Character 1: how it all began

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Homicidal Lius pov
The night was silent and cold, no one else here but my brother and my precious child, my head felt heavy and I felt sick of the reality of giving up my baby but I knew it was the only way to keep them alive, we stopped infront of a nice house not knowing who lived there, "here" Jeff placed the basket down for I could lay my baby down I placed not only my baby down but their birth certificate and a note, "are you ready to go yet" Jeff said in a sad tone, "J- Just give me a minute" tears filled my eyes as I took one last look at them, I took the rosary off my neck to placed it on my baby, "ok I'm ready" I took a deep breath in and let the tears fall down my face, wiping my eyes was pointless because more fell down by the seconds.

I knock on the door and me and Jeff ran in the far bushies where we weren't spotted but we could see them, it took a minute or two but a lady who looked about early 30ish opened the door, we seen her gasps at what was infront of her, she then looked left as if she was looking for me, and had a face of realization she then takes the note and reads it, when she finished reading the note she puts the note in her pocket and picks up my baby who started crying, hearing them cry made me cry more knowing that they're cry will be the last thing I hear, The woman takes the baby and the basket inside and shuts the door behind her.

I couldn't take it I fell to my knees and sobbed on my hands, I could feel Jeff hug me along with his tears fall down my back but that didn't help, but I knew that decision was for the best.

Sharon's pov
It was about 2AM when I heard a knock on my door, "who can it possibly be at this late hour of the night" I mumbled to myself I got up and went to my front door and opened, at first I didn't see anything but I heard a ruffling sound underneath me and I couldn't believe my eyes, "A baby, who would leave a baby on my doorstep" I thought to myself, I began to look around but then a thought popped up in my head "they're most likely here for a good reason", I grabbed the papers that was laying on their stomach, one was a birth certificate and the other one was a note, I began to read the letter.

"Dear potential guardian of my child,
I know this is a unexpected thing to happen but this is the last safe option I had for them to live, I wish I could explain it all to you but you're life will be in danger as well if I do, please take good care of my beloved child.

‐ Dearest, father"

I couldn't believe my eyes, I picked up the baby and held it in my arms until it started crying, "ssshhh it's ok" I gently bounced the baby in my arms and picked up the basket with the remaining things in it and shut the door behind me.

I sat down at my table with the now silent baby in my arms, looking through the basket I found a rosary, a pacifiers, 10 diapers, a pack of wipes and..., I froze, my heart skipped a beat, I picked up a FAT stack of cash the was in the basket. 50,000 Dollars, holy shit, I looked down at the sleeping baby in my arms, "looks like I'm gonna take care of you for now on" I whisper and give a soft kiss on their forehead.



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