Chapter 07 : Identity

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In a heartbeat, Taehyun stood paralyzed, his breath caught in his throat as Chaeyeon's fangs hovered dangerously close to his neck. Then, as if hit by an invisible force, she let out a low, pained groan. Her hold on him slackened, and his knees buckled beneath him.

He began to fall toward the unforgiving ground, but just before he could hit the cold surface, Beomgyu's arms swooped in, enveloping him in a swift, protective embrace. Taehyun's eyes widened in shock, his heart racing as the world around him spun. He struggled to comprehend what had just happened, the blend of fear and relief swirling into a dizzying haze.

Chaeyeon was suddenly overwhelmed by an excruciating wave of pain. The stake, a cold and merciless weapon, pierced her chest with a sickening crunch, slicing through flesh and bone. Her eyes widened in disbelief as a searing agony radiated from the wound. Black blood surged in her throat, spilling from her lips in thick, viscous streams.

The pain consumed her, a relentless fire burning within, devouring her from the inside out. She clutched her chest, desperately trying to stem the flow of blood, but it was in vain. The dark liquid poured out uncontrollably, staining her hands and pooling at her feet. Her body convulsed as she struggled to stay upright, but the pain was too intense, too overwhelming. Finally, her strength gave way, and she collapsed, her features twisting into a grotesque mask of suffering as her life force faded away, leaving only ashes in its wake.

Beomgyu's fear was palpable as he came to the chilling realization that Hueningkai was anything but ordinary. His heart pounded in his chest, each thump reverberating in his ears as he watched the young blonde, whom he once considered harmless, plunge a stake into Chaeyeon's chest. The horrifying image of black blood pouring from her mouth and her body crumbling into ash left Beomgyu paralyzed with terror.

His mind raced to process the recent events. This wasn't just a person defending themselves; this was someone equipped with the skills to take down a vampire. Thoughts whirled in a chaotic storm, and a sense of dread tightened around his chest as he clutched Taehyun closer, feeling the younger boy tremble in his arms. The once-innocent image of Hueningkai shattered, revealing the chilling possibility that he could be a vampire hunter, trained to eliminate Beomgyu and his kind.

Yeonjun, however, was engulfed by a chilling, creeping fear that morphed into a palpable sense of danger. His usual self-assurance was eclipsed by the sight of Hueningkai, standing there with a stake, blood splattered across his uniform and face.

The once fearful dark eyes now glinted with a hidden determination, sending a shiver of unease down Yeonjun's spine. He realized that Hueningkai was no ordinary human; he posed a significant threat, one that could expose them or, even worse, eliminate them entirely.

The way Hueningkai wielded the stake with such skill sent a wave of dread through Yeonjun. Anger simmered within him, but it was laced with fear. The thought that Hueningkai might be the son of a vampire hunter, someone who had dedicated his life to eradicating beings like him, gnawed at Yeonjun's thoughts. His mind raced as he grappled with how to confront this new threat.

"Wh–where did you get that?"

Beomgyu asked, gripping Taehyun tightly as he trembled in shock.

"I always carried this... just in case," Hueningkai murmured, his knees buckling beneath him. Soobin rushed to his side, wrapping his arms around Hueningkai and whispering soothing words as he gently patted his back.

"Hyung..." Hueningkai called out weakly to the older male, his grip on the stake faltering until it clattered to the ground. He buried his face in Soobin's chest, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"I... I killed someone," he whispered, his voice heavy with despair. Soobin's heart broke at the confession, and he gently stroked Hueningkai's blonde hair, tracing soothing circles on his back.

"Sshhh... No, sweetheart, you didn't. That was a monster," Soobin reassured him. Beomgyu flinched at the term 'monster,' while Yeonjun clenched his jaw. The red-haired vampire stepped back, fearing that his presence might provoke further violence.

"Those creatures drank our blood—they're bloodsucking monsters. You don't need to cry, okay?" Soobin continued, trying to comfort Hueningkai. Beomgyu slowly rose, cradling the weakened Taehyun in his arms, his heart heavy with Soobin's words.


Hueningkai pulled away from the embrace, searching Soobin's eyes. Soobin tenderly caressed his cheek, and Hueningkai leaned into the touch. "But still... they were humans too, hyung," Hueningkai said, his voice trembling. Guilt washed over Soobin as the weight of the younger's words sank in.

"It wasn't their choice to become vampires. What if they were born this way?" Hueningkai added, and Soobin felt the gravity of the truth.

"I'm sorry," Soobin whispered, pulling Hueningkai into another embrace, resting his chin on the younger's shoulder.

Yeonjun stormed out of the school, seething with rage. To him, humans were merely food, and now Soobin dared to label them as monsters.

Soobin was right.

He knew they were monsters, beings that drained the life from their victims. Unlike Beomgyu, Yeonjun had little patience. His anger ignited easily, and anyone who stood in his way must be dealt with.

From the moment he laid eyes on the blonde kid, he sensed something was off. Hueningkai seemed to pose a threat to their kind, and now Yeonjun's suspicions had been confirmed. There were two possibilities: either Hueningkai was the child of a vampire hunter, or he simply carried a stake for self-defense. Yeonjun was convinced it was the former, and he knew he must act quickly.

"I have to eliminate him before he got the chance to kill me or Beomgyu," Yeonjun muttered, kicking a pebble as he strode away.


As Beomgyu entered their dorm, he gently laid Taehyun down on his bed. Sitting on the edge, his mind wandered back to Soobin's words from the cafeteria.

Bloodsucking monsters...

Was that how humans saw them? As threats? For centuries, there had been a mutual disdain between humans and vampires. Did that mean Taehyun felt the same? Did he see Beomgyu as a danger? What would happen if Taehyun learned the truth about him being a vampire?

Would he try to kill him? Would he betray him and call a vampire hunter? Or would he simply pretend everything was normal?

Beomgyu scoffed at the thought. As if anyone could stay calm knowing their roommate was a vampire—especially one of royal blood. He didn't notice Taehyun's weak gaze until the younger boy reached out, their fingers intertwining. The unexpected contact surprised Beomgyu, and he looked down at their clasped hands.

"Was something bothering you?" Taehyun asked, concern clear in his voice. Beomgyu responded with a soft smile and shook his head.

"Don't lie," Taehyun retorted bluntly.

"I'm not lying," Beomgyu insisted, though it was evident he wasn't being completely honest.

"Then why do your eyes look so sad?"

Beomgyu was taken aback by Taehyun's insight. The younger had always had an uncanny ability to read him, sometimes unsettlingly so.

"I... I don't know, Taehyun. I honestly didn't know," he admitted, his voice trembling. Taehyun sighed.

"No secrets between us, hyung. You promised to tell me if something was wrong, and I'd listen as a friend."

Beomgyu smiled at the reminder of their pact as roommates to share everything. He playfully tousled Taehyun's silver hair, prompting a giggle from him.

"I'm fine. You should rest; you're still recovering from the shock," Beomgyu murmured, leaving the room with a gentle smile, while Taehyun watched him go, a pout forming on his lips.

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