A shot in the dark

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It was cold and dark in the hospital, the wind blew through the broken window, and broken glass crunched under my shoes. I knew I was told not to go into the building ever but something pulled me. Like... quite literally something dragged me into the building by my hair. Something was keeping me in the building, I could leave at anytime just something made me stay. Then I heard a thud come from the room behind me, I look behind me and the pitch-black hallway seemed endless, but a little light shined through from a room. Peek I got the room that looked identical to all the others, smashed glass, peeled walls, empty beds but I walked in further. " I think you are lost" a man says behind me. A man with white hair, hospital clothes, and a pale face was looking at me. Backing away frightened, my body hits the wall, but the man comes closer to me. "Why are you so scared love" I didn't even notice before, but his British accident soothes my ears. I gulp "a-are you a-a g-g-g-g-g-ghost-t-t" the man's face went from concerned to disappointed. He turns around without saying anything and starts floating out of the room. "wait" I call back from him. His face confused looks back at me, I m Frantic how could I do that to him, yes he's a ghost but...he's different. I walk closer to him "I didn't mean to upset you, please don't go" I beg. "Just leave me alone," he says harshly before turning around and floating away. "Please don't" I cried out trying to grab his hand only to have my hand go through him. "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE" he yells which startles me. "I don't care that you are a ghost, I wanna be with you," I said softly. He stops and I clear my throat and put my words together. "Listen I know I only met you two minutes ago but there is something about you" I pause "I never felt like this for anyone before" he looks back at me comes close. "You're just a stupid kid who ran into the wrong building," he says coldly. I felt tears build up in my eyes, I cover them with my hands and feel my cheeks getting red. He's right it was a mistake to stay, I started running out of the room then he pulls my hair and whispers in my ear "I don't know how can I love you, we are complete opposites. How can a ghost-like me, love a human as pretty as you" you both look into each other eyes, which you are unsure of his eye color cuz he's transparent but they are beautiful none the less. "I love you for you, I don't care you a ghost...because you are my ghost", you take a deep breath "and that's why I'm asking you to" you get down on one knee, "I am asking you to marry me".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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