Fcking hanahaki disease

74 8 29

Cringe alert or something



Oh God

look at him

he's so beautiful

his smile

his eyes

his body


he shines like a star in the sky

his hair

his soft red hair

his sweet teeth


I want him to be just mine

my little star in the big sky

I want him to be always close to me

his touch

I haven't come meet a nicer touch in my life

his lips

beautiful lips

I want to kiss them

I think they have a peach flavor

I want to find out about it

but I know life will not bring me this happiness

won't connect me to him

I hate it 

why can't I be happy

why do I have to cry on my pillow every night repeating in pain "he doesn't love me" 

why can't I just be happy with him 

why life must be brutal for me 

so brutal that my love for him makes me die 

I can die

I can die 

I can die

by fucking flowers that grow out of my lungs 

fucking flowers 

fucking flowers

fucking flowers 

they come out of my throat with the blood 

why me 

why me 

why me 

why I love him so much 

so much that because of him, I put my life in the last place

he sees me as his friend 

I see him as my crush 

he probably never thought about love for me 

I think about it often l

too often

I am often jealous of him 

too often 

then my throat starts to hurt 

heart too 

flower petals come out of the throat 

from heart come out only feelings

these feelings that make us cry 

we cry 

we're sad 

then I cry too

and I'm sad too

and I wonder "what should I do to get closer to him?"

"What am I doing wrong?"

"Why he always call Me only "bro"?"

"Why that so hurt..?"

I really love him 

I lost my mind 

but he behaves normally 

he knocks on my room every day 

greets with his beautiful smile 

offers me a joint trip to school 

then we leave the dorm 

we're having a conversation about everything and nothing 

then we enter the school 

then to the classroom 

we sit down close to each other 

and the lesson begins 

I love it 

getting to the bottom of it

I really love him but I can die 

because of him and the hanahaki

fucking hanahaki disease 

I can die 

I can die... 

choke on flowers 

or erase all memories of him and live 

live and forgot about my lover .. 

I can't live like this so I prefer to die 

die for you, Eijiro.


Słowa: 456

Wiem że niektóre zdania mogą być bez sensu ale uzywalem trochę tłumacza i trochę z głowy więc tak wyszło 

Więc tak

Jak wam się podoba?

Jakby ktoś pytał to było z perspektywy Bakugou choć to widać chyba po fragmencie z włosami a potem z zębami 

Ale w każdym razie to ten one shot możliwe że zostanie na dłużej bo nie wygląda tak cringeowo przynajmniej z mojej perspektywy bo jest po angielsku XDD

Więc tak 

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