Sudden death

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i'm Klaus, i'm 18 and i'm at my parents
funeral , i'm hearing cries and seeing a lot of flowers,we are all wearing Black, i'm surrounded by the arms of my grandfather who's half dead , my grandmother next to him sobbing and crying and a lot of people i didn't know existed, it's sad of course because i'm gonna live alone, i'd need to work even more to help my grandparents because they don't have much money so i have to continue what both of my parents were doing , i will suffer , i already know this , however, i'm not gonna run away like an idiot teenager , even if this thought already crossed my mind because i'm afraid , i don't know if i will succeed and provide a stable life for my grandparents and myself.

it's been one month since my parents death, it was sudden,very sudden,i didn't see this coming, they were both healthy and had no ennemies or problems,they were very quiet, kind and strict, and beyond all these good thing they are dead now, they commmited suicide, i still don't understand why, my conscience can't comprehend it, maybe because it's not logical , complete nonsenses but it's what the officers said, they died because they wanted to, i find it selfish and hate them right now.

my life has changed so fast, i broke up with my girlfriend Laura, she was quite a distraction for me, so i decided that we can't be together, i don't have time for her, then we broke up, she seemed happy, carefree, not thinking about me at all, well this is what she shows, maybe she does think about me, us .

i'm not taking care of myself anymore because i don't have much time, i work everyday, i quit school because i can't afford it, YES i'm poor , i eat the same thing every damn day , it sucks, but i have no choice , i have no family left here, just my grandparents who will both probably die soon , i'm sad because it's not the life that i was wishing to live by far.

it's 8pm and i'm ready to work on my third job this day, yeah i work three job a day , a waiter,a barber helper and in a bar , it's kind of exhausting , but i'm doing well , i hope so .
The bar is always full,drunk people everywhere wich sucks because i can't stand them ugh.

"Here you are stronzo, come stai ?"Elio , ugh why is he even asking me how i'm doing, i bet he doesn't care at all.

"Bellisimo" i do speak italien a little bit because my dead father was an italien bastard and my dead mother a French bitch, and Elio is also an italien and he is pissing me off right now , he is so talkative and i hate talkative people , DAMN IT.

"are you seriously gonna be sad till the end of your life or what? i don't get your plan dude"he said to me hitting me on the shoulder

"va via bastardo"i need him to go away , i'm working right now and we shouldn't be talking, if Maria sees us she will take 10$ of my money, and it's something that i'd not like to happen

"Maria wants you out right now" WHAT ????

"what do you mean out?" NO, she can't take this job from me i need it so bad !!!

"damn it , didn't you hear me , she wants you out , she wants to talk to you"

"don't you know why?"I can hear my blood running in my body , I'm anxious.

"aucune idée" he sometimes talk french immitating my mother , he suck seriously

i'm out of the bar, i see Maria smoking , she waved her hand telling me to come and sit down next to her , she is and old woman with dark hair and dark circles under her eyes , she is divorced and it's all what we know , she is very mysterious and wary , she may have had a rough past

"how are you doing lately son?" she is the kind of person who's gentle with everyone but if we piss her off , she is the devil on person

"fine" i hate it when people ask me how I'm doing.

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