When he comes home crying to you

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Y/n's Pov :

Currently I'm sitting on the living room, watching dramas and waiting for my husband Kim Taehyung. Me and Taehyung are married for 1 and half years. It was a love marriage. He always open up to me. Same goes for me. He is a sensitive person also have anger issues.

Yesterday I got to know I'm 2 weeks pregnant. I'm so excited to tell him that. I want to tell him that in a special way. So, currently I'm waiting for him to come back.

It's almost night, time for him to coming back. The door opened, I know it's Taehyung. I looked up to see, before I look up he ran towards me and started sobbing hardly.

I was so shocked what happened. I quickly hugged him back and made him sit on the coach with me.

You : Tae what happened?

He didn't answer, sobbing continuously. Now I'm getting more afraid.

You : Tae, come on. Are you hurt baby? What happened?

Again pin drop silence. You Also started crying with him.

You : Tell me baby. Did something happened?

I pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears. I hold his both cheeks and made him look at me.

You : Look at me baby.

He slowly looked at me. My heart clenched at this sight. I hate seeing my love cry.

You : What happened baby?

He tried to tell me but it's like his throat is not letting him to speak.

You : Take a deep breath baby and drink the water.

I said as I handed him the water. He gulped the water and looked at me.

You : Ta-

He again hugged me tightly, started crying again.

You : Will you tell me what happened?

He was about to speak when his mom called at my phone. I quickly picked it.

Your pov :

Mrs.kim : Y/n tell Taehyung that we found Yeontan, so don't worry okay?
You : Yeontan was lost?
Mrs.kim : Yes, don't worry we found him.
You : Ok mom.

You said as you cut the call and glaring at Taehyung.

You : Don't tell me it was the reason you were crying?

He nodded and started crying again.

You slapped his arms lightly and hugged him tightly.

You : I will kill you tomorrow, for now I'm not gonna do anything.

Taehyung looked at you as he started to speak-

Taehyung : You k-now I got af-raid when I he-ard Yeonta-n get lo-st. M-y heart stopp-ed beating y/n.

He said and started crying again.

You : They find him Taehyung, don't worry. I know you love him more than anything. He is fine now. Stop crying.

Taehyung : Y/niieeee. I thought I lost him.

He said and agaaaiinn started sobbing hardly.

You pulled him and kissed him harshly.

You : Stop crying or else I will surely kill you. Tomorrow we will go to meet him. Okay?

Taehyung : Really y/n. I love you baby.

-He said and wiped his tears and hugged you for the 9th time this day.

You : Yeah yeah.

-You said as you hugged him back.

'Tomorrow you're dead Mr.kim for making me worried like hell'

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