Chapter 1

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I'm Payton Mendes, Yup. You guessed it, I'm Shawn Mendes little sister. Shawn and I were like best friends when we were younger, but now he's too busy with his music career to even have the time to talk to me, he'll call me once a month and doesn't ever give me the time to actually talk he'll be like.. "My interview was great I'll see you next year, okay. Bye."

I have a few things to tell you..

I currently live with my sister a.k.a best friend, Aaliyah Mendes, and my mom and dad, Karen Mendes and Manny Mendes. We have a thing in our family that makes us all get along.. Music. We all play instruments and sing. Also, Aaliyah, Shawn, and I are twins, we were just born 1 year apart each. Shawn's 16, I'm 15, and Aaliyah is 14. We were all born on August 8.


From: Shawn:

Hey, little sis. I miss you, I'm sorry I never talk to you. I'm coming down to California on Wednesday. I'm leaving Tuesday.

(Btw, I know the Mendes Family lives in Canada, but let's say in this book they live in California)

I read that and ran downstairs.

SHAWN IS COMING! SHAWN IS COMING! I yelled, running downstairs.

I ran into the kitchen and ran around, then bumping into the wall and falling.

Aaliyah walked into the kitchen laughing.

Fuck off. I said.


What. I said.

No cussing!!!! My mom yelled.

Whatever. I said, grabbing an apple and running upstairs.

Then my BFF Brooklyn FaceTime called me.

Her nickname is Brooke, but I call her BrookieDaCookie.

I answered and jumped onto my bed.

Yo, sup. BrookieDaCookie. I said.

I'm outside. Come out so we can go skateboarding! She shouted a little.

Okay, let me change. I said.

I hung up and got dressed.

I put on a white shirt with the word "Bro" on it in black print. I also wore black leggings and gray vans, I brushed my hair and put a gray headband around the top of my head.

I put some makeup on, grabbed my phone and skateboard, and then ran downstairs.


She nodded and I walked outside, I saw Brooklyn talking to a boy.

GET 'EM BROOKE! I yelled.

She face got red.

BrookieDaCookie was wearing a blue lace shirt that had pink flowers on it, and a short and white skirt and her brown, leather sandals. She also has blonde hair with blue and pink dyed hair, she dyed the middle of her hair pink and the tips are blue, it's beautiful with a braid. She's perfect, every boy in the school wants her. Her shirt was also tucked into her skirt.

She gave that boy her phone number and walked over to me.

Then we went skateboarding around the neighborhood, I saw a brick red colored truck drive by, that looked like Shawns truck.

Um, Brooklyn. I gtg. I'll text you. I said, skateboarding off. She tried to tell me something but I just needed to go home, if that was Shawn.. I will scream.

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