The End of a Beginning

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It took Wilhelm all the courage, strength and bravery he could stomach to avoid the wandering eyes that seemed to puncture him with bullet holes. The air was cool and claustrophobic, frost was biting his fingertips as he dug his hands deeper into his pockets.

Keep your head down.

He waded further and further through the crowd, spouting meaningless Christmas wishes to those who would accept them.

Almost there.

The path to the car was long and icy, with every step it seemed to grow an inch. His eyes were fixed to the movement of his feet below.

One step, two step, three, four...

Wilhelm's pace quickened in his haste to make it to the safety of the car. He felt his heart ricocheting against the bone of his ribs. His cheeks flashed pink with the heat of embarrassment. His chest tightened, panic rising...

And that's when he saw Simon.

Illuminated by the setting sun, Simon's silhouette broke the unbearably chilly atmosphere. His dark curls cut through the pale white of the sky, his eyes glinting like the gentle snowflakes. Wilhelm felt his stomach lurch; his hands craved Simon's touch.

Don't do it. You made your bed, now lie in it.

But Wilhelm couldn't help himself. Heart over head, Wilhelm felt his feet take over, striding in the direction of Simon.

Simon turned to face Wilhelm. He did not smile or lift his gaze, there was not a single tremor of joy behind those glacier eyes.

Fear suddenly struck Wilhelm. He found himself uttering a tentative, "Hi".

Wilhelm's eyes darted across Simon's face, searching for a sign of forgiveness. Nothing.

"That was beautiful".

Wilhelm felt his heart jump into his throat. Simon finally held Wilhelm's gaze. He smiled.


Not a moment passed before Wilhelm reached out two shaking arms and wrapped them around Simon. And to his surprise, Simon hugged him back. He could feel the gentle, rhythmic thud of Simon's heart against his chest. Wilhelm breathed in deeply, taking in the soft soapy smell he knew all too well. Fighting hard against the overpowering threat of tears, Wilhelm forced himself to swallow the small lump in his throat to speak.

"I'm- I'm sorry"

Simon clawed at his back; taking a small fistful of Wilhelm's coat. He had longed for Wilhelm's touch; he had longed to be back in his arms, in the comfort of his bed, laughing, feeling the weight of Wilhelm's lips upon his . He longed to feel his fingers running through Wilhelm's hair. He longed to feel the love Wilhelm had given.

But it was too late.

"I love you"

The words escaped breathlessly from Wilhelm's empty lips. These words hung in the air, enveloping them in a whirlwind of desperation. They longed to belong in each other's arms once again. But Simon knew heartbreak was the only way to let go.
Simon felt the sting of tears rising, blurring his vision. He closed his eyes; he imagined himself saying "I love you" back to Wilhelm, but he knew all too well what that would cost him. He didn't want to be Wilhelm's secret.
Simon's hold around Wilhelm weakened, his arms dropped limply back at his side. His eyes scanned the floor, too afraid to meet Wilhelm's, for if they did he would surely feel their threat of white hot tears.

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