All rights reserved. No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. this book is a work of fiction,names,characters,places and incidents are either products of the authors imagination or used fictitiously. any resemblances I actual events, locales or persons,living or dead,is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical,without permission in writing from the author. According to the Wattpad legal rules : The copyright holder retains all the rights provided by copyright law, such as distribution, performance, and creation of their work. In some ways, you have total control over your story, but since copyright doesn't give you a complete monopoly, others can still use your story in certain ways, by including short excerpts in reviews and rec, creating fan art or covers for you, etc.
So therefore, copy this story in any way, your basically signing your own death warrant.
"So let me get this straight," the police officer starts, "you and this young man dressed in a banana suit hijacked an old woman's car, kidnapped a penguin from the San Francisco Zoo, spray painted the Statue of Liberty pink, stole a seventeen million dollar watch from the President of the United States, gave Shamu, the killer whale at Seat World, Vodka, managed to do all this in 72 hours," He stared at me with disbelief, "and you ma'ma did this because you were told there was gonna be cake?"
"Chocolate cake to be exact," I fold my arms and slouch my back onto the interrogation chair, "and in my defense it was for a good cause. Can you imagine how that poor cake would feel?"
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Culprit #1:
Eliana Montesano
5'7 with size 11 shoes
Blonde hair
Brown eyes
Smells like blueberry waffles
Culprit #2:
Angelo O'Sullivan
6'2 with straight teeth
Brown hair
Blue eyes
Speaks fluent sarcasm
I Was Told There'd Be Cake
Humor"So let me get this straight," the police officer starts, "you and this man dressed in a banana suit hijacked an old woman's car, kidnapped a penguin from the San Francisco Zoo, spray painted the Statue of Liberty pink, stole a seventeen million dol...