Chapter 25*

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How about this one? I hold up another small dress color. Then look towards another.

No I like this one better.

Or I should go with a different color scheme.

No bright colors.

"Meredith!!!!" I scream.

"What is it?"

I stay silent. She'll come up eventually.

"What do you want?"

She'll get the hint.

"Melody!" She yells once more waiting for my answer.

I stay silent. When I start to hear stomping up the stairs.

"What do you want from me! I thought you were in danger or in trouble or something."

"Well if you would stop yelling I would have told you by now."

She doesn't say anything but has an annoyed look on her face.

"I will have you know that I am in trouble, In fact i'm in grave danger."

Her face changed from annoyed to worried. "Why what's wrong?" She scans me at the door quickly trying to figure out what's wrong.

"I don't know what to wear!" I let out a huff.

"You called me in here. To ask me what you wanted to wear?"

"Well yeah."

"You took time out of my day. while i thought you were dying so i could come and help you chose an outfit?"

"Well when you put it that way-"

"I'm already here this is the first and the last time I'm doing this until your wedding." She points a finger at me. "My second wedding." i mutter to myself.

Five minutes later I decided to go with the first dress I had chosen.

"Your a lifesaver."

"I know, but never again."

She stops and turns around.

"I'm sorry about everything going on with you and Derek. Also for all of your trouble of helping me find a dress here's 20 dollars for pizza." I hand her the money.

"Thanks for the cash."

FOR GOOD ♡ MARK SLOANWhere stories live. Discover now