Out of All the Mates I Got a Werewolf

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Hello this is my first real book

Please leave me comments so I can make my book better and don’t forget to vote and fan. This is fiction and sorry if any parts offend you.

Prologue(The Prophecy)

There was a child created by Mother Nature given the name Isabella. Mother Nature then gave the child to zeus and hera to watch over Isabella. 

When Isabella was 3 days old Hades wanted to make zeus furious so he sent some of his minions to take Isabella and bring her back to him. When Isabella was in the hands of Hades he locked her in his dungeon so he could marry her when she got older.

When Hera found out about this she was not happy and since she is the goddess of child-birth, marriage, women, and the goddess of all gods she took the child from Hades and brought the child back to her husband Zeus. Zeus and Hera then put some of their blood into Isabella and raised her until she was five.{The reason they put blood into her is to say it’s theirs officially by law like a birth certificate.}

Isabella had great powers from the mighty god zeus in her system and everyone wanted to take her and raise her as their own so they could overtake each other and rule the world, that’s when  the war between the mystical creatures broke loose.

The angels came and got Isabella to take them back to their world where she would be safe, there they entered their blood in Isabella so she could sense darkness.

The Vampires heard of Isabella and they wanted to rule Earth and have human slaves to feed off of so they took her causing mass destruction. When the vampires went back to their world they injected some blood into her and at the age 5 ½ they taught her how to kill werewolves and feed off of humans.

The werewolves were so mad at the Vampires for making Isabella a blood sucker they wanted Isabella so she could wipe out the Vampires and Earth and would be well protected. The werewolves began a big battle for Isabella against the Vampires and the werewolves won so they entered their blood into her. Isabella still had traces of Vampire blood but the blood from the Werewolves cancelled her blood thirsty trait.

This riot over Isabella continued as she had blood in her system  from hunters {Kill werewolves}, elementals {Control the elements},shape shifters {Shape into different forms of animals}, Mermaids, and the other 12 gods.

Zeus took Isabella and saw that she was strong enough to wipe out mount Olympus earth, and eventually the whole entire galaxy with all the royal blood she had from the species that injected blood into her. Zeus and Hera decided it would be best if they gave Isabella back to her original mother, Mother Nature.

Once everyone heard that Isabella was with Mother Nature the royals of the species went to go get her claiming Isabella was theirs to keep. Mother Nature then thought of the danger Isabella would be in if they came and took her. Mother Nature didn’t want this life for  Isabella, so she sent Isabella down to two beta werewolf couples who she thought could take care of Isabella and protect her from harm.

Mother Nature made Isabella start the birth over in the female werewolf’s womb so if the royals went looking for her she would not be born yet and it would be harder to track Isabella, Mother Nature let Isabella keep the powers so if the royals were to find her she could protect herself from them.

When the royals of each species and the 12 gods came looking for Isabella Mother Nature told them she had killed Isabella because of the harm to come. Mother Nature made a copycat Isabella so the royals and the gods would believe that Isabella was forever gone. Not everyone believed that Mother Nature would kill her own but she had proof so they believed her but still had their doubts.

Everyone went back to their own worlds not knowing that Isabella was alive but was on Earth.


Leave me a comment by tonight so I can see if I want to continue this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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