Chapter one: Why?

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A/N hey! Ok so this is our first time writing a fanfic so comments will help! Let's hope it's not to bad;)

"Hermione Granger." Professor Dumbledore says.
It doesn't even register, but when it does I'm just as astonished as everyone else.
"There's no turning back" I hear Ginny cry as I walk up.
"But... But... Professor, it's only my fourth year-" I stuttered,"I didn't even put my name in!"
I was shocked, but by the look on Dumbledore's face, I could tell he was just as surprised as me. All I was thinking is why me?
Of course Ron kissed Lavender on the train and was furious with me. To make it worse, now I'm am a Hogwarts triwizard champion in grave danger. Today Draco flashed me a smile....He's up to something. Mudblood, I thought.But there are more important things to think about.

"Hermione Granger."
No.No.Please no. I ran to the the bathroom and splashed my face with cool water. This can't be happening! I just want to punch Ron but at the same time I just want to hug Hermione. I need to tell her. No, I have to wait. And you know what? My father is NOT going to hear about this. (A/N hehe see what I did there😂) Well I know that if it really matters I can leave the punching to Hermione, I learned the hard way that she's good at that. (a/n there I go again) No. There's more important things.
When I get back in the main room it's total kaous. Overall Hermione just looked stressed out. Some people congratulating her, others saying they were sorry, and others I guess just kept it to themselves. I just leave. I need to sort out my thoughts. As I left, I heard Goyle yell "How's the mud-blood a champion?" I turn, but I don't say anything. I am too tired.Once I get to the common room, I chuck my tie in my trunk. I don't want to be a Slytherin.

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