The Director Is In Love With the Main Lead

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Title : The Director Is In Love With the Main Lead

Description : Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung are one of the most popular celebrities in Korea.
The two are working together in a drama, with jungkook as director and Taehyung as main lead.

Genre : Fluff?
Member : Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook
Ship : Taekook

Tae Pov ~

I was at set as we were shooting for our new drama.

Today we were to shoot the "last kiss" scene.
It was a goodbye kiss, and we were supposed to never meet after this as I would be leaving for abroad.

The fake rain poured drenching me and y/n, the female lead of our drama.

Both of us stared at each other's eyes. Holding on to each other, there were some close ups on our teary eyes and flushed faces, then we were supposed to melt into the kiss.

Just like we had planned, I leaned in to kiss her but before our lips could meet...

"CUT!" I heard the director, jeon jungkook, yell.

Everyone turned their attention to him and stared at him in confusion.

The scene was going so perfectly we could have gotten Done with it but alas he had to interrupt.

I could see his flustered cheeks and he clearly felt embarrassed but he played it off.

"you don't have any dialogs in the scene before kiss, so you need to let your eyes communicate with audience but there were no emotions in your eyes." he said in a stern tone making me scoff a bit. Only to earn a glare from him.

"I have always had perfection in my dramas and that's what I want from this one too. So either you perfect in one go or I would make you retake it till you deliver the desired result."

"sure sir, we would do a better job this time." yn said, I could see she felt a little disappointed,

after all she had put so much effort and looking at her eyes I could feel the pain during the scene and here jungkook is commenting on how our eyes didn't held emotions.

Poor thing she doesn't even know the truth.

"sir, can we take a little break before retake."

"but Tae we are already drenched let's just get it over with right now." yn said and I could see jungkook shooting degars at her when she called me 'tae'.

"alright, 15 minutes break everyone." jungkook announced as everyone dispersed.

yn was given towel was being dried so she wouldn't catch cold as I approached jungkook to have a talk with him in private.

At first jungkook was resisting but then ended up giving in.

A/n Pov ~

On reaching a empty room Taehyung started speaking.


"shut up!" he said Taking Taehyung by surprise, "Nobody is here right now Tae, you don't need to call me that." jungkook was done with hiding their relationship he really wanted to scream to the world that Taehyung was his.

if their relationship was public, he probably wouldn't have been this jealous alas they couldn't reveal their relationship for their own careers.
the country they are in doesn't take homosexual relationships that well.

"ohkk, sorry kookoo please don't be mad mhm?"

"whatever, what did you even want to talk about." he said looking away.

"your jealousy." Taehyung said and boped jungkook's nose,

"yeah before that we should talk about boundaries."


"why does she calls you Tae?"

"koo literally everyone calls me tae."

"lies I don't get to call you that in front of others." he mumbled, as Taehyung giggled.

"but it doesn't change the fact that I am only yours." Taehyung said making jungkook blush a little.

Tae placed his hands on jungkook's waist and pulled him closer.


Jungkook buried his face in tae's neck and hummed.

"it's just acting baby, the kiss won't mean anything to me, but we need to get it done with right."

"I know, I tried to control myself and it's not like I haven't seen you kiss others on screen but seeing it live and just, I just couldn't control myself." jungkook said pulling away to look Tae in the eyes

"I understand sweetheart." Taehyung said and pecked jungkook's lips.

"but koo, wouldn't it be better to just get it done with? Now you would have to see yn and I repeat that scene from the start. And suffer from jealousy again."

Jungkook groaned lightly and pouted as Tae giggled.

"I hate this."

"mhm how about we get the shoot over with and I make it up to you tonight." Taehyung said winking.

"and how exactly are you going to do that."

"we can go to arcade, then have a cheesy movie marathon the ones you like, while cuddling the hole time."


"why were you expecting something else my dear?"

"oh shut up Tae!"

Taehyung giggled at jungkook being all flushed.

"well, koo, we can go with what you were thinking"

"yeah, then I was thinking of making you sleep at couch tonight."

"hey! We both know you weren't thinking that. Just admit it already, you were thinking of me and you in be-"

"yah! Let's get back to shooting hm."

"koo you are all wet."

"wtf Tae."

"wait! No I meant your clothes cause I hugged you and I was drenched."


"you are so dirty koo" Tae chuckled looking at flustered jungkook.

"stfu and just go, nobody is gonna notice it, I am wearing black. Let's just get over with your scene yeah."

"ohk baby" Taehyung said and pulled jungkook in for an actual kiss.


little did they know someone was watching them.

And that kiss of theirs was going to make headlines and change their lives for forever.

[it's part 2(last part), "relationship scandal" has been posted in case you want to check it out.]

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