I'm a part of Marvel??

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After you reached back home, you couldn't stop thinking about him. You continued with the rest of your day. When you reached, your dad insisted you to tell him everything, you just told him that he taught you how to play golf properly and then you both watched movies and you fell asleep.

~ Time skip ~

You were chilling on your phone, scrolling through Instagram when you came across a picture of you that Tom had posted:


@tomholland2013 So I was hanging out with this cutie today, I taught her how to play golf and this is the thanks I got💔😭😂

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@tomholland2013 So I was hanging out with this cutie today, I taught her how to play golf and this is the thanks I got💔😭😂

tagged: @itz.Y/n_Downey



@username1: Omg! He called her a CUTIE !!!

@username2: I ship!  #shipname

@username3: wait! hold the fuck up.. they would look soooo cute together

@itz.Y/n_Downey: Yeah you deserved it. You were repeatedly telling me that you can play better and showing off🙄😂

@tomholland2013: @itz.Y/n_Downey Yep! I guess you're right. I definitely deserved it !

You commented on the post and checked the other comments on his post. Literally everyone was shipping the two of you. You kinda liked it but you didn't appreciate the fans randomly shipping you with someone you met yesterday.. It must be weird for him too. 

You went through your photos and found a picture of him that you took this morning. You decided to post it on your Instagram.



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@itz.Y/n_Downey I told him to gimme a pose.... and this is the shit he does🙄😂💖

tagged: @tomholland2013



@username1: He's so dReAMy🤤

@username2: #shipname

@tomholland2013: But it's cute shit😙

@itz.Y/n_Downey: @tomholland2013 Damn right it is!

@username3: Omg They're flirting in the comments😱

*Later in the day*

You get a call from your manager Lydia.

Lydia: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Hey Lydia! What's up ?

Lydia: Ok so don't freak out, but I have some really exciting news.

Y/n: Ok I won't. What is it?

Lydia: So I just got a call from Marvel and they want you to play a major character in their upcoming movie!

Y/n: WHAT?!! Omg I'm freaking out!

Lydia: Why don't you meet me at the nearby cafe and we can discuss all the details.

Y/n: Ok great! See you there in 10 minutes. Bye!

Lydia: Bye!

You hang up the call and get dressed. You grab your car keys and leave for the cafe. When you arrive, you see Lydia already waiting for you at a table. You hugged her and went and sat down opposite her on the table.

Y/n: Hey!

Lydia: Hi.

Y/n: Ok so tell me everything.

Lydia: Right. So basically they want you to play this major role in their upcoming movie. They want you to play this character called Spark.

Y/n: Ooo that sounds interesting. Go ahead.

Lydia: More about the character... Spark is the love interest of spiderman and if you accept this role then your first marvel appearance will be in Spider-man: No Way Home, the upcoming third spiderman movie.

Y/n: Hold up. Wait. So They want me to star in a movie alongside Tom and be his love interest?

Lydia: Well, yeah exactly.

Y/n: Ok this is a lot to process.

Lydia: Take your time but Marvel is a huge deal. This could be a diamond to your career. I think you should accept the role.

Y/n: Ok umm-

Lydia: Also, If you accept this role, then they just finished filming for Spider-man: Far From Home. So they'll start filming in Atlanta in a month.

Y/n: Alright.

Lydia: And if the public likes your character, then there will be a movie starring you as the lead called "Spark" after this movie.

Y/n: Wow, that's great.

You both sat in silence for a while before you spoke up.

Y/n: You know what? Fuck this! I'm thinking too much. I'll do it. I'll take the role.

Lydia: Ok awesome! I'll contact them and let them know and I'll text you the details about filming later.

Y/n: Ok. See you soon. Bye!

Lydia: Bye!

You left the cafe and got into your car. You decide that the first person you should tell is Tom because he's going to be your co-star. You pressed his name saved as "Tommy💞" in your phone and soon after he picked up.

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