Chapter 1: Powers

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Mom! I don't want to move schools again. This is the third one this year. Mom I'm only twelve and I've moved to thirteen schools. Sorry Bella but they offered me a great job in Florida , don't you want to live right by a beach. No! I want want to go back home in New York. All of my friends are in New York. I'm sorry honey but we are going to Florida whether you like it there or not, and that's the end of this discussion. Know go to your room and pack your things. Fine. "SLAM."

Wake up Bella it's time to leave. Whatever I'll be down stairs in a minute. Mom I don't feel good. Oh come on, just because u don't want to leave does not mean you have to fake sick.
BELLA!!! BELLA!!!..........

Where am I. Oh my goodness. Thank God u are awake. You have been in a coma for five years. I have to go get the doctor. I'll be right back honey hold on. Bella looked at her fingers and  they looked as if they were glowing for a split second but then they stopped. At that moment the doctor and her mom walked in. Bella do u have any pain anywhere? No. Where am I? Honey you've been in a coma for five years. Your seventeen years old. What? No thats impossible. The doctor's have no idea how this happened or why. But all that matters now is that u are awake and well. No this cann't be happening. I've missed five years of my life and you can't tell me why. Well when we took all the test u came back fine. You were as healthy as can be. Do you remember what happened that morning before you fell into your coma. Umm, all I remember is that I woke up and I had a horrible headache and then I wake up here. Can you tell me if you can remember how bad your head was hurting from a scale one to ten. Umm I want to say ten, but I can't be forsur because well you know I've been asleep for five years. Well since we can't find anything wrong with you I don't see why you can't go home. Stay one more night and you'll be able to go home tomorrow. Thank you doctor. Mom what time is it? Three o'clock. What year is it? 2021. I can't believe I'm been in a coma for five years. So this means I'm seventeen. Yes Bella your seventeen. Wait does this mean I have to go back to fith grade. No honey... Well I'm not totally sure. Well anyway what do you want to eat for your meal waking up from the coma? A big greasy cheeseburger with chili cheese fries please. No problem, looks like I'm going to McDonald's. I'll be back in half an hour. Ok well i'll be waiting.

As soon as Bellas mom left the room her fingers seemed to glow again and then out of nowhere a spark of lightning came from the tips of her fingers and hit the lamp beside her bed and the light on the lamp turned off. Whoa! How did that happen?

Hey mom. Hey Bella i got your cheeseburger with chili cheese fries. Hey, what happened to the lamp?
Umm... I don't know it must have shorted or something.

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