Prologue: Immediately After

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The Trial

"Do you plead, guilty, or not guilty?" The judge lorded over everyone. Adrien Agreste. Emilie Agreste. Gabriel Agreste with his hands clamped together in chains. The whole of Paris watched from either the courtroom or on their televisions, waiting for the verdict. Gabriel's head slowly turned around to his son. He stared at the black suit that mourned the loss of his father, just his son's eyes did. Adrien didn't make the effort to look at him. He lost his father one week ago when he lost his soulmate. He lost his father the day he let a hero, an innocent girl, take the blow for his mother. Gabriel, emotionless, turned back around. 

"Guilty," he held his chin high. Adrien awaited a gasp, or murmurs from the hearing, but all he received was silence. And that was scarier. 
Not a single heartbeat. Not even his m'lady's heartbeat. 

"I hereby sentence you, to a lifetime in prison, for the treason against Paris and the murder of hero, Marinette Dupein-Cheng," the judge's voice echoed in the hall. 
Adrien had remained strong throughout the whole of the trial, keeping a poker face as he watched the monster his father had become, standing in front of him in handcuffs. 
But it broke Adrien when he heard her name. 
A single tear rolled down his cheek. The media was going to love that moment. But for Adrien... he didn't even let his mother clasp his hand as Emilie tried to reach for him. The guards grabbed Gabriel and took him away, leaving the courtroom deathly quiet. 

The jury walked down the front steps first, leading the audience out of the trial. Adrien stepped out into the rain and just stood. The flashing lights, the microphones, the press all running to him. 

"Adrien, what are your thoughts on your father?" 
"Did you know your father was Hawkmoth?"
"Surely you or your mother had something to do with his schemes?" 
"Emilie, where have you been all these years?"

He looked up at his mother who stood next to him, holding a black umbrella over him, shielding him the best she could. She placed a hand on her son's back and led him through the crowd and into the limo, to take him home. She slammed the car door after she followed Adrien in the car. He was so thankful for her. Thankful for the gorilla at the wheel who began driving straight away. But still, he felt so empty. He felt Plagg and Tikki in the pockets of his blazer snuggle into him a little. 

"You were so strong today, my darling," his mother's soft voice filled the emptiness and she slid her hand over his. Adrien looked down at his hand underneath hers. Slowly, he lifted his head to meet her eyes. Those beautiful eyes, the ones he remembered so vividly, now almost appeared to be ruined by what had just happened. He then looked at the necklace around her neck. The butterfly miraculous his father once wore, hanging at her neck. The one he gave to her before the police arrested him. 

"But I'm not strong, mother," Adrien's lips trembled as his hands started to shake. Emilie's instant reaction was to grab and hold him like there was no tomorrow. "I'm sorry mother, I can't do this," he sobbed and cried into his mother's warmth, grabbing the collars of her blazer. She just held him and said nothing. Held him until her son fell asleep while their bodyguard drove them home. 

6 Months After // Present Day

He sat in his cell, while all the other prisoners slept in the dark of night. Pondering. Wondering what his next move was. 

"Tell me Nooroo," he looked up, his blue eyes almost glowing in the pitch black. The same blue as his kwami, that floated in the air above him. He then looked back at his hand, the miraculous, the real miraculous, sitting in his hands. 
"Do you think we have sat in silence for long enough?" his lips curled into a devilish smile. 

But rule number one for Nooroo... Do not speak. Ever. 

"I think it's time for a darker butterfly to fly..."












Well hello there. 

I've been reading all your comments for years from the wings and realizing a couple of things. 

1) Oh my lord I am a bit of a psychic

2) I have traumatized all of you from the ending of the first book. lmao, I am deeply sorry but at the same time not really cause it's time to find out what happens. 😳

So this story will not follow any events from the latest season but follow book one's plot so please don't hate me if things are inaccurate in comparison to what has been aired in season 4. 

I wonder where our journeys will take us from here my friends (you all probably hate me tho)

See you soon

Mwah 💋

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