Stranger danger

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I sat down at my usual lunch table alone, I don't exactly have friends after they all posted shit about me a month ago. I never really liked them in the first place though. I stared at Hayden, the star football player, and most popular guy at our school.

See I was only staring cause he was walking towards me. Then he sat down next to me, "Need something?" "Can I not sit here?" "I mean you can, just tryna find out why you choose to." "It's a table, and plus I wanted to talk."

"Then go talk to someone." "I mean I want to talk to you." "What are you up to?" "You look lonely everyday, so I'm talking to you. Uhm how are you?" "Small talk, really? Look I appreciate you efforts, but I'm perfectly fine."

"Oh come on, at least talk to me. Like without telling me to fuck off nicely." "Fine, what are you doing later?" "Practicing, you should watch." "No thanks, you single?"

"Yeah, why?" "Dunno, you don't seem like the single type." What is this boy up to. Maybe this is a dare or something. "What type do I seem like?" "The type to have a bratty girlfriend."

A few jocks walked over to us an sat down, "Why are you sitting with him?" "Cause I'm making new friends." "Okay? Do you know his name?" "Yep, it's Landon." "Wrong, it's Layton." "How do you know Zack?"

"Cause he tutors me, dumbass." "Oh, well I was close." Zack chuckled and sat across from me. Dustin sat next to me and Garrett sat across from Dustin. Theo sat across from Hayden, and I watched tiktok on my phone.

"Hey, your suppose to tryy and be my friend, not ignore me." "I'm not ignoring you, your just not talking." "You are ignoring me, I just asked you a question." "Wow you caught me, now go do something." "I am doing something."

My phone died so I turned to him. "So what did you want." "Are you single?" "Yeah." "Are you a virgin?" "Nope, you act like one." "You look like one." "You walk like one." "You lie like one." "You probably are one." "Am not." "I don't argue with children."

I grabbed his phone and asked Dustin, "What's his birthday?" "October, 12th, 2002." I put in 101202 as the password and it worked. "Dude, could you be any simpler. And your younger than me." "Whatever give it back."

"No way, gotta see what you do." He snatched his phone and stuck put his tongue. "What's so secret on there?" "None of your business." I rolled my eyes, "I've got places to be, and people to fight. See ya later, if I feel like not avoiding you."

"Bye then." I threw my trash away and walked out before accidentally bumping into someone. "Sorry." "Watch it Layton." "Oh, hey bitch." John flicked me off, "Why are you sitting with my friends?"

"They sat with me, still confused on why. Fuck ya later." "No you won't," he grabbed me by my shirt, "Don't go near them again. Or else." "I wasn't planning on it, and get the hell off me."

"Or what?" I punched him in the balls, "Guess you found out." He let go and I flicked him off with a grin. "You sly little fuck, I'm gonna beat your ass later." "I'll be waiting." I jogged outside and walked to the gas station down the road.

"A pack of cigarettes, and the water." I payed for the stuff and smoked on the way back. "Hey you little fucker." "Oh, you following me now?" "Nope, just going to the gas station." "Bye John." "I'll fight you at lunch tomorrow."

"Alright?" I walked back to the school and smoked outside. "Hey loser, whatcha doing?" "What's it look like." "Smoking before class, what did John tell you?"

"Why you worrying? It's my business." "Fine then, I'll ask him myself." "You do that." I threw the bud down and squished it with my shoe. I walked in and he walked next to me.

"What are you doing?" "Can I not walk next to someone?" "Nope." "Aww come on, I'm not doing anything." "Fine." "Haha, thanks shorty." We walked to class and I ignored him.

Then some guy stopped me, "Don't you listen? John said-" "Look I know what John said, but he's the one who keeps coming to me." "What did John say?"

"Nothing." "Tell me, I wanna know Laytonnn." "Ask him yourself, I'm going to class." I walked in and sat down in the back but of course Hayden sat next to me. "Don't listen to John, he's just jealous."

"Cool." This guy is so persistent. He rested his head on my shoulder and I got a lot of stares. "Get off." "Why? I'm very comfortable." "Cause I don't like people staring at me." "Get used to it."

I rolled my eyes and put my head on my desk. "Dude, I was using your shoulder." "I know, I don't care." He leaned onto my back with his and said, "Your very mean." "Your very persistent." "Can we be friends now?"

"Nope." "Come on, I'm a great friend." "Says who?" "Me, myself, and I." I smiled a little and the teacher came in. "Alright kids, it's last period so after this we can go home. Hayden why are you laying on Layton?"

"Cause I wanna." "You dating now?" "No, he's my friend." "You wishhhh." "See, he won't accept my friendship." "Well get off him then." "Why?" "So I know your listening."

He sat up and stretched, which made his shirt go up a little and I saw a bit of his abs. "So on with the lesson, today we aren't really going to do much. Just talk if you want, I'll be on my phone."

A group of kids walked back to us and I rolled my eyes. "Stop rolling your eyes Layton." "Make me." "Which way?" I covered my face with my hand to hide my blush and smile. "So why are you trying to be HIS friend?"

"Cause he seems cool, is there a problem?" "No, he's just bitchy." "So are you." "The fuck did you say to me Layton?" "Are you deaf? I said your bitchy too." "I'll fuck you up." "Then do it already."

"Will you two shut up?" "Y-yes we will." The guy said. The group sat down in sears around us and talked to Hayden. My phone was at 70% and I got a call. "Yeah?" "Can you pick me up? Like now." "Why? What did you do?"

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