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˚ ༘♡ S

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˚ S. RINTAROU ‧₊˚.

house, going inside and settling down in his room. his parents weren't going to be home for another few hours.

he has a surprisingly big room for all of you to sit in a circle. the six of you got out all of your school things, "okay atsumu, start on the homework you can do yourself, leave the rest you need help with. you guys too if you'd like my help," you said.

"okay, thank you," they said their thanks.

"y/nnn," atsumu dragged out your name like a child. "i need help with this, please."

you got up from your spot and gently squeezed your way in between the twins as they made more room for you, "ok let's see..." you began. you helped atsumu through homework and studying as time went on.

"well, there you go. that should help you out," you got up and went back to your spot- atsumu then thanked you,

you glanced at suna to see his eyes were already fixed on you, "hey so uh, can you help me too. i'm having trouble with english this time..." he asked.

you nodded, "oh su-"

"i can help," sana interrupted, smiling. "i'm super good at english! here let me see," she said trying to look over suna's shoulder.

"no it's fine, i like the way y/n explains things. maybe next time, thank you though sana," suna smiled at the girl, which she nodded slightly embarrassed he turned down her offer- awkwardness starting to fill the room.

which you broke it by getting up and sitting close to suna, "okay, so..." you started explaining.

unknowingly to suna, his gaze lingered on your face. eyes outlining your side profile- not hearing a word you had said in the last 30 seconds. this gaze felt like a trap- he can't get out of it. it wasn't bad, but it felt off. different, almost- in a...good way?

finally snapping out of this gaze because you spoke up, "okay so...do you understand now?" you asked, head turning to him. the two of you were close in personal space but none of you dared to say anything.

"uh no sorry," he cleared his throat, "can you repeat it one more time? sorry..." he said smiled nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

"it's fine...and yeah sure," you nodded.

"ahhh, finally done!" remi stretched her arms, "what should we do now?"

you yawned, "beats me...i'm kinda hungry though. suna, do you have any snacks?"

you asked he nodded, "yeah, let's all go down and find something," all of you left suna's room, making your way downstairs. a few of you got some water while the rest of you got some snacks to share among yourselves.

all of you sat at suna's dining room table, talking and eating the snacks. time passed as you all enjoyed yourselves.

the conversation started getting quiet until sana spoke up, "so...i have to ask, y/n. are you and suna dating?" she questioned, moving her eyes between the both of you. suna had a baffled look on his face, while you were stoic- but confused nonetheless.

"sorry if that came off a little blunt," she let out a laugh, "you guys just seem close."

you and suna made eye contact, holding it for awhile. you ignored the loud heart beat in your chest as you bursted out laughing. "never. like- if we were the last people on earth i'd still stay away from him," you said smiling.

suna scoffed, "dating her would probably be the worst experience of my life- and i've gone through many. all she does is nag me," he laughed teasingly.

you tilted your head, "like you don't nag me?"

remi, atsumu, and osamu were just snickering and laughing as you two bickered with each other. this went on for a little longer until sana chose to speak up again.

"okay, forget i ever asked," she laughed. "you guys are more like a divorced failed marriage."

"wouldn't ever marry him to begin with," you retorted, as all of you laughed.

you all were still at the table, conversing. you felt your phone buzz in your lap and looked at the notification, "oh shoot, i go to go. see you guys tomorrow!" you said getting up and dusting yourself off.

"thanks for your help, y/n!" atsumu and suna said, you nodded. you went upstairs, packed up your bag, and went down to put on your shoes.

you finished that, and was about to open the door until you heard a voice. "hey y/n, you want me to walk you home?" osamu sent you a small smile, gently tapping your lower back with his hand.

"oh no, it's okay. i'll be fine," you reassured him.

osamu sighed, "well okay, have a good night."

"you too, good night."

i feel like there was a lot of time-skips.
sorry about that lmao

sorry about that lmao

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𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐄. suna rintarouWhere stories live. Discover now