's still in bed. Besides it's past 8am.
Natalie :Yeah, you should give him a little time.
Crystal :SHUT UP, GEEZ!!!
Christine :Anyways birthday girl,what are your plans for today?
Crystal :I'm not sure I have plans today, but i was thinking we should go for shopping and use the rest of the time for some photo shoot or something.
Girls :That sounds good.
Crystal :Ok good, Imma get ready and will meet you guys in an hour.
Girls :Ok, bye

They hang up. Crystal gets up and leads down stairs to her dad's bedroom, hoping to find him there. She knocks and calls out to him but no response. She processed down to the living room, gym, dining and the kitchen but there was no sign of him in the house.

Crystal :Plz don't tell me you went to the office, when you very well know how much special this day really is to me.

She went to the guest room, and peeked through the window to confirm.

Crystal :Ofcause he went to the office, his office car is not even packed outside. How could he do this to me. What a dad. Mxxm

She went back to her room and found a text.

Crystal:Oh my gloss, Li....Li....Liam..What to do, what to do?

She was panicking, and at the same time trying to calm herself down.

Crystal :Owk, owk. Relax Crystal, it's just a text. Not a face time, so how you look doesn't matter at all, he can't see me.

Liam:*do not count the candle but count your wishes, and look at how bright the candles are, a wonderful and lovely birthday to the most beautiful girl*
Crystal :*awwww, thanks so much Liam*.
Liam:*anytime Princess *
Crystal :*what took you so long thou*?
Liam:*i'm so sorry, my apologies for that Mrs *
Crystal :*it's ok,apology accepted *.
Liam:*so what are the plans for the big day today? *
Crystal :*was just planning to go out with my friends,.*
Liam:*that sounds good, would really love to join you girls, but i have practice later. So I'll see you tomorrow, ey?*
Crystal :*uhm, sure*
Liam :*ok, and happy birthday *
Cry :*thanks Liam*

After the conversation, she just couldn't control herself, she was so exited. She almost forgot about the plans she and the girls had for today.

Crystal :Oh boy, Liam.. I think this day is good after all.... I need to be Liam's girlfriend before the summer camp.

Crystal was stuck in her dream land that she couldn't hear her phone ringing. She grabs it to see the caller and it's her dad calling.

Crystal :Urghh, i don't wana talk to you.

She declines it and makes her way to the bathroom to get ready for her big day with her friends. But she just couldn't get Liam out of her thoughts.

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