Disclaimer: Photos are not mine. Purely fictional. :)
A fiction story where, 1theK released Suzy's dance practice of Yes No Maybe in preparation for her A Tempo fancert.
Sueweeties around the world are so happy and little did we know that someone is happier and more proud.
I was busy reading Sueweeties comments in youtube when I received a message from my boyfriend.
I started dating Jjwogi in November 2020, our agency knows about us but we want to keep it private. But of course, our family and friends know about it as well and they are very supportive.
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Aww. He's the sweetest! He's very supportive of everything that I do. Indeed, my number one fan. ♡
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Can he get any cuter? My puppy is so cute. I'm falling deeper.
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Another reason why we're keeping our relationship private, we want to have another project together. I think, our chemistry is really good and he's the best co-worker. I'm sure DoDal/NamZy shippers would love it. I would love it too. Hehe.
We've been busy with our own activities and I haven't seen him for weeks. I miss him so much and I can't wait to see him. ♡
**Nam Joo Hyuk's private instagram account.
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This one is short, I really enjoy using fictional social media posts and conversations.