-a prmoise he kept-

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"Mm- I heard there's a new transfer student coming today," said dunce face, currently stuffing his mouth disgustingly with chips and spamming on the game controller.

"If I see a single speck of those disgusting ass chip crumbs on this couch you're fucking dead dunce face!"

Everyone laughed, ignoring my threat. Classes have been over for an hour now and these idiots have been rambling on and on about this transfer kid for the past thirty fucking minutes. It's annoying as fuck but I can't help but also be curious on who it is.

Raccoon eyes gasped loudly, millions of question marks visibly appearing on top of her head. "Did you hear anything about them!? What about their gender!? Are they cute? Hot!?" She got up off the couch and bounced around excitedly, asking many annoying ass questions.

"Would you shut the fuck up for two seconds raccoon eyes!? Jesus christ, calm down your shits."

"You're no fun Bakubabe," whined raccoon eyes, slowly dragging her feet back towards the couch.

Even though she had sat down, she still continued asking her questions, shitty hair attempting to calm her down, while tape arms and dunce face played some action game.

A certain someone had made a promise with me years ago. The promise lingering in the back of my mind, blocking out any noise that the idiots made. The promise was made years ago when we were young, what are the chances that they even remember?

The loud sound of footsteps pulled me out of my mind, we had all turned our heads towards the sound, waiting for it to either stop or for the person to arrive.


The name and voice seemed familiar to me, but it was so faint that it was hard to recognize. The name was repeated again and again, becoming louder and louder as the voice and footsteps near the common room entrance. No fucking way... it can't be-


By instinct I stood up and ran out, arms out ready for the warmth and pressure of the owner of the voice. The blur of candy cane colors rushed towards me, tears pooling up in my eyes, a wide smile spreading across my face. A body flung itself into my arms causing me to stumble back. They wrapped their skinny, muscular arms around my neck and legs around my waist. His duffel bag slowly dropped off the owner.


My head rested in the crook of Shouto's neck, drowning in the nostalgic smell of sweet peppermint.

"I missed you so much Shou." I didn't care about crying in front of anyone. The only thing I cared about was Shouto and how he was actually here.

"I missed you too! I'm so sorry that it took so long!" Shouto sniffled and cried into my shoulder.

"S'kay Shou, s'kay... You're here now, that's all that matters."

I lifted his head up, his face beautifully covered in tear streaks, eyes slightly puffy and red, his nose equally as red. So ethereal and beautiful, yet I decided then and there that I never wanted to ever see him cry from anything but happiness.

Shouto wiped my year in return and lightly booped my nose, giggling lightly. I lightly laughed, forgetting that there were actually other people around us.

"Bakubabe! Who's that cutie you have there!" Mina gasped and ran quickly towards us. The rest of the idiots followed along as well.

"Get the hell away you fucktards!"

"It's fine Katsuki," sighed Shouto, as he hopped off adjusting his duffel bag onto his shoulder. He lifted his arm and slightly waved with a barely there smile on his face.


"Awww, he's so cute!" Mina rush towards Shouto and hugged him to fucking oblivion.

"Calm down Mina, let the man breathe would ya," laughed Kirishima, putting his hand on her shoulder to lightly pull her off.

Shouto was let go and then introduced himself to the others after they had introduced themselves first.

("You're Endeavor's son?!"

"Oh- uh... Yeah. Yeah I am..."

"Okay, okay. Shut the fuck up you idiots.")

"So, how do you know our friend Bakubro?" Kirishima asked slowing his steps down to keep in step with Shouto. Everyone else had also quoted down to hear what Shouto would say.

I glared at shitty hair about his statement but was calmed down by Shouto clutching onto my arm.

"Oh- uh... we were close friends when we were younger, my dad just made me leave for a few years..."


A sudden shift in movement had brought him out of the memory. The comfortable weight of his stupidly cute boyfriend on his chest felt comforting and warm. Katsuki played with the bicolor's hair, slowly drifting to sleep.

"You kept your promise, Shou."

Vermillion eyes looked down towards the young sleeping boy and leaned down to kiss Shouto's forehead. He leaned his head back towards his pillow and drifted off to slumber.

^ end^

[A/N~thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed^^]
have a great day/night!!

-a promise he kept-Where stories live. Discover now