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It was a beautiful day. February 26, 2015. I was in high school. A bright youngster I was. But the social media... I was so attached to it. And on this beautiful winter day, something happened. Something broke the Internet. (And no, I don't mean Kim Kardashian's ass!!) It somehow more terrifying. Okay, it wasn't as terrifying. But... there was a dress. At first glance, I saw... I saw... excuse me. This topic is extremely painful for me. I saw white and gold. Without a doubt, it was crisp white and metallic gold. I continued to scroll through the page. And then there were more posts. They were... about... the dress. And I looked at the dress again. IT WAS BLUE AND BLACK. I was sobbing now. I screamed and threw my phone across the room, grabbed a bible, and prayed that I wouldn't be possessed by whatever monster created the dress. It took all my power to look at the photo again. It was definitely blue and black. I then shattered my phone. No. No. No. but then... But then... I saw it. I saw the light. But it was not white and gold as it should be. IT WAS BLUE AND BLACK. I somehow survived this horrible tragedy. I was one of the only few survivors. And today, in 2067, I was sitting on my porch, when my grandkids came up to me. They asked what my hardest day was. I began to sob again. I was gasping for breath I was crying so hard.And this time, I saw the blue and black light and I followed it. I followed it. And I never saw anything again.

was killed by blue and black dress
along with the rest of the Internet

Authors note: So yeah. I made a story about #thedress. DEAL WITH IT.XD

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