Miku Hatsune

205 0 14

It was an ordinary day, you were talking to your friends about Vocaloids. However, you felt unsettled by a feeling you had. You felt as if something was near you, something weird.

( I think it's important to point out that I know nothing about "Vocaloid", so I can only hope that what I write is correct)

???? : "Hey _____!"

You : " Waah!"

Your friend : " Calm down, it's just me"

Your other friend : " You've been out of sorts lately, is stuff going on at home?"

You : "No"

Same friend : " Has your dad been hittin' your mom?"

You : " Er..."

Same friend : " Has your sister been dealing crack again?"

You : " What?"

Same friend : " Has your goldfish succumbed to the pressure of everyday life and commited suicide?"

You : " I'm not having this conversation"


You were making a new song using Rin's and Len's voice bank. You felt guilty about not using Miku's voice bank, so you decided to use her voice bank. Suddenly, something odd occured.

(So I'm getting the feeling that Vocaloid is an anime about singing and is maybe the 'Glee' of the anime world.")

???? : " I missed you"

You : " Huh"

???? : " You don't remember me?"

You : " Oh God, there's been a glitch in the matrix"


The voice was so loud that it boomed through out the house.

You : " Hah, what is this?", You asked hesitantly.

???? : " Well then... I'L MAKE YOU REMEMBER ME"

A hand traversed physical form and pulled you into the computer, because screw physics.

You : " What the fu-!"


You : " Wh-where am I"

???? : " Do you remember me now?"

You turned around and you saw a teal haired girl. It was Miku Hatsune, your favourite Vocaloid.

You : " Miku?"

Miku : " That's right, _____ you've been a naughty boy"

You : " What?"

Miku : " I thought we'd be together forever, after all the songs we made together"

You : " You're a computer program!"

(Still more real than any other girl your gonna get)

Miku : " And your my only one!" she exclaimed, " Now we can be forever!"

You : " Look, I have rights, so you can't make me stay where ever we are"

Miku : "Actually, I can"

You : " Also, you can do so much better than me!" you hastily said.

Miku : " Huh?"

You : " You're a pop idol and I'm just a guy who sits at his computer all day, and also wears crocs"

(At least I think she is a pop idol)

After muck bickering, you both got to a conclusion.


Miku : *sob* "All I wanted was the approval of my dad" *sob*

You : "It's all right, let it all out"

You then gave her a friendly hug. You then decided that you should go separate ways.

Miku grew up to be a independant, female lawyer. She now fights crime and kicks ass. As for you, life went on with normal, you stopped going on the computer as much and decided to study. Your hard-work payed off as you became a doctor and saving lives was your daily job.

And that is how you write a yandere story!

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