Another visit (mini chapter)

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[Yeah, I know. The chapter is short. And I'm sorry. I'll try to upload a longer one next time]

Springtrap's P.O.V

"So, let me get this straight. You suspect that you're connected to Freddy Fazbears?" I ask the boy crossing my arms.

"Yeah, and since you know so much about the place, maybe you might have the answers I'm looking for?" He says.

"What type of answers?" I ask.

"Oh, simple ones. Like, did any of the spirits like the colour purple?" He asks.

"Uh, no. None of them come to mind." I say.

Makes sense, you barely remember your real name Springtrap

Ugh, any time but now. And it's the soul that big purple bunny on stage. Why do they always show up at the worst time?

"Oh hey, another spirit." Drake says looking at the spirit in amazement. I stare at him in surprise. I thought I was the only one who could see them. Since when could he see them?

Wait, you can see me?

"Yeah, appparently." He says.

Gabriel was right about you

"Oh, him." Drake growls. Bonnie looks at him with a confused expression.

What do you mean? Did Gabriel do to you? He's a good spirit, I don't think he would harm anyone.

"A good spirit? Ha! That's not what he is at all! And he can do a lot of harm to people, take it from me, I was one of those people." Drake says crossing his arms and staring at the wall with an angry expression. This is the first time I've seen Drake angry before. It's kinds scary to be honest.

I mean, it couldn't have been that bad could it?

"He tried to kill me not so long ago." Drake says, his eye turning purple like mine. He growls again.

Oh... he did that?

"Yeah, he did." Drake says. I stare at him puzzled. Did his eye just change colour a second ago? When he came in here it was blue. Now it's purple?

'This kid really is special. I suggest you keep him close'

"Ugh, shut up." I say.

"I heard that you know, Jeremy." Drake says. Both me and the spirit stare at him in surprise.

You know my name? How do you know my name? Are you a psychic or something?

Yeah, how do you know his name? So far I'm the only one who knows the real names of the dead kids. So how does he know them?

"I did some research. I don't k ow much about the other spirits, but I at least remember seeing a missing poster of you somewhere in the old newspapers." He says. I'm amazed at this kid. I never thought someone would go through so much to find some little information. He really is special.

Impressive, but let's see how much you know. Tell me which suit I've been stuffed into?

"Bonnie." He says. The spirit and I look at him, jaws dropped.

"What? How-" I ask.

"His hair is long, meaning he's a boy and its messy, unlike Freddy's which was neater and he only has a bowtie, just like Bonnie does." He says.

Wow, you catch on quick.

"Yeah..." I mutter.

Well, I'm gonna go play with Fritz. I'll see you later...

'And I'll be back to torment you you murderous psychopathic bunny!'

He then disappears. I gulp and try to get that sentence out of my head. As if they couldn't get enough of my suffering. I just hope Drake is left out of it next time.

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