Just another day

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Diana's P.O.V

I am currently the nerd of the school.

Sometimes my teachers ask me if something is right. I know what your thinking, I feel so bad for her.

I live in a crappy town in new york. Where everyone knows everyone. But the only reason people talk to me is because of my brother . . . Liam.

When people look at me they just see liam's little sister. He has always been the one that makes it the first try, the show off.

All the girls want him because of his sparklie brown eyes, dirty blond hair, perfect maners and most of all " perfect body " as all the girls say.

While guys look at my plain blue eyes and brown hair and look at me like I am a potato.

So how do I live knowing this?

I don't.

But in all seriousness I know a lot more than I am suppose to. I just want to leave this place and never look back! I can't though... I have to stay here were I am the geek.

I just wish it all could change, become different. Even if I know that I am not going anywhere until I graduate.

I wish I was as pretty as the other girls. If I was them I would just have natural beauty.

I can't even look pretty with make up . . . I mean I haven't tried any make up yet.

If lip stick counts than, yes I have. Other than that no.
I better get out of bed now or I will miss my first peroid.


I rub my eyes and pull my covers off. Just as I step on the cold floor my brother walks in.

"Hey, glad your up!" He smiles

I just look at him and give him the what-the-fuck look. He smiles again as I walk to our bathroom with him following.

"What on earth do you want at six in the morning?" I snap

He looks suprised.

"Sorry, just wanted to know if you wanted a ride to school." He says with his arms up in the air. There was a moment of silence before I gave in.

I sigh "Its okay. I am the one who should be sorry. Just give me a minute to clean up."

"Ok, sure, I will see you downstairs." He yells while he jogs down the stairs

I close the door and grab my tooth brush. I began brushing my teeth while I start my music player that I keep on my white counter top.

The song "doll house" played and I started singing along.

"Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains.

Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains.

I see things that nobody else sees.
I see things that nobody else sees)"

I can't help but think it relates to me in some ways. I love my brother but sometimes I just can't stand being his little sister.

I finish up with my teeth, wash my face, and brush my long natrual brown curly hair.

Just when I walk out of the bathroom to put on some clean colthes liam yells up the stairs.

"I am leaving in 10 minutes with or with out you!"

I run and quickly grab my blue jeans, white shirt that says "come and get me" and my pear of black vans.

I throw them on and when I get to the bottom of the stairs liam throws me an apple.

"What do you plan on doing after high school liam?" I question him as we walk to the car

"Go to collage." He dosen't even think twice

"No, I mean like do you think you . . . Maybe . . . Fall in l-love?"

"Maybe some day?" He questions himself

We are half way to school and I am already thinking way to much.

Well that's normal for me. I just cant stop thinking that I may never find love.

I don't really know what true love is because I have never had it.

I jump out of the perfectly polised dark blue truck and wait for liam to grab his bag from the back seat and jump out as well.

He soon walks to me "You forgot this in the car" he hands me my favorite book 'Fault in our stars'.

I have read it so many times and yet I cry everytime.

We start walking towards the doors of West Lake High School.

When one of liams buddys drag him over to the table just outside the door.

So I continue to make my way to the doors. I pull one door open and step into our tiny school.

Just when I stated walking to my first period to get there early, A boy I have never seen before come's around the small hall way and bumps right into me.

I lose my balance and fall right on him. We both fall to the floor with me on top of him.

I looked down and saw a mop of curls and percing green eyes staring at me.

All around us I could hear people wisling and taking pictures. But it seemed he didn't notice.

All he was doing was staring at me with his green eyes looking into my blue.

Finally the bell rang telling me to go to class. I got off of him and started apoloizing.

When he cut me off saying "Its ok, it was my fault."


Hey guys! What do you think? I hope you all liked it! Comment and tell me if you want more or not! Its up to you guys! Comment soon!


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