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Zei's P.O.V

I hopped from tree to tree as I admired all the wildlife and nature. 'ahh what a great day! The sun's shining, animals are feeding their babies, and the flowers are blooming! ' I thought as I made sure I didn't step on any birds nest. As I kept moving I saw a flash of white and red in the corner of my eye. I look over to see a GIANT DRAGON!? I look closely at it and notice it's unconscious. I move closer to inspect it and the closer I got the more I noticed the blood running and dripping down it's leg. I look around to see if I could find anything that could have caused the injury, and I soon notice a giant rock with red liquid dripping down. I look back at the dragon to make sure it's still unconscious and unzip my shark plush to get some medical supplies and lots and lots of bandages. I carefully make my way towards the leg and start trying to heal it. As I gently put some acetone (I think that's what's it's called) and hand sanitizer to try and stop the bleeding I felt as it winced. "I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I know it hurts but I promise this won't hurt for to long" I whispered. After disinfecting it I started to put the bandages on. It did take a while but I was able to put them on no problem.

Soon it had started waking up so I hurriedly put everything back in my shark plushie and made my way towards his face. I noticed his eyes started to open and they soon we're wide open and looking at me. He looked around and tried to stand up but ended up falling because of his leg. "No no no no, your legs injured, you cant stand up" I said as I motioned him to lay back down. He kept looking at me as if he wanted me to do something. I carefully made my way up to his face which his reaction was to scoot back. I held my hand out and gently touched his scaled. He blew ice on me which I guess meant that he liked me. I giggled and rubbed my hair to get rid of the snow. I heard a low growl which meant he was chuckling. I thought for a minute and thought he might be hungry. "Hey are you hungry?" I asked. He gave a slight nod and I thought for a bit thinking what I could feed him. I finally thought of something and told him I would be back. I made my way towards the pond and got as much fish as I could and poured them in an old Walmart cart I found.

I made my way back with the cart full of fish. As I saw him in view I realized the ginormous tusks at the front. I got a bit nervous but kept my calm and made my way towards him. For the next days we practically did the same. I would greet him with his breakfast, I would try to distract him from the pain by talking, feed him his lunch, talk some more, practice walking for a bit, and then dinner. Even though I dont have a home or enough money to get electronics I always found my way to get my hands on one. People are always throwing out perfectly good stuff! I was able to learn more about him from an old but working computer I found near a cliff. The type of dragon he is called a Bewilderbeast, they shoot ice instead of fire, and they are the alpha species of all dragons, and yada yada yada. I named him beast since he reminded me a lot from Beast from beauty and the beast. After 3 weeks he was finally able to walk just fine. I would ride on one of his tusks while I showed him around. As we were walking around we came across a HUGE waterfall, it was even bigger than beast himself! I knew how Bewilderbeast's make nests using their ice and they mostly sleep in water. "Hey why don't we use this as your home?" I pointed towards the waterfall. He looked at it and we went inside and let me tell you it was gorgeous! Soon he shot ice everywhere and made his way to the top to cover it all with ice.

Beasts P.O.V

As I finished up making my nest, I noticed my human friend Zei had fallen asleep in one of my tusks. I smiled at their sleeping form and manged to put them on my head for them to be more comfortable. I soon started to drift off to sleep.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now