Sweet memories

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Eva, baejin and jaehyun pun makin lama makin rapat but in private way sebab taknak orang tahu about this . Day by day , jaehyun dah rasa sayang gila kat eva but dia takut untuk confess sebab takut anything bad happen yang jadi kat eva. Tapi jaehyun pun takut kalau orang lain ambik action lagi awal dari dia and dia akan hilang eva. Dia asyik fikir je apa yang dia kena buat and suddenly dia teringat kat baejin . OH MY GOD dahla dua orang ni suka orang yang sama , akan terjadi ke second lead syndrome??? Hmsss

Jaehyun pun pergi kantin untuk lunch and suddenly terjumpa baejin tengah ambil barang .

"Eh baejin, malam ni free tak? Hyung ada benda nak bincang sikit ni boleh?"

"Eh hyung erm boleh tapi lepas pukul 10 lah free sebelum tu ada training kat gym."

"Alright talk to you later"

"Alright talk to you later"

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" kenapa ni hyung"

" taktahu la nak cakap macam mana tapi i think i love eva but i don't know how to tell her"

*baejin terkejut gila bila dapat tahu and dia sedih sebab dia tahu eva pun suka jaehyun.*

"Hyung confess je!!! I'm sure dia takkan tolak cs i know her well ;)"

"Seriously? I hope so ."

" tapi hyung , satu je saya mintak, hyung jaga dia elok elok ye. Please dont ever hurt her feelings. She's really important to me."

"Dont worry i wont"

Lepas je borak borak sikit jaehyun dapat call suruh datang office sebab ada meeting.

*baejin* " and now , it's confirmed that I'm not be able to have you eva , it's sad but i have to accept it. And i know that you will be happy with jaehyun since you like him too."

*ringtone phone* " baejin kat mana  jom lepak "

"ada kat kantin ni. Eva datanglah"

Tiba tiba eva datang je baejin terus ,

Tiba tiba eva datang je baejin terus ,

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" baejin kenapa ni. Are you sad? Tell me why"

" eh takdelah . Baejin rindu eva je dah lama tak lepak macamni"

" if anything's wrong bagitahu je ok "

"Okay." *baejin dalam hati * " maybe it's my last hug for you as my girl. Later you will be other's. padan muka aku siapa suruh lambat . Take care and bye , forever ."

" baejin seriously okay ke?

" okay laaa dont worry. Eva nah hoodie baejin. Nanti eva pakaila selalu tau hehe . Baejin takut kita nanti busy and tak sama schedule and kalau eva rasa alone ke eva pakailah hoodie ni nanti eva dapat rasa baejin dekat je dengan eva HAHAHAHAHAHAH"

"Eeee mengada la dia ni. Btw thank youuuuu" *flying kiss*

Eva rasa macam ada yang tak kena sebab baejin peluk dia kuat kuat and macam dalam mood yang sedih. Tapi eva tak harapkan apa apa jadi dia rasa mungkin baejin penat . Baejin rasa sedih gila malam tu sebab dia suka eva since kecik lagi tapi dia tahu dia tak boleh nak halang and paksa perasaan orang. Dia cuba untuk happy as long as eva happy :(

A couple days later , jaehyun tiba tiba keluarkan cover lagu.

Eva time tu tengah ambil angin sorang sorang kat rooftop,

" hi eva. Buat apa sorang sorang kat sini? Oppa kacau ke?

" eh terkejut eva , takdelah saje je ambil angin "

" ohhhh. Eva dah dengar cover yang kat youtube tu?

" dahhhhh!!! Sedapp gilaaa eva siap buat ringtone phone lagi hehe takpekan?"

"It's actually..."

" kenapa? Ada benda tak kena ke"

"No. It's actually i sing that song to confess my feelings towards you"


" what——"

"Naneun chowa niga , eva"

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"Naneun chowa niga , eva"

DAYUMMMMMMMM JAEHYUN CONFESS YAL KAT EVA. Eva also said he like jaehyun too. Ayayyyyyyyy eva and jaehyun is officially datinggg!!!


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